Splashtop gaming mouse fix

Critical Errors

Windows 10 Crash with BSOD [Blue Screen of Death]

In some cases, when spacedesk is connected over USB tethering connection, the USB driver used by USB tethering network causes a BSOD crash.
Please try to update the Windows USB driver via Windows Update.

Black Screen on Main Monitor

When changing Windows to multimonitor configuration, then sometimes the main display monitor remains detached from the Windows Desktop. Such Black screen Problems sometimes happen on all Windows displays. E.g. this also happens sometimes when working with projectors. This situation can usually be solved easily by changing Windows projector settings using Windows Key + P [where P stands for projector]. Just repeat this key sequence: Windows Key + P Arrow Down Enter.

Known Issues, Problems and Limitations

Incompatible Third Party Products

Windows 10 Desktop Duplication [mirror] option not available

Desktop duplication of primary monitor to other displays is disabled in Windows display settings of Windows 10 with old version of graphics adapter [< WDDM 2.0]. Just download the latest driver version from its website OR if it did not work try to downgrade the graphics driver to Microsoft Basic Display driver via device manager.

Windows 10 old version not supported

Latest spacedesk Windows 10 Driver version now only supports Windows 10 version 1607 and above. Just run winver to check Windows 10 version. If the version is older than version 1607 [Build 14393] just upgrade to Windows 10 version 1607 or above, in order to use the latest spacedesk driver. Use Windows 10 Update Assistant to upgrade Windows 10 to latest version for free, just click here

Windows 8.1 Limitations and Unsupported Features

Multi-GPU Technology such as Nvidia SLI Technology or AMD Crossfire is currently not supported by spacedesk. In case SLI is enabled, spacedesk will not work properly.
Virtual machines are officially not supported by spacedesk driver for Windows 8.1 Primary Machine. It may work on some cases but some problems may occur such as strange mouse pointer behavior, black screen on client, etc.
Nvidia Control Panel crash may also observed while spacedesk is active on Windows 8.1 Primary Machine.
qWave [Quality Windows Audio/Video Experience] Windows Feature unavailablemessage box during installation may observed on Windows Server 2008/2012 primary machine. To install this feature, Open Server Manager -> Add Roles and Features, just click Next until you are on the Features, then check if the box for Quality Windows Audio Video Experience [qWave] features is checked, and if not please check it and install.Then restart your server machine [if required].

Windows 8.1 Crash upon client connect

In very rare Windows 8.1 environments a BSOD crash [Blue Screen of Death] can happen upon connect. Such a system crash is always recoverable because the driver is not yet active during Windows 8.1 system boot time.
Just reboot the primary machine in safemode then uninstall the spacedesk driver. To boot in safemode, press and hold f8 key upon computer reboot and before the windows logo appeared. Then in advanced boot option screen use the arrow keys to select the safe mode option then press Enter key.

Note: Before uninstalling using the spacedesk msi installer on safemode, run a Command Prompt then type the following commands:
Step 1:
for Safemode: REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\MSIServer /VE /T REG_SZ /F /D Service
for Safemode with Network: REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Network\MSIServer /VE /T REG_SZ /F /D Service

Step 2: net start msiserver

Windows 10 Known Issues and Unsupported Features

Nvidia ShadowPlay Current spacedesk version has a known issue with Nvidia ShadowPlay. While Nvidia ShadowPlay [screen record] is active, spacedesk will give an error code 1-2-0 on the viewer side. Just disable it in order to use spacedesk.
Night Light Windows Night Light settings is currently not supported on spacedesk displays.

Network Connection

Cannot discover Primary Machine

Step 1: Different Network Segments

If Primary Machine and Secondary Machine are in different network segments, then they cannot discover each other. However, they may still be able to connect. In that case try to add the IP address to detect the primary machine by clicking the + button.

To get the IP address of the Primary machine please check the above chapter Establishing the network connection .

Step 2: third party firewall software

In case the above steps did not help, then a third party firewall software [other than Windows Firewall] could still prevent detection. Please check this chapters paragraph Firewall Settings below.

Step 3: WiFi routers network isolation active

In case all above steps still did not help, and if this is happening on a wireless network, then there might be one other remaining problem: WiFi routers network isolation feature might be activated. The only solution for this is re-configuring the router.

