What are the 4 main components of a mental status exam?

The Mental Status Exam [MSE] is a systematic way of describing a patient's mental state at the time you were doing a psychiatric assessment. An observant clinician can do a comprehensive mental status exam that helps guide them towards a diagnosis.


The mnemonic ASEPTIC can be used to remember the components of the Mental Status Examination.[1]

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Why Write Down a Mental Status Exam Over and Over Again?

Often times, the MSE can seem redundant. As a single data point in time, the MSE can sometimes be of limited clinical utility. However, with repeated MSEs, you can begin to develop a picture of how a patient's mental status is changing over time. It is especially helpful when other clinicians read your MSE of a patient in the past and compare to the current presentation. The Mental Status Exam is a “snapshot” of a patient, that describes their behaviours and thoughts at the time you interviewed them. Think about how a psychotic individual's MSE might change over the course of a few hours, or how a manic patient might similarly fluctuate.

Appearance and Behaviour

The mental status exam begins before you even begin talking to the patient! Appearance and behaviours can give you a small sense of how the rest of your psychiatric interview will go.

When assessing speech, consider the presence of word-finding difficulty, echolalia, and signs of aphasia.

Affect is momentary [like the weather], while mood is a prolonged emotion [like the climate]. Hence, “mood is climate, and affect is the weather.”[2]

When assessing perception, make sure to ask in detail, and not just whether they “hear voices” or “see things.” This is too generic, and patients may either under report hallucinations or falsely endorse hallucinations when they do not have them!

Thought Content

When assessing thought content, consider the totality of your conversation with the patient, what is being said, and just as importantly, what is not said?

When assessing thought form [also called thought process], ask yourself: what is the logic, relevance, organization, flow, and coherence of thought in response to questions during the interview?

If you are concerned about cognition, start by asking the patient if they know the date, location of where they are, and their name [often documented as Alert or Oriented [AO] × 3 in charts]. This can give the clinician a very rough sense of the person's overall cognition, but is only a start. This is important if you are concerned about delirium or acute confusional states.

When assessing insight, ask yourself:


Anosognosia is the clinical term for the lack of ability to perceive the realities of one's own diagnosis. This can occur in conditions including schizophrenia, dementia, and stroke.[5]

When considering judgment, ask yourself:

3] Soares‐Weiser, K., Maayan, N., Bergman, H., Davenport, C., Kirkham, A. J., Grabowski, S., & Adams, C. E. [2015]. First rank symptoms for schizophrenia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, [1].

Topic Resources

The patient’s attention span is assessed first; an inattentive patient cannot cooperate fully and hinders testing. Any hint of cognitive decline requires examination of mental status [ see Examination of Mental Status Examination of Mental Status

], which involves testing multiple aspects of cognitive function, such as the following:

  • Orientation to time, place, and person

  • Attention and concentration

  • Memory

  • Verbal and mathematical abilities

  • Judgment

  • Reasoning

Loss of orientation to person [ie, not knowing one’s own name] occurs only when obtundation, delirium Delirium Delirium is an acute, transient, usually reversible, fluctuating disturbance in attention, cognition, and consciousness level. Causes include almost any disorder or drug. Diagnosis is clinical... read more , or dementia Dementia Dementia is chronic, global, usually irreversible deterioration of cognition. Diagnosis is clinical; laboratory and imaging tests are usually used to identify treatable causes. Treatment is... read more is severe; when it occurs as an isolated symptom, it suggests malingering.

The patient is asked to do the following:

  • Follow a complex command that involves 3 body parts and discriminates between right and left [eg, “Put your right thumb in your left ear, and stick out your tongue”]

  • Name simple objects and parts of those objects [eg, glasses and lens, belt and belt buckle]

  • Name body parts and read, write, and repeat simple phrases [if deficits are noted, other tests of aphasia Diagnosis are needed]

Spatial perception can be assessed by asking the patient to imitate simple and complex finger constructions and to draw a clock, cube, house, or interlocking pentagons; the effort expended is often as informative as the final product. This test may identify impersistence, perseveration, micrographia, and hemispatial neglect.

Praxis [cognitive ability to do complex motor movements] can be assessed by asking the patient to use a toothbrush or comb, light a match, or snap the fingers.

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What are the four main domains of the mental status exam?

The MSE can be divided into the following major categories: [1] General Appearance, [2] Emotions, [3] Thoughts, [4] Cognition, [5] Judgment and Insight.

What is a full mental status exam?

The mental status examination is an assessment of current mental capacity through evaluation of general appearance, behavior, any unusual or bizarre beliefs and perceptions [eg, delusions, hallucinations], mood, and all aspects of cognition [eg, attention, orientation, memory].

What is the primary purpose of a mental status exam?

The purpose is to evaluate, quantitatively and qualitatively, a range of mental functions and behaviors at a specific point in time. The MSE provides important information for diagnosis and for assessment of the disorder's course and response to treatment.

What is an example of a mental status exam?

The following is a brief example of a mental status exam: Appearance: The client is slouched and disheveled. General behavior:The client is uncooperative and has poor eye contact. Speech:The client speaks fast and soft.

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