Tapescript Tiếng Anh 11 thí điểm

Bổ sung thêm tài liệu Tiếng Anh tham khảo dành cho giáo viên, Thích Tiếng Anh chia sẻ “Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 11 cơ bản thí điểm đầy đủ UNIT (bản WORD)”. Tài liệu được biên soạn theo chương trình SGK mới (thí điểm) khối lớp 11, có đầy đủ 16 bài (unit), tài liệu bản WORD dễ dàng cho thầy cô chỉnh sửa biên soạn tài liệu ôn tập tham khảo.

Tham khảo thêm

Trích từ tài liệu

  • To introduce English 11
  • To motivate learners, prepare them to get ready for the new school
    1. Skills: To test Ss’s language skills
    2. Attitudes: – To encourage Ss to work harder

– To provide Ss some motivation

    1. Teacher: – Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

– Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

  1. Students: – Read through English 11 at home
  1. Class organization (1 minute)
  2. Check up (omitted)
  3. New lesson (40 minutes)
1.  Warm up:

Introduces herself to the students

Asks some students to introduce themselves:

What’s your name?

Do you like English?

Do you find English easy or difficult?

Which is the easiest, the most difficult? reading, speaking, listening, or writing?

Why do you learn English?

How long have you learned English? Are you good or bad at English?

2.  The text- book English 11

the 1st term

*           Unit 1- Unit 6: 8 parts for each unit: getting started, language, reading, speaking, listening, writing,  communication and culture and looking back & project

*    Review 1, 2

*    Test yourself 1

*    Written tests: 6: 15’(3) 45’(2) end- term (1) the 2nd  term:

*           Unit 7- Unit 12: 8 parts for each unit: getting started, language, reading, speaking, listening, writing,  communication and culture and looking back & project

*    Review 3, 4

*    Test yourself 2

*    Written tests: 6: 15’(3) 45’(2) end- term (1)

3. Teacher’s demand


*  Text – book English 11

*  Work – book English 11 At home:

*  Prepare for the new lessons: content, structures, words and phrases, pronunciation

*  Revise the old lessons + do all the homework At class:

Do as appointed

Listen Take notes

Listen Take notes

*  Participate in all activities

*  Keep the discipline

4. Students’ assessment (5 mins) What do you find your English? Very good                 Excellent:

Good:                        Average:

Bad:                          Very bad:


Do as appointed

  1. Consolidation (3 mins) – English test book 11
  2. Homework: (1 min) – Read unit 1 – getting started at home


……………………………………………………… THE END ………………………………………………………..

Date of preparation: 04/09/2018                                                          Date of teaching: 08/09/2018


PERIOD 002/105:                                     GETTING STARTED

  • To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 1
  • For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to the generation gap and family rules, as well as some compound nouns
  • For pronunciation, that is strong and weak form of words in connected speech
  • For grammar, that is the use of some modal verbs: should, ought to, must, have to
  • To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 1
  • Reading: Reading for specific information in an article about the generation gap
  • Speaking: Talking about parent-child relationship problems, and offering advice on how to solve them
  • Listening: Listening for specific information in a conversation between two teenagers about conflicts with their parents
  • Writing: Write a letter about family rules to a teenager staying with a homestay family
  1. Attitudes: – To help Ss get started for Unit 1 with the topic “the generation gap”
    • To provide Ss some motivation
    1. Teacher: – Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan
      • Teaching method: Communicative language teaching
    2. Students: – Read through English Unit 1 – getting started at home
  1. Class organization (1 minute)
  2. Check up (omitted)
  3. New lesson (40 minutes)
Lead in

Ask Ss to read the box and inform the class of the lesson objectives

–  Vocabulary               – Pronunciation

–  Grammar                   – Skills

–  Communication and Culture

1. Listen and read

Ask Ss listen to the recording and read the conversation

Ask them to pay attention to highlighted words and phrases

– Do as appointed

+ extended family            + nuclear family

+ childcare                       + generation gap

+ table manners              + viewpoint

2. Read the conversation again. Decide whether the statements are T or F

Ask Ss to work individually and finish

– Do as appointed

1.  F

2.  F

the task

Ask them to exchange their answers with a partner.

3.  T

4.  F

5.  T

3. Complete the definitions by filling highlighted compound nouns in the gaps Ask Ss to work individually and finish the task

Ask them to exchange their answers with a partner.

– Do as appointed

1.  A nuclear family

2.  A generation gap

3.  A viewpoint

4.  Childcare

5.  Table manners

6.  An extended family

4. Find other compound nouns in the conversation.

As Ss to work in groups and finish the task

– Do as appointed

Grandparents/ grandma/ grandpa Grandmother/ hairstyles Housework/ footsteps

5. Find verbs used to express duty, obligation, advice or lack of obligation Ask Ss to work in groups and finish the task – Do as appointed

+ Opinion and advice: should, shouldn’t, ought to, ought not to

+ Duty and obligation: must, have to

+ Lack of obligation: not have to, not need to

6. Ask and answer the questions

Ask Ss to work in pairs and finish the task

– Do as appointed

+ Nuclear family:

have closer relationships with each other less generation gaps

worry about childcare

+ Extended family:

–  more help from family members

–  not worry about childcare

–  more conflicts and generation gaps

  1. Consolidation (3 mins) – Compound nouns in the conversation
    • Practice the conversation
  2. Homework: (1 min) – Compound nouns in the conversation
    • Practice the conversation
    • Do the tasks again
    • Read Unit 1 – Language at home


……………………………………………………… THE END ………………………………………………………..