Step 4: VPN [Virtual Private Network] enabled

Just refer to the VPN topic below.

Step 5: Alternative ways to connect

If all above connection attempts failed. Try USB Tethering or Wifi Direct / Hotspot setup to establish a network connection between Primary and Secondary machines.

Connection Error

This shows that the primary machine can be reached over the network but connection fails after the indicated connection time. Possible reasons are the following:

Unstable network connection
Error on spacedesk Primary Machine
Nvidia ShadowPlay [screen record] is running which is a known issue at the moment.
Virtual Private Network [VPN] enabled

Firewall Settings on Primary Machine

Third party firewall

If there is a third-party firewall software or anti virus [eg Avast, AVG, etc.] with own firewall settings running on Primary Machine, then this can prevent spacedesk discovery and connection.

Please ensure that C: \ Windows \ System32 \ spacedeskService.exe is allowed through the firewall software or the spacedesk TCP / IP network protocol port is opened. spacedesk is using TCP port 28252.

Windows firewall

Please ensure that the Windows Firewall settings is correct. For details please check chapter Setup Primary Machine Verify if setup was successful .

VPN [Virtual Private Network]

On some situations, having a VPN connection present on either primary or secondary machine prevents the network discovery process between spacedesk server and client, which results to Cannot Detect Primary Machine or Error code 1-0 in spacedesk viewer apps.
There are various workaround that can fix this problem without completely disabling the VPN connection.
1. If VPN app has user interface with configuration settings that will let users select a specific apps to not use VPN, just add the C:\Windows\System32\spacedeskService.exe on this exception list.
2. Run ncpa.cpl, right-click the Ethernet or WiFi network icon then open the Properties window. Click on the Sharing tab and check the Allow other network users to connect through this computers internet connection box.

Windows PC [Primary Machine]

spacedesk Server Status

Check if spacedeskService is operating. Make sure that spacedesk service has started and spacedesk System Tray icon [at the bottom right of the screen] is visible in taskbars notification area and turned ON. For details, please check chapter above Setup Primary Machine Verify if Setup was Successful .

Server OFF or ERROR

spacedesk server can be enabled and disabled via spacedesk server user interface menu. In case viewer app cannot discover / connect to the server, make sure that this menu is ON.
spacedesk server can be in ERROR state if spacedesk Graphics Adapter in device manager has yellow exclamation mark which indicates an error in driver. Check in C: \ Windows \ system32 \ drivers \ UMDF directory if spacedeskDisplayUmode1_x.dll is present then try to disable-enable the driver in device manager and try to switch ON in spacedesk server user interface menu.

For Windows 8.1 primary machine, check for spacedeskHookKmode.sys in C: \ Windows \ system32 \ drivers directory, then reboot.

For Windows 10 [version 1607 later] primary machine, open Device manager and check below Display Adapters if spacedesk Graphics Adapter is installed correctly and enabled.

Incompatible Display Hook Driver Detected

Step 1:Check if system tray bubble reports incompatible display hook driver

This error message indicates that another WDDM filter hook display driver is present on the system.

Step 2:Uninstall known products using incompatible display hook drivers

This is usually installed by a USB-Display or Zero-Client of the following brands:

Display Link, Duet Display, Fresco Logic, MCT, Microchip/SMSC, OSBase, Splashtop XDisplay and Extended Display HD, etc.

Display hook drivers are not standard Windows drivers. All products relying on such drivers are incompatible with each other. They cannot coexist on the same system. This includes spacedesk.

Uninstall the other product / hook driver detected, then reboot the spacedesk server machine and try to connect spacedesk client again.

Step 3:Check if incompatible products did not uninstall OSBase driver

Various products using the OSBase driver do not properly remove it upon uninstall [e.g Duet Display, Fresco Logic, etc.]. After uninstalling their product, the leftovers of the OSBase driver still need to be removed manually following the instructions below:

  • Go to Control Panel -> Add Remove Programs . If you can find OSBase display driver software, uninstall it.
  • Check if OSBASE drivers are installed by running the following commands:
    • sc query ddkmd
    • sc query ddkmdldr
    • sc query ddmgr
  • If installed, uninstall OSBASE drivers by running the following commands:
    • sc stop ddmgr
    • sc delete ddmgr
    • sc delete ddkmdldr
    • sc delete ddkmd
  • Reboot your PC.

