Remote Desktop win11

JohnGibel-0721 asked Oct 14, '21 | LimitlessTechnology-2700 answered Oct 15, '21

Remote Desktop Connections in Windows 11

After upgrading my Windows 10 desktop to Windows 11, I connected and pinned several of my most used Remote Desktop Connections.

On many connections, I use the IP address, rather than use the actual hostname, because are not domain computers, or servers.

In Windows 10 and earlier versions, it was very easy to rename the connection to a name that was more appropriate such as ABC, XYZ, BackupHost, or MailServer.

How can this be done in Windows 11?

rdp.png [63.8 KiB]
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Reza-Ameri · Oct 15, 2021 at 03:25 PM

How have you done this process in the Windows 10 and what have been changed in the Windows 11?

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LimitlessTechnology-2700 answered Oct 15, '21

Hi @JohnGibel-0721

Can you try this and see how it goes.

Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, point to Remote Desktop Services, and then click Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration.

Under Connections, click the name of the connection that you want to rename.

On the Action menu, click Rename Connection.

In the Rename Connection dialog box, type the new name for the connection, and then click OK.

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