Social media handle là gì

A Twitter handle is the username that appears at the end of your unique Twitter URL.

Twitter handles must contain fewer than 15 characters and they appear like so in a visitors browser bar:


A Twitter handle is not the same as a Twitter name. Twitter handles appear after the @ sign in your profile URL and it must be unique to your account. A Twitter name, on the other hand, is simply there to help people find the company theyre looking for.

While choosing a Twitter handle may seem simple, the user base of Twitter only continues to grow. This means that finding the ideal handle on the first try isnt as easy as it once was.

How to Choose an Effective Twitter Handle

Though theres no one-size-fits-all guide for the ultimate Twitter handle, there are best practices to follow. For instance:

  • Use your name: If you have a pre-established business or personal brand, use it. If users have already claimed your title, adding descriptors like Inc, or HQ may help.
  • Avoid numbers and underscores: Twitter handles should be as simple and memorable as possible. Adding numbers and underscores makes your username more complex and harder for followers to find.
  • Be consistent: Use the titles you embrace on other social channels. This will help with cross-promotion and make it easier for followers to track you.
  • Dont stuff your handle with keywords: Its easy to get into the habit of putting keywords everywhere. Unfortunately, keywords in your Twitter handle sometimes look spammy.
  • Keep it short and sweet: Twitter is all about short, instant-impact content. Keep your name small to avoid taking up too much of the character limit when people respond to you or retweet your content.
  • Be careful with The Real: Some celebrity and public figure accounts use The Real as part of the handle. However, the number of fake accounts using this prefix means that its essential to verify your account if you want to stand out.

What to Do If Your Ideal Twitter Handle is Taken

With millions of users already active on Twitter, theres a good chance someone else has your handle.

If you cant access your ideal handle, dont panic. One option is to ask the person who owns your Twitter handle whether you can have it. Alternatively, if you have a trademark on your company name, issue a complaint with Twitter.

Alternatively, make your Twitter handle unique by:

  • Adding HQ or Inc to demonstrate your professionalism.
  • Adding The to the front of your Twitter username.
  • Beginning with a phrase like We Are or The Real if youre Twitter verified
  • Referencing your industry. Many app developers use the word app at the end of their Twitter handle to make it unique.
  • Adding words like Try, Use, Join or Get for service-focused companies
  • Adding terms like Team or Community, i.e. SproutSocialTeam.

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