Short film competition IELTS Listening answers

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Section 1 : Questions 1-10

Questions 1-10

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You will hear a man called Tim and a woman called Laura discussing preparations for their holiday.

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Things to do before we go


Collect the currency.

  • Cancel appointment with the 1 [Monday]
  • Begin taking the 2 [Tuesday]
  • Buy 3 , a small bag, a spare 4 , an electrical 5
  • book a 6

Instructions for Laura's mum

  • Feed the cat

Vet's details:

Name: Colin 7

Tel: 8

Address: Fore Street [opposite the 9 ]

  • Water the plants
  • Meet the heating engineer on 10
Section 2 : Questions 11-20

Questions 11-16

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You will hear a talk on local radio about a short film festival in the town of Adbourne.

Choose the correct answerA, B or C.

Adbourne Film Festival


Why was the Film Festival started?

  • A To encourage local people to make films.
  • B To bring more tourists to the town.
  • C To use money released from another project.

What is the price range for tickets?

  • A £1.00-£2.50
  • B 50p - £2.00
  • C £1.50-£2.50

As well as online, tickets for the films can be obtained

  • A from the local library.
  • B from several different shops.
  • C from the two festival cinemas.

Last years winning film was about

  • A farms of the future.
  • B schools and the environment.
  • C green transport options.

This year the competition prize is

  • A a stay in a hotel.
  • B film-making equipment.
  • C a sum of money.

The deadline for entering a film in the competition is the end of

  • A May.
  • B June.
  • C July.

Questions 17-18

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Choose TWO letters, A-E.

What TWO main criteria are used to judge the film competition?

  • A Ability to persuade.
  • B Quality of the story.
  • C Memorable characters.
  • D Quality of photography.
  • E Originality.

Questions 19-20

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Choose TWO letters, A-E.

What TWO changes will be made to the competition next year?

  • A A new way of judging.
  • B A different length of film.
  • C An additional age category.
  • D Different performance times.
  • E New locations for performances.
Section 3 : Questions 21-30

Questions 21-24

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You will hear two undergraduates doing a research methods course - a girl called Leelaand a boy called Jake - having a seminar with their tutor.

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

Research on web-based crosswords


Leela and Jake chose this article because

  • A it was on a topic familiar to most students.
  • B it covered both IT and education issues.
  • C it dealt with a very straightforward concept.

How did Leela and Jake persuade students to take part in their research?

  • A They convinced them they would enjoy the experience.
  • B They said it would help them do a particular test.
  • C They offered to help them with their own research later on.

Leela and Jake changed the design of the original questionnaire because

  • A it was too short for their purposes.
  • B it asked misleading questions.
  • C it contained out-of-date points.

Leela was surprised by the fact that

  • A it is normal for questionnaire returns to be low.
  • B so many students sent back their questionnaires.
  • C the questionnaire responses were of such high quality.

Questions 25-26

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Choose TWO letters, A-E.

What TWO things did respondents say they liked most about doing the crossword?

  • A It helped them spell complex technical terms.
  • B It was an enjoyable experience.
  • C It helped them concentrate effectively.
  • D It increased their general motivation to study.
  • E It showed what they still needed to study.

Questions 27-28

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Choose TWO letters, A-E.

In which TWO areas did these research findings differ from those of the original study?

  • A Students interest in doing similar exercises.
  • B How much students liked doing the crossword.
  • C Time taken to do the crossword.
  • D Gender differences in appreciation.
  • E Opinions about using crosswords for formal assessment.

Questions 29-30

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Choose TWO letters, A-E.

What TWO skills did Leela and Jake agree they had learned from the project?

  • A How to manage their time effectively.
  • B How to process numerical data.
  • C How to design research tools.
  • D How to reference other peoples work.
  • E How to collaborate in research
Section 4 : Questions 31-40

Questions 31-40

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You will hear a postgraduate psychology student talking to other students about a job-satisfaction study he has investigated.

Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Job satisfaction study

Workers involved in the study were employed at a 31

Despite some apparent differences between groups of workers, the surveyresults were statistically 32

The speaker analysed the study's 33 to identify any problemswith it.

The various sub-groups were 34 in size.

Workers in the part-time group were mainly 35

The 36 of workers who agreed to take part in the study wasdisappointing.

Researchers were unable to 37 the circumstances in whichworkers filled out the questionnaire.

In future, the overall size of the 38 should be increased.

In future studies, workers should be prevented from having discussionswith 39

Workers should be reassured that their responses to questionsare 40

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
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