Related list filter servicenow

Use the following steps to create a relationship record.

  1. Click System Definition > Relationships.
  2. Click New.
  3. Specify the relationship record fields. Table 1. Relationship record fields. Field. Description. Name. Type the name of the related list.
  4. Click Submit.

Related lists appear on forms and show records in tables that have relationships to the current record. Users can view and modify information in related lists like any other list. Administrators can configure related lists to appear on forms and in hierarchical lists by configuring a form.

how to query in a related list ?

  1. [function refineQuery[current, parent] {
  2. current. addQuery[‘subscription’, parent. profile ];
  3. }][current, parent];

How do I export a related list in ServiceNow?

The trick here is to right-click on the filter within the related list and select “Open in Window”. Once the related list is in a new window it can be exported. Enjoy!

How do I enable export option in Servicenow?

Once you’ve added the ‘Export‘ menu option for related lists as shown above, you can add options for the specific types of export options within the menu. Here is the setup for the ‘XML’ export option which you can add by navigating to ‘System UI -> UI Context Menus’ in your left navigation pane.

What is export set in ServiceNow?

Exporting Data with Sys IDs

ServiceNow provides a number of ways to export data from the platform. All of these methods are simple to use, but something that isn’t always obvious is how to include the Sys ID value associated with a record in the export.

  1. Suppress filters and breadcrumbs with list controls.
  2. Use script includes to suppress filters and breadcrumbs.
  3. Increase the allowed number of breadcrumb entries.

Exporting Device Data in CSV and Excel Formats

  1. From the Service Now navigation tree, select Administration > Service Now Devices. The Service Now Devices page appears.
  2. Select the device whose data you want to export, and select Export Devices from either the Actions list or the right-click menu.
  3. Export the device information:

How do I export ServiceNow incidents to excel?

You can select any column header. From the context menu select Export and select the output format of the file [Excel, CSV, XML, etc] as shown below. 3] On click on the output format, ServiceNow will display a popup dialog and start exporting the data in the format you have selected.

How do I extract a ticket from ServiceNow?

Right-click on the Data_Pump_for_TSI. zip and select Extract All to open the Extract Compressed [Zipped] Folders dialog. Click Browse and select the folder where you want to install the ServiceNow connector. Click Extract to install the integration.

How do I import data from ServiceNow to excel?

Example Import

  1. Step 1: Create Excel File. Here is an example excel file.
  2. Step 2: Load Data. Login as an administrator.
  3. Step 3: Transform Map. Transform Map.
  4. Step 4: Transform! After your Import Set, Transform Map, and Transform Script are ready.
  5. Step 5: Review Results.

How do I import data into ServiceNow table?

To load data from a data source into a staging table, use the Application Navigator in the main ServiceNow browser window to open System Import Sets > Load Data. The configuration options vary depending on the Data Source. In the example, the Data Source is an Excel file.

Import sets. The import sets are used to import the data in ServiceNow from external sources like excel, JDBC, etc. The data is imported in the ServiceNow and then, mapped in the relevant ServiceNow tables. The data can be imported manually one time, or we can schedule the periodic import to happen automatically.

You can then work with live ServiceNow data in Excel. In Excel, open the Data tab and choose From Other Sources -> From Microsoft Query. Choose the ServiceNow DSN. Select the option to use Query Wizard to create/edit queries.

In Excel, go to the Data tab. Click From Other Sources, and then click From Data Connection Wizard. In the opened dialog, select ODBC DSN and click Next to continue. Now select a data source you want to connect to, and click Next.

a regular weather report that concentrates on details of amounts of snow and conditions at ski resorts.

The Snowiest Ski Resorts in Europe, North America and Worldwide

Ski Resort Forecast Ctry Report
Engelberg Switz. Snow Report
Presena Italy Snow Report
Grouse Mountain Canada Snow Report
Timberline USA Snow Report

What is a snow base?

The “base” in a snow report gives an average depth of how many inches of snow the resort has over its skiable terrain, as opposed to fresh-fallen snow. “Corn” means wet, granular snow, a condition usually occurring in spring and easy for novices to navigate.

How do you make snow?

Mix together 1 pound of baking soda, and slowly add shaving cream until you reach the perfect snowy consistency. Let kids knead the fake snow with their hands until it’s all combined. Baking soda and water. Pour 1 cup of baking soda into a bowl, and add water one tablespoon at a time.


February 3, 2022



April 15, 2020

### Description
Present related records while viewing the main record in a tabbed interface. By default, ServiceNow provides a link to a list and form page to view the related records. The Related List widget queries a record and displays its related list without an additional action. You can customize and style this widget using the available instance options and associated custom templates.