Date of preparation: 04/09/2018                                                          Date of teaching: 09/09/2018


PERIOD 003/105:                                        LANGUAGE

  • To provide learners some language items in Unit 1
  • For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to the generation gap and family rules, as well as some compound nouns
  • For pronunciation, that is strong and weak form of words in connected speech
  • For grammar, that is the use of some modal verbs: should, ought to, must, have to
  1. Skills: – To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
  2. Attitudes: – To encourage Ss to work harder

– To provide Ss some motivation

    1. Teacher: – Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

– Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

  1. Students: – Read through English Unit 1 – language at home
  1. Class organization (1 minute)
  2. Check up (5 minutes) – Ask some Ss to write some new words and do the tasks again

1. Matching to form compound nouns

Ask Ss to do the tasks and compare the results with their partner

– Do as appointed

1. g / 2. h / 3. i / 4. f / 5. c

6. b/  7. a/  8. d/  9. e

2. Complete each question with one of the compound nouns in 1

Ask Ss to do the tasks and compare the results with their partner

– Do as appointed

1.  hairstyle/table manners

2.  generation gap    3. nuclear family

4. junk food                5. schoolchildren


1. Listen and repeat

Ask Ss to read the box and check their understanding

Play the recording and let Ss listen

Play it again with pauses for them to repeat each sentence

Do as appointed

Which word is stressed in a sentence?

+ content words: n, v, adj, adv

+ negative auxiliaries

+ question word

+ demonstrative pronouns: this, that, these, those without nouns

+ possessive pronouns

2. Listen and check

Ask Ss to read the sentences, decide whether bold words are stressed or unstressed

Play the recording and let Ss listen and check

– Do as appointed

1.  A: strong/        B: weak

2.  A: weak/           B: strong

3.  A: weak/           B: strong


1. Underline the correct word

Ask Ss to read the box and check their understanding

Ask them to do the task then compare their answers with a partner’s

– Do as appointed

1.  should

2.  ought to

3.  must

4.  have to

5.  mustn’t

2. Rewrite the sentences

Let Ss finish the task and compare their answers with their partner’s

– Do as appointed

2.  You mustn’t use your mobile phone in the examination room

3.  I don’t have to type my essay

4.  You should tell the truth to your parents

5.  Young people must plan their future career carefully

  1. Consolidation (3 mins): – Compound nouns
    • Weak form and strong form of words
    • Modal verbs: should, ought to, must, have to
  2. Homework: (1 min): – Compound nouns, weak form and strong form of words
    • Modal verbs: should, ought to, must, have to
    • Do the tasks again, Read Unit 1 – Reading at home


……………………………………………………… THE END ………………………………………………………..

Date of preparation: 10/09/2018                                                          Date of teaching: 12/09/2018


PERIOD 004/105:                                              READING

    1. Language focus: To provide learners some vocabulary related to the topic of conflicts in the family
    2. Skills: – To promote Ss to develop their reading skills
      • Skim the text to get the general idea
      • Scan the text to get some specific details
    3. Attitudes: – To encourage Ss to work harder
      • To provide Ss some motivation
      1. Teacher: – Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan
        • Teaching method: Communicative language teaching
      2. Students: – Read through English Unit 1 – Reading at home
  1. Class organization (1 minute)
  2. Check up (5 minutes) Ask some Ss to distinguish the use of should, ought to, must, have to and do the tasks again
  3. New lesson (35 minutes)

1. You are going to read a text about the conflicts between parents and their  teenager children. Which of the following may be found in the text?

Let Ss work in groups, do the task

– Do as appointed

Some Ss write their predictions on the board


2. Read the text quickly and check your predictions in 1

Let Ss skim the text, then check their predictions

– Do as appointed b – c – d – e – f
3. Match the highlighted words in the text with the definitions below

Let Ss look at the highlighted words again, then do the task individually

Ask Ss to compare their answer with a partner

– Do as appointed

1.  afford

2.  impose

3.  brand name

4.  norms

5.  conflicts

4. Read the text carefully then answer the questions

Put Ss in pairs, ask them to ask and answer the questions

Let Ss read the text again and locate the parts of the text where they can get the answers

– Do as appointed

1.    Because they strongly believe that they know what is best for their children

2.    They want to be more independent, create their own opinions and make their own decisions

3.    They are worried because these clothes may break rules and norms of society, or distract them from schoolwork

4.    They want their children to spend their time in a more useful way

5.    No. Some of them try to impose their choices of university or career on their children

POST READING – Do as appointed

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