trustafarians là gì - Nghĩa của từ trustafarians

trustafarians có nghĩa là

priviliged white kids who subsribe to the hippie lifestyle [because they can] since they have no worries about money, a job etc. They can then devote their lives to eating organic, following Phish, and wearing dreadlocks [no need for job interviews].


Sarah is a trustafarian. It's totally evidenced by the combination of her brand new car and nice digs with her "earthy" clothes and dreadlocks.

trustafarians có nghĩa là

a. a spoiled rich white kid who smokes pot.
b. a person who, in an act of rebellion has taken to smoking pot, pan-handling, and following grateful dead rip-off bands during the week, and then returning to his or her parent's cozy home in the suburbs during the weekend.
c. one who lives with poorer people in an attempt to gain credibility, or street-cred, while disguising the trust fund they actually live off


Don't let that guy smoke any of your stash, he's a trustafarian, and never has his own to share.

trustafarians có nghĩa là

A rich young white person, from a mansion house in the shires, usually with trust funds from mummy and daddy yet pretends he is poor. This species, more often than not, have dreadlocks, wear ethnic clothing, play the digeree-doo, dodge soap and generally mope around thinking they alternative and above everyone else. Over the last 20 years or so they have infested India, Thailand and Nepal under the premise they are travellers, not tourists. Most will end up working for their daddy as a venture capitalist.


Look at that trustafian sitting there twiddling his dreadlocks. What a c**t.

trustafarians có nghĩa là

A word that combines Trust-Fund with Rastafarian. A well to do hippie type person that is not encumbered by a job and usually has hair matted into dreadlocks. While not especially materialistic they have resources that enable them to attend a multitude of events such as Burning Man, all forms of jam band concerts, enviromential protests and the like.


Those guys that can afford to follow a Jam-Band around the country must be trustafarians or something.

trustafarians có nghĩa là

financially backed wanna-be hippies


milyn is a trustafarian, she follows phish in her mercedes E420.

trustafarians có nghĩa là

Portmanteau of trust fund and rastafarian. A hippie poser. Essentially a rich kid who smokes weed, wears hats designed to hold dreads when he in fact has none, and uses the word "peace" to say bye.


Money can't buy hippieness, you stupid trustafarian!

trustafarians có nghĩa là

Rich kids "slumming it" and thinking they're being cool by smoking pot and living out their "creative" fantasies that usually don't come to anything, in between travelling to exotic third world places like Bali, Morocco, or Thailand, more or less like a cross between a neohippie and a hipster [although there is considerable overlap between trustafarians and both of those other subcultures] commonly found in the Venice, Echo Park,Atwater Village, and Silver Lake neighborhoods in L.A. [although Silver Lake is getting a bit too expensive for all but the wealthiest trustafarians, so some are going to Hollywood and assuredly some will go to Koreatown soon if they haven't already]. The term is derived from a combination of "trust fund" and "Rastafarian".


Abbott Kinney Blvd. in Venice is riddled with trustafarians who claim to be working on film scripts or doing art but nothing they're doing ever amounts to anything.,

trustafarians có nghĩa là

Several of these other definitions listed are correct as the word has fallen into more generalized usage, but the true origins of the word are as follows. The word originates from "rastafarian", and denotes an extremely caucasian person, dreadlocked and trustfunded by their wealthy family; listen to reggae almost exclusively, pretend to follow the Rastafarian religion, for some reason worship the former leader of Ethiopia, Haile Sellassie I, and say things like "Roots!" and "Bup bup!" loudly across streets and alleys to the others of their species. They exist in a cloud of ganga smoke and a bleary, red eyed, dull demeanor; have little to say other than the regurgitated faux black guy verbage they spew. They affect the mannerisms, accent, and dialect of Jamaicans;wear the colors of the Rastafarian, red, gold, and green as well as hippie clothing made from kente cloth; the irony of the whole persona is beyond belief. This odd affectation could possiby be a result of embarassment of one's true culture, which necessitated the hijacking of someone else's. This persona could be viewed in abundance in the mountain town of Telluride, Colorado in the mid-90's, before they all cut their hair and became realtors and business owners. Their fake accents magically disappeared.


Trustafarian: Yo, man, Irie Ites! [tranlation, Hello Mister Real Live Black Man! Gosh darn, that's some good looking alkalizing organic vegan food you're about to consume!!!] Actual Rastafarian: Fuck you rich white boy! What the fuck is wrong with you!!!???!!!

trustafarians có nghĩa là

A group of rich assholes living in the Bywater Neighborhood of New Orleans, trying to assimilate to the rich culture of African-American musicians native to this area or pretending to work for a non-profit. Most do not wake up before 10:00 a.m. and can be observed floating between yoga studios, Whole Foods, The Green Project, The Spellcaster Lodge, and rehabilitation centers in Florida. They sniff cocaine off of any flat surface, including toilets [just to get street creds], and are often associated with the hipsters . While everyone else would be as cool as them if they didn't have to work for their money, the trustafarian masterfully acts as if they are poor, but can afford to travel to South Asia on a moment's notice. There is also a constant triangular migration pattern of trustafarians between New York, New Orleans and San Francisco known as the "Inner Circle," not to be confused with the popular Jamaican reggae band, especially if they are modeling dreadlocks; as they paid at least $200-$500 for a dread perm.


The trustafarian glanced to the left, stretched and meditated, then second-lined down the street with a jazz funeral of an artist that he/she had never listened to before, hoping to be photographed.

trustafarians có nghĩa là

A trustafarian is a spoiled rich kid most often still in college who decides to adopt a neo-hippie lifestyle to fit in and because their parents are supporting them with money which is then used to buy drugs. This way trustafarians can afford to go to jam band concerts and dance like a prick, and generally become a complete burnout on their parents tab. In a rather ironic twist some trustafarians were former fraternity/sorority members and have decided to discard their former conservative ideals all to common within the greek system and a adopt a more progressive liberal outlook. All in the pursuit of the next drug and alcohol bender courtesy of daddy's credit card.


Serious student: Man this marketing test tomorrow is gonna kill me. I've been studying all night! Trustafarian: No way bro! I'm hitting up Phish tonight. Gonna be absolutely filthy. Trey is gonna melt my face. Gonna straight RAGE! Already got my goody bag ready for the show if you know what I mean. Serious student: Wow... his dad even PAYS him to be a piece of shit.

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