Remove selected item from listbox c#

  1. #1

    if list1.ListIndex <> -1 then List1.Selected(List1.ListIndex) = -1 This is not working. I think because I have MultiSelect on 1. Which I want.

    Wondering if list1.Clear then Add Items again is overkill... or is there some other way ?

  2. #2

  3. #3

    I did. Also = 0.
    List Index seems to be the number of items selected. And setting a value is ignored.

  4. #4

    ListIndex is the index of the last selected item, not the count of selected items.

    For multi-select lists List1.Selected(List1.ListIndex) = False deselects last selected item here ok -- just tested it.

    thinBasic Code:

    1. Private Sub Command1_Click()

    2.     List1.Selected(List1.ListIndex) = True

    3. Private Sub Command2_Click()

    4.     List1.Selected(List1.ListIndex) = False


  5. #5

    I assume that you want to deselect the item rather than remove the selected item. If so then you have your answer. If however you do want to remove the selected item as your thread title states then you have to use the .RemoveItem() method.

  6. #6

    Hi AlexanderBB, If you are asking removing selected items from a multiselect listbox (MultiSelect property set to Simple or Extended or else Style property set to CheckBox), the following code may help. Just check the attached sample if you wish.


    Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Call RemoveSelectedItems(List1) End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Dim i As Integer: For i = 1 To 10: List1.AddItem "Item" & i: Next End Sub Private Sub RemoveSelectedItems(lst As ListBox) Dim selitems As Integer, c As Integer selitems = lst.SelCount For c = 1 To selitems Dim s As Integer For s = 0 To lst.ListCount - 1 If lst.Selected(s) Then _ lst.RemoveItem s: Exit For Next Next lst.ListIndex = -1 End Sub

    Remove selected item from listbox c#
    Attached Files
    • Remove selected item from listbox c# (1.5 KB, 258 views)

    Last edited by PGBSoft; Oct 7th, 2018 at 11:51 AM.

  7. #7

    To remove multiple items start with last item and work backwards. That way you only need 1 loop.


    Private Sub RemoveSelectedItems(lst As ListBox) Dim i As Long For i = lst.ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1 If lst.Selected(i) Then lst.RemoveItem i End If Next End Sub

  8. #8

    Thanks all for the help and replies. Because MultiSelect cannot be used at Run Time I use a checkbox to toggle between two list boxes. As they change my aim is to deselect any selected items (not remove them). {Its the Highlight I want to remove.} lstFrom and lstTo set a Range of Years. lstFrom2 is for non consecutive years (where MultiSelect=1) Here's my code


    Private Sub chkRange_Click() Select Case chkRange Case 0 'Dim I As Integer Frame2.Caption = "Set Range" lstFrom2.Visible = False lstFrom.Visible = True lblFrom.Caption = "From" lstTo.Enabled = True lbTo.Enabled = True If lstFrom.ListIndex <> -1 Then lstFrom.Selected(lstFrom.ListIndex) = False If lstTo.ListIndex <> -1 Then lstTo.Selected(lstTo.ListIndex) = False 'If lstFrom2.ListIndex >= 0 Then 'lstFrom2.Clear ' For I = MinYear To MaxYear 'Me.lstFrom2.AddItem I 'Next ' End If lstFrom2.Selected(lstFrom2.ListIndex) = False '< This not not seem to work Case Else Frame2.Caption = "Multi-Year" lstFrom.Visible = False lstFrom2.Visible = True lstTo.Enabled = False lbTo.Enabled = False lblFrom.Caption = "Years" If lstTo.ListIndex <> -1 Then lstTo.Selected(lstTo.ListIndex) = False End Select End Sub

    I find always one item always remains selected in lstFrom2. I think you guys are wrong, or am I missing something ? My solution is the remmed code, which does what's required (but doesn't seem the best method).

    I also found if listIndex <> -1 then setting it False invokes error 381. But as lstFrom2 is never -1 it avoids that error.

    Last edited by AlexanderBB; Oct 7th, 2018 at 04:42 PM.

  9. #9

    Multiple items can be removed with one forward loop, but need bit work


    Private Sub RemoveSelectedItems(lst As ListBox) Dim s As Integer For s = s To lst.ListCount - 1 If lst.Selected(s) Then _ lst.RemoveItem s: s = s - 1 If s = lst.ListCount - 1 Then Exit For Next End Sub

    Last edited by PGBSoft; Oct 7th, 2018 at 10:21 PM.

  10. #10

    Remove selected item from listbox c#
    Originally Posted by AlexanderBB
    Remove selected item from listbox c#

    I find always one item always remains selected in lstFrom2. I think you guys are wrong, or am I missing something ? My solution is the remmed code, which does what's required (but doesn't seem the best method).

    I also found if listIndex <> -1 then setting it False invokes error 381. But as lstFrom2 is never -1 it avoids that error.

    might not work because the item is only highlighted, not actually selected. However, one or more of those may work. Probably the 4th and/or 5th. 1


    lstFrom2.ListIndex) = -1



    List1.Selected(0) = False: List1.ListIndex = -1



    Dim item As String Dim itemIndex As Integer item = lstFrom2.List(lstFrom2.ListIndex) itemIndex = lstFrom2.ListIndex lstFrom2.RemoveItem itemIndex lstFrom2.AddItem item, itemIndex



    Dim i As Integer: For i = 0 To lstFrom2.ListCount - 1: lstFrom2.Selected(i) = False: Next



    Dim i As Integer: For i = 0 To lstFrom2.ListCount - 1: lstFrom2.Selected(i) = False: Next: lstFrom2.ListIndex) = -1

    Last edited by PGBSoft; Oct 7th, 2018 at 10:58 PM.

  11. #11

    Hi PGB, 1 did nothing, 2 de-selected the last (selected) item only, and 3 did the trick ! I'll change to that as I like it better than my Add Items loop. I see now why the loop is needed (and my original method was flawed).


    Remove selected item from listbox c#