Soạn tiếng anh lớp 10 unit 13 speaking

Lesson PlanDate of planning: March 17th, 2015Name: Phan Thi Diễm QuỳnhDate of teaching: March 26th, 2015Class: 52A- Sư Phạm AnhClass: 10A7Supervisor: Hồ Thị NgaUnit 13: Films and CinemaLesson B: Speaking. ( period 80)I. Objectives:By the end of lesson, Ss will be able to:- Know more about kinds of films and adjectives about feeling.- Ask and answer about films, express the attitudes about a film.- Improve speaking skill.II. Teaching aids:Handout, extra board, textbook, etc.III. Procedures:Time5’ContentI. WARM UP:1. Asks Ss some questions:♥ Do you like watching film?♥ How often do you watch film?2. “Guessing game”Devides class into 2 groups:- Asks member of each group in turn to describe the filmbased on the title written on some pieces of paper.- The other members guess the title of film.- The group has more correct answer is the winner.Example:• The heir:• Hoang hau ki• Vo tac thien• Bong dung muon khoc• Tom & Jerry• Mr. Bean.InteractionGroupworkII. PRE- SPEAKING:8’Task 1: “Find someone who likes...”- Delivers handouts and explains some kinds of film.- Asks Ss to work in groups: ask their friends about howmuch they like each kind of film.Handout:Kind ofVery much Not very much Not at allfilmSciencefictionCartoonHorrorDetectiveThriller- Invites some Ss to report their surveys based on thetable. Begin with: “According to my survey,...”Example:According to my survey, Hoa and Lan like cartoon filmsvery much but Hung doesn’t like it at all....GroupworkII. WHILE – SPEAKING:12’1. Task 2: Find out what your friends feel about eachkind of film and his/ her preferences for films.- Explains and gives more adjectives used to expressemotion:amusing, fascinating, funny, etc.- Asks Ss to work in pair and play game “ LuckyNumber”.- Rules:♥ Each number is a kind of film, apart from a luckynumber.♥ Each pair choses a number & makes coversationabout that kind of film.♥ If they chose Lucky number, they will be receivedgifts, but still have to make conversation.- Gives an example first & then asks Ss to start game.Example:♥ Thriller films:A: Do you like thriller films?B: Yes, it is very interesting/ No, I find them reallyterrifying.Pair work10’8’2’A: What do you think of horror films?B: Oh, It is so boring.A: Which do you prefer, thriller films or horrorfilms?B: Well, I prefer thriller films to horror films./ I likethriller films more than horror films.2. Task 3:- Devides class into 4 groups, gives each group a kind offilm.- Each group choses a film that they have seen and talkabout it in 3 minutes based on the following questions:1. Where did you see it?2. What kind of film is it?3. What is it about?4. Who is/ are the main character(s) ?5. How do you feel it?6. Why do you prefer it to other films?- Then, calls the leader of each group talks about it infront of class.Example:We saw Titanic on TV. It is a love story film. It is about atragic love. Jack and Rose are main characters. It is verymoving, etc.IV. POST – SPEAKING:- Devides class into 4 groups.- Asks Ss to imagine that they are film producers. Eachgroup will create a film based on:1. Name of film.2. Kind of film.3. Content of film.4. Main characters.V. HOMEWORK:- Talk about a film you have seen.- Prepare for new lesson.GroupworkGroupworkWholeclass

Soạn tiếng anh 10 unit 13 speaking

Speaking - Unit 13 trang 134 SGK Tiếng Anh 10.Task 1;Task 2;Task 3;Task 4.Task 2: work in groups.Find out what your friends feel about each kind of the.

✅ Soạn Anh 10: Unit 13. Speaking | Giải Anh 10 - TopLoigiai › soan-anh-10-unit-13-speaking

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✅ Speaking Unit 13 : Films and Cinema | Tiếng Anh 10 trang 134 ... › bai-hoc › speaking-unit-13-films-and-c...

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✅ Speaking - Unit 13 trang 134 SGK Tiếng Anh 10 - Tiếng Anh - Tìm đáp › dapan › speaking-unit-13-trang-134-s...

Speaking - Unit 13 trang 134 SGK Tiếng Anh 10.Task 1;Task 2;Task 3;Task 4.Task 2: work in groups.Find out what your friends feel about each kind ...

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Soạn tiếng anh lớp 10 unit 13 speaking

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kind of film (thể loại phim)very muchnot very muchnot at all
science fiction (khoa học viễn tưởng)  
cartoon (hoạt hình)  
horror (kinh dị)  
detective (trinh thám)  
thriller (giật gân)  

Mỗi bạn sẽ có những sở thích riêng của mình. Các bạn tự đánh dấu √ vào nhé.