Repair spacedesk Driver Setup

Installation repair can be done by running the same msi installer version then select Repair button. Or just go to Windows Control panel Programs and Features then search for spacedesk Driver, right-click then repair. This procedure only applies for Windows 10 primary machine only.


Detached Second Display.

In case of gray or black screen in Windows desktop application or always connecting status on HTML5 VIEWER or Display OFF message showing in Android/iOS VIEWER, click the spacedesk Server window on the task bar and check if status of the device on Network Connections [remote] tab is detached then open the windows display settings of the server machine. Just select Display Settings in spacedesk Server window menu button then try to attach it by selecting extend or duplicate.

Mirror mode failed.

For Windows 8.1 primary machine, if desktop extension is working but duplication is always failing, make sure that the Settings Resolutions Other Screen Resolution of Windows VIEWER OR the Advanced Performance Options Custom Resolution of HTML5 VIEWER OR the Settings Resolution of Android VIEWER, OR Settings Display Custom Resolutions of iOS VIEWER should matched the native resolution of the primary machines monitor.

For Windows 10, if duplicate option is not available in Display settings try to update the graphics adapter by Windows Update or manual download of driver from official website.

If duplication is still not available after driver update, then its probably because the driver does not support mirror mode anymore. Please refer to Known issues chapter below for Mirror mode not supported.

Clear All Display Settings.

In case display is in wrong settings [orientation, screen resolution, display detached] upon client connect, try the Clear All display Settings option in spacedesk System Tray menu.

Viewer Device [Secondary Machine]

Check Viewer App version

Make sure that the VIEWER version is updated. To check just open the Settings About of Android / iOS / Windows viewer app. While in HTML5 Viewer page, current version is displayed on the page below. Then compare the version on the viewer to the current version on the spacedesk website.


Step 1: Delete cached files, images and cookies of web browser.

If spacedesk HTML5 VIEWER web page doesnt load the latest version 0.9.10, just delete the cached files, images and cookies on browsers settings.

Step 2: check if the web browser supports websockets.

If the spacedesk HTML5 VIEWER is unable to connect, check the version of the web browser and make sure that it is updated. If the secondary machine is a smartphone or tablet device the browser and OS needs to be most recent versions supporting websockets. Just go to //websocketstest.com/ to verify.

Connection Error

Error Code: 1 & Error Info: 0

This error code and info indicates that the viewer cannot find the Windows server on the network. Mostly, this is caused by Virtual Private Network [VPN] enabled on the primary machine. For more details, kindly refer to the Troubleshooting Network connection Connection Error chapter above.

Error Code: 1-2-3 & Error Info: 0-3-5

This error indicates that the primary machine can be reached over the network but connection fails after the indicated connection time. Check the Connection Error chapter discussed above.

[android] [iOS]

These error message box also shows the connected time, it indicates how long the viewer is connected before it disconnects. And in case procedures did not help, just report this error code sequence to spacedesk support.


Custom Screen Resolutions

On iOS and Android viewer, custom screen resolutions available on settings are only those not bigger than the devices native screen resolution. This is due to the black screen problem observed when switching to higher resolution. On Windows and HTML5 viewers Settings Resolutions Other/Custom Screen Resolutions, supported resolutions is up to 4096×2160.

Performance in HTML5 VIEWER

HTML5 VIEWER is much slower than native viewer apps on Android, iOS and Windows. This is due to technical limitation of HTML5/Javascript.

Slow screen update on Windows VIEWER.

There are some cases that the rendering of screen update in Windows VIEWER is very slow. One of the possible reason is that Windows client machine only has a DirectX 9 graphics driver. It is recommended to upgrade to DirectX 10 above graphics driver to achieve better performance.

Multiple Display

As of now, spacedesk supports simultaneous connection of up to sixteen additional displays.
Up to sixteen Android, or iOS, or Windows VIEWERs
One HTML5 VIEWER web browser application for any device and operating system e.g. Mac OS X and Linux

HTML5 VIEWER on Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge not supported.

spacedesks HTML5 VIEWER is currently not supported in Mozilla Firefox web browsers due to performance limitations. Please use other web browsers recommended in system requirements chapter.

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