### Instance Options| Option  | Property | Comments | Default Value | Source || ----- |:-----:| ---- | ---- | ---- || Template | `title` | Allows for customization of the title. | `Default value` | Instance || Omit Related List Tables | `omit_related_list_tables` | Comma-separated list of tables to omit from display of Related Lists. | Default value` | Instance || Page | `page` | Allows for customization of the title. | `Default value` | Options Schema || Column Classes | `col-classes` | This is the bootstrap class ‘col-class’ which will evaluate the number of columns the buttons will span. | `Default value` | Instance |### Templates| Name | Comments || -------- |:---|

| `nr-related-list-default.html` | Sets the standard default template. |

Defined Related Lists can be a very simple and useful tool to provide users with information in a related list directly on a form [even if that information is not directly associated with the record being viewed]. The Service-now wiki contains documentation on this topic so I won’t cover that here. The point of this article is to point out something that often gets overlooked when working with Defined Related Lists and to share a few Defined Related Lists that I’ve used in the past.

One of the familiar defined related lists is the ‘Incidents by Same Caller’ list that you can display at the bottom of your incident form. The name says it all, but it looks something like this…

If you navigate to ‘System Definition -> Relationships’ and open up the ‘Incidents by Same Caller’ relationship record you’ll see that it uses the following query to produce the resultant related list…

current.addQuery['caller_id', parent.caller_id];

But what happens when we set the Caller field with an empty value?

The image above shows that you’ll get exactly what you’re supposed to get, but probably not what you want. Depending on your setup, there might not be a whole lot of value in showing a list of incidents with no caller…at least at the bottom of your incident form. The solution to this is to filter out any records where the field you are querying is empty. In this case, we want to filter out any records where the Caller field is empty like this…

current.addQuery['caller_id', parent.caller_id];

Adding the ‘addNotNullQuery’ line gives us the result we would expect at the bottom of our incident form.

Here are a few other examples of defined related lists I have implemented in the past. Please share any defined related lists you have come up with by commenting on this post below!

Approval – Affected CIs –Shows a list of Affected CIs for the task being approved at the bottom of an approval form. Name: Affected CIs Applies to table: Approval [sysapproval_approver] Queries from table: CIs Affected [task_ci]

Query with:

current.addQuery['task', parent.sysapproval];

All Request Attachments –Shows a list of attachments from the parent request, request item, and catalog task records on a catalog task form. Name: All Attachments Applies to table: Catalog task [sc_task] Queries from table: Attachment [sys_attachment]

Query with:

var qc = current.addQuery['table_sys_id', parent.sys_id];
qc.addOrCondition['table_sys_id', parent.request_item.sys_id];
qc.addOrCondition['table_sys_id', parent.request_item.request.sys_id];

All Request task and Approval Attachments –Shows a list of attachments from the parent request, request item, catalog task, and approval records on a request item form. Name: All Attachments Applies to table: Requested item [sc_req_item] Queries from table: Attachment [sys_attachment]

Query with:

//Current record Attachments
var qc = current.addQuery['table_sys_id', parent.sys_id];

//Request Attachments

qc.addOrCondition['table_sys_id', parent.request.sys_id];

//Catalog Task Attachments

var tsk = new GlideRecord['sc_task'];
tsk.addQuery['request_item', parent.sys_id];
var tskIDArr = [];
var tskIDStr = tskIDArr.join[];
qc.addOrCondition['table_sys_id', 'IN', tskIDStr];

//Approval Attachments

var app = new GlideRecord['sysapproval_approver'];
app.addQuery['document_id', parent.sys_id];
var appIDArr = [];
var appIDStr = appIDArr.join[];
qc.addOrCondition['table_sys_id', 'IN', appIDStr];

//Do not include attachments not associated with a record


Approval Task Attachments –Shows a list of attachments from the associated approval task[s] on an approval form. In addition to displaying attachments for the specific task, this also shows attachments from the parent change request [for change tasks], the parent request item and request [for catalog tasks], the parent request [for catalog items], and the associated child items [for catalog requests]. Name: Approval Task Attachments Applies to table: Approval [sysapproval_approver] Queries from table: Attachment [sys_attachment]

Query with:

//Add attachments for the approval task
var qc = current.addQuery['table_sys_id', parent.sysapproval];

//Add parent task attachments based on the approval task type

var appTask = '';
   appTask = parent.sysapproval.sys_class_name;
if[appTask != '']{
var tsk = new GlideRecord[appTask];

//Check for approval task type and add necessary queries

if[appTask == 'change_task']{
   //Query for attachments from the associated change
   qc.addOrCondition['table_sys_id', tsk.change_request];
else if[appTask == 'sc_task']{
   //Query for attachments from the associated item and request
   qc.addOrCondition['table_sys_id', tsk.request_item];
   qc.addOrCondition['table_sys_id', tsk.request_item.request];
else if[appTask == 'sc_req_item']{
   //Query for attachments from the associated request
   qc.addOrCondition['table_sys_id', tsk.request];
else if[appTask == 'sc_request']{
   //Set up a variable to store item sys_ids
   var items = '';
   //Query for attachments from the associated request items
   var ritm = new GlideRecord['sc_req_item'];
   ritm.addQuery['request', parent.sysapproval];
      items = items + ',' + ritm.sys_id.toString[];
   if[items != '']{
      qc.addOrCondition['table_sys_id', 'IN', items];


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