Top Spotify songs 2016

True fact: The song I listened to the most this year on Spotify and just in general was beyond a shadow of a doubt Drake's "Too Good." Maybe it's because I've finally fallen in love with Rihanna. [And I'm definitely obsessed with the whole Drake and Rihanna maybe-dating drama.] Something about that tune just really felt like the soundtrack of 2016.
But what does that say about me, really, apart from my adoration of all things Champagne Papi? That maybe sometimes I feel a little like one person in a relationship might be a little out of the other's league. [Not talking about my own here, but we've all watched it play out.] Or maybe it just means that I like feeling like I'm at a club on a beach in the summer, even when I'm actually freezing my butt off waiting for the subway in New York City. I don't have any definitive answers here, folks just informed musings.
That said: I do think your favorite song, or at least the one you find yourself queuing up the most often, reflects something back about both your listening tastes and maybe what you've been going through the last 12 months. Let's take a look back at the hits that defined our year and also maybe, our own mental states.
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