Tiếng anh lớp 6 unit 2: school lesson 1

1. a. Number the pictures. Listen and repeat

1. history                 2. P.E                 3. I.T                  4. music

5. geography          6. literature         7. physics          8. biology

Tiếng anh lớp 6 unit 2: school lesson 1

b. Note three more subjects you know. Discuss if you like them. Ask and answer. 

=> Answer:

a. A. 8              B. 4                C. 1                D. 5             

E. 6              D. 7                G. 3                H. 2

b. English, Art, Science

2. a. Listen to Adrian and Sarah talking about school subjects. Who likes more school subjects? 

b. Now, listen and fill in the blanks. 

1. Adrian likes _____________

2. Sarah likes history, physics, and  _____________

3. Sarah doesn't like _____________

4. Adrian's favorite subject is _____________

=> Answer:

a. Sarah

b. 1. art                  2. P.E                    3. geography                 4. P.E

3. a. Listen and repeat 

Tiếng anh lớp 6 unit 2: school lesson 1

b. Circle the correct words.

1. My favorite sport is tennis. What's mine                                         - I like soccer.

2. I found a bag. Is it mine/yours?                                                      - No, it isn't. My bag is here.

3. This book isn't my book. Mine/Yours is blue. Is it yours?               - Yes, it is.

4. I saw a red hot on the table. Isn't yours/mine red?                         - No, mine is blue.

5. What's your favorite ice cream? Mine/Yours is chocolate.             - I like chocolate, too.

6. Do you have a ruler? Mine/Yours is at home.                                 - Sure, here you are. 

c. Write sentences using the prompts. 

1. history/ IT/ physics                     I like history. I.T, and physics. 

2. art/ music 

3. literature/ biology

4. P.E./ geography/physics

5. music/ literature/ art

d. Now, with your partner, say what subjects you like and don't like. 

I like math and history. I don't like physics, art, or I.T. 

=> Answer:

b. 1. yours 2. yours 3. Mine 4. yours 5. Mine 6. Mine


1. I like history, I.T, and physics.

2. I don't like art or music.

3. I like literature and biology.

4. I don't like RE., geography, or physics.

5. I like music literature, and art. 

4. a. Intonation for lists goes up, up, then down. I like history, math, and geography. 

b. Listen to the sentences and focus on how the intonation goes up then down.

I like history, math, and geography.

I like biology, physics, and literature. 

c. Listen and cross out the one with the wrong intonation.

I like math, science, and history.

I like art, music, and physics.

d. Read the sentences with the correct intonation to a partner. 

=> Answer:

I like art, music and physics - Wrong. Intonation goes up.

5. Circle like or don't like. Ask and answer. Swap roles and repeat. 

What subjects do you like? I like art, physics, and math. 

Tiếng anh lớp 6 unit 2: school lesson 1

=> Answer:

What subjects do you like? I like geography, P.E and biology.

1. a. Read the text and match the underlined words with the definitions. Listen and repeat. 

Tiếng anh lớp 6 unit 2: school lesson 1

1. In this kind of story, animals can talk and people can use magic.

2. In this kind of story, lots of exciting things happen like going to a new place.

3. a book about people or events

4. the writer of a book or comic

5. In this kind of story, strange things happen and secrets are found out.

b. Which story would you like to read? Talk to your partner. 

=> Answer:

a. 1. fantasy               2. adventure               3. novel

4. author                    5. mystery

b. I like to read Secret of the Old Clock. I like mystery novel.

2. a. Listen to some students talking about books. Circle their favorite kind of book. 

1. Grace                                        adventure / mystery

2. Jamie                                         fantasy / adventure 

b. Now, listen and fill in the blanks.

1. Neil Gaiman is the ______ of Coraline.

2. Grace thinks the story is ______ and a bit scary.

3. Jamie thinks the novel is very ______ 

4. Jamie doesn't know the name of the ______ 

=> Answer:

a. 1. mystery                         2. adventure

b. 1. author               2. interesting                  3. exciting                 4. author

3. Listen and practice.

Tiếng anh lớp 6 unit 2: school lesson 1

4. Read the book review and circle "True" or "False." My Favorite Novel 

Thành Nguyễn, November 18

My favorite book is Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass (Tôi thấy hoa vàng trên xanh). It's an interesting novel. The author of the book is Nguyen Nhat Anh. The book is about Thieu and the people around him. I like the book because it shows us many beautiful things in Thieu's village. It is a peaceful village with green grass, trees, wind, and yellow flowers. Some parts of the story are very sad. I cried a lot when I thought Thieu's brother, Thong, cannot walk again. I really like this book. I think you should read it. 

1. Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass is by Nguyen Nhat Anh.

2. The writer thinks the book is boring.

3. The story is about three girls as they grow up.

4. In the story, Tuemg lives in a big city.

5. Some parts of the story are sad.

6. The writer likes this story. 

=> Answer:

1. True            2. False             3. False             4. False             5. True             6. True

5. a. With your partner, role-play the conversation in the box, then swap roles and do the same with the other books. 

A: What's your favorite book?

B: I like The Case of the Left-Handed Lady.

A: What kind of book is it?

B: It's a mystery novel.

A: Who's the author?

B: It's by Nancy Springer.

A: Why do you like it?

B: I think it's funny. 

6. a. Read the Writing Tip and answer the questions. 

1. What's your favorite book? 

2. What kind of book is it? 

3. Who's the author of the book? 

4. Why do you like the book? 

5. Do you think your friends should read it? 

b. Use your answers in Task a. to write a book review. Use the Reading to help you. Write 40 to 50 words. 

=> Answer:

a. 1. Pippi Longstocking                   2. Novel                  3. Astrid Lindgren

4. Because it's very funny.               5. Yes, everyone should read it.

b. My favorite book is Pippi Longstocking. It's a children's novel. The author is Astrid Lindgren. I like the book because it's very funny. Pippi is an interesting and funny girl. She's also very brave and kind. I think everyone should read it.