Task 2. Work in groups. Find out what your friends feel about each kind of film. Use the words in the table below. (Làm việc nhóm. Tìm xem cảm nhận của các bạn của em về mỗi thể loại phim. Sử dụng các từ trong bảng dưới đây.)


  • A: What do you think of horror films?
  • B: Oh, I find them really terrifying.
  • C: I don't quite agree with you. I find them interesting.
  • A: Bạn nghĩ sao về phim kinh dị?
  • B: Tôi thấy chúng thật kinh khủng.
  • C: Tôi không đồng ý với bạn. Tôi thấy chúng rất thú vị.


  • A: What do you think of action films?
  • D: Oh, I find them really good fun.
  • E: I agree with you and I find them even exciting.
  • A: Bạn nghĩ sao về phim hành động?
  • B: Tôi thấy chúng rất hay.
  • C: Tôi đồng ý với bạn và tôi thấy chúng thậm chí còn rất thú vị.

Task 3. Work with a partner. Find out his/her preferences for films. Use the cues below. (Làm việc với một bạn học. Tìm xem bạn ấy thích thể loại phim nào hơn. Dùng từ gợi ý bên dưới.)

Gợi ý:


  • A: Which do you prefer, horor films or detective films?
  • B: Well, it's difficult to say. But I suppose I prefer detective films to horor ones.
  • A: What about love Story films and cartoons?
  • B: For me, cartoons are more interesting because they give us relaxing minutes after a hard-working day.
  • A: Bạn thích thể loại phim nào hơn, phim kinh dị hay phim trinh thám?
  • B: Thật khó để trả lời. Nhưng tôi nghĩ tôi thích phim trinh thám hơn phim kinh dị.
  • A: Thế còn phim tình cảm và hoạt hình thì sao?
  • B: Đối với tôi, phim hoạt hình hay hơn vì chúng giúp chúng ta có những phút giây thư giãn sau một ngày làm việc vất vả.


  • A : Which do you prefer, detective films or science fiction films?
  • B : Well, it’s difficult to say. But I guess I prefer science fiction films to detective
  • ones.
  • A : What about love Story films and cartoons?
  • B : For me, cartoons are more interesting because they give us relaxing minutes after a hard-working day.
  • A : Well, do you like horror films?
  • B : Oh , no. I think they are terrifying. I remember I had nightmares after I saw a horror films long ago.
  • A: Bạn thích thể loại phim nào hơn, phim trinh thám hay phim khoa học viễn tưởng?
  • B: Thật khó để trả lời. Nhưng tôi nghĩ tôi thích phim khoa học viễn tưởng hơn phim trinh thám.
  • A: Thế còn phim tình cảm và hoạt hình thì sao?
  • B: Đối với tôi, phim hoạt hình hay hơn vì chúng giúp chúng ta có những phút giây thư giãn sau một ngày làm việc vất vả.
  • A: Bạn có thích phim kinh dị không?
  • B: Ồ không đâu. Tôi nghĩ chúng thật kinh khủng. Tôi nhớ tôi đã gặp ác mộng khi tôi xem một bộ phim kinh dị cách đây khá lâu rồi.

Task 4. Work in groups. Talk about a film you have seen. Use the suggestions below. (Làm việc nhóm. Nói về phim em đã xem. Dùng những gợi ý bên dưới.)

  • 1. Where did you see it? (Em xem phim đó ở đâu?)
  • 2. What kind of film is it? (Đó là loại phim gì?)
  • 3. What is it about? (Bộ phim đó nói về điều gì?)
  • 4. Who is/are the main character(s)? (Ai là nhân vật chính trong phim?)
  • 5. How do you feel about it? (Em cảm nhận thế nào về bộ phim ấy?)
  • 6. Why do you prefer it to other films? (Tại sao em thích bộ phim ấy hơn những bộ phim khác?)

Bài viết gợi ý:

Last week we went to see a film called "The Journex" at the city cinema. It was a detective comic film. It wets really good. I was really excited while I was watching it.

Two young Americans found an old car, which was really valuable. An organization was looking for the car, which they didn't want to be known by the police. The young men hadn't known about it at all. When they were driving through cities, suddenly they were shot by somebody. This story began from this scene. They drove with nice technic and speedy. Because they were driving from countryside to big cities, we could see a lot of various beautiful views; for example we could see vast fields, and in cities they showed us their skilful driving between skyscrapers, and played a hoax on the chasers. At last, after a long journey, these young wen took the car to the local authories.

It is a comic film, therefore it can relux our mind by Hiving us a lot of laughters.