sainy là gì - Nghĩa của từ sainy

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A prominent caste in Punjab which is traditionally a farming community, known to be warriors,highly respected amongst their peers. All the real Sainis are Sikhs the rest are just wannabe fakes.


#1 Whats his last name?
#2 Pabla
#1 Hes a Saini...

sainy có nghĩa là

Saini is a sub-caste within the Indian Caste system. It is derived from "Sini" from the Hindu Story/Epic "Mahabharata". It exists within the heirachy of Kshatriya -> Rajputs -> Saini -> Family Name [Surname]; The surname can be Saini as well.

Sainis are a farming community/caste spread across Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttaranchal and Uttar Pradesh in Northern India. Other than states, members of this group are also found in Maharashtra, Orissa, Chattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.

Like members of other farming castes, Sainis generally used to avoid priestly duties, shopkeeping, or anything else except farming. However, with rapid modernization and urbanization, this is no longer the norm.

With the rise of Sikhism in the fifteenth century, many Sainis converted to the faith so that there is a substantial Sikh Saini population today especially in Punjab and its neighbouring states.


His last name is Budwal, so he's from the Saini caste.

sainy có nghĩa là

A caste originating in India. Also used for an Indian surname.
A person who is unique and beautiful similar to a goddess. Likes to keep things orderly and efficient. Very nice.


Who is that?
Well she is very nice.
Oh she must be a Saini then. I love her dress.
Yeah, it's so what a Saini would wear.

sainy có nghĩa là

Saini are the king of Punjabi and are know as the original sikhs. They are the people who give their money to needy people. They are better know as the zimidar and patwari.


Did you saw the man giving his money to the needy people
His is a Saini

sainy có nghĩa là

anya is the dumbest piece of poop ever. she is also the most amazing girl you will ever meet. low-key if your not friends with anya saini then u suck. anya saini is the most gorgeous person in the whole entire world. no one can out-do her when it comes to gorgeousness. anya saini knows exactly how to bring ur day from a 0 to 100 in a second. EVERYBODY likes her, EVERYBODY likes her BOYS and girls. and if u talk smack about you shell just 'smack' you so don't. anya saini is the most perfect girl in the world. legit, there is not one flaw with anya saini not a single thing. she puts all this makeup but she's actually so naturally pretty anybody would be seriously jealous. anya saini has the best laugh in the world, like oh my gosh it lights up the whole state of california. anya saini is not only so beautiful she also has the best heart and soul. she knows exactly how to cheer you up, she knows when its time to just cry, and they knows exactly when to be crazy. she has such a heart, she's always helping in some way. anya saini is the most incredible girl you will ever meet, once you see her you will never forget anya saini, she leaves a lasting impression, that'll make you think , "wow anya is so incredibly amazing and perfect, i want to be her." happy 14th birthday best friend:]


oh my gosh, you're friends with anya saini? wow you're so lucky. do you know anya saini, she's so pretty, I'm jealous. anya saini is so kind hearted she brightens up my day all the time. I wish I could be anya saini she's perfect.

sainy có nghĩa là

Sainy is a very smart and creative person. She can be annoying but she means no harm she just wants friends. She is the most loyal friend you might ever have. When it comes to lecturing you she is VERY down to earth and sometimes be mean but she or he is just looking out for you. Most sainy’s are Very pretty if you ask me. She can be very cute and nice which makes people fall for her.


Sainy I love you Love you sainy

sainy có nghĩa là

A type of South Asian girl preferably Indian,who is "beautiful". One who is ambitious, loyal, talented ,caring and loves to eat a ton of chocolates. People named Suhani Saini also tend to be incredibly fun to be around, making everyone around them a little happier . At times, she is motivated more by moods and desires than by sound logic and reason, under conditions of stress she could react in advertently in temper or stubbornness that you would regret later. She's everything one wants.


1. You are so lucky that you have "Suhani Saini" as your friend and mentor.
2. I never felt alone from the day I met Suhani Saini.
3. Don't mess with Suhani Saini, she's not in good mood.

sainy có nghĩa là

A very gayish person, who has no looks or brains plus no life, who is a simp and will get girls anything spend all of his money on them just for attention. That snakes on his friends just to act like he's better than them. Priya 2.0 [gay+weird+unwanted]. OVERALL A "FUDDU"


You are sucha Akashpreet Saini!!

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A man with only 2 friends


Three idiots was a classic example of nitin saini friendship

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All time gorgeous. She is unique and beautiful at the same time.


My name is Saini

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