What are the symbols with which you can specify the type of calculation you want to perform in an Excel formula are?

2.5 / 2.5 pointsThe symbols with which you can specify the type of calculationyou want to perform in an Excel formula are:Question options:a]pixels.b]operators.c]data points.

d]option tags.on2.5 / 2.5 pointsAn Excel feature that adjusts the width of a column to fit thecell content of the widest cell in the column is:Question options:

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on0 / 2.5 pointsBoth values and formulas can be copied using the fill handle.When a formula is copied, Excel copies the formula but adjuststhe ____________ relative to the row number.Question options:2.5 / 2.5 points

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When a value is typed into a cell it also displays on the:Question options:

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b]formula bar.c]function bar.d]value box.on2.5 / 2.5 pointsDragging a column to the right increases the:Question options:a]length.b]width.c]number of rows.d]cell size.

on2.5 / 2.5 pointsA box in the upper left corner of the worksheet grid thatselects all the cells in a worksheet is the:Question options:

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The value that displays in the ___________ is the displayedvalue.Question options:2.5 / 2.5 points

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__________ is an equation that performs mathematicalcalculations on values in a worksheet.Question options:

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What do the symbols such as &,$,{, and other cell references mean in Excel formulas? A lot of people ask this because they see these symbols in their Excel worksheets and nothing works behind them. They all want to know what these cell references actually mean. Let me introduce one of these important cell reference symbols to you.

The first step is “insert symbols”

Arithmetic Operator Symbols In Excel

The symbols +, -, /, and * represent the most common math operations in Excel formulas. Each symbol performs a specific mathematical operation on its corresponding operands. You can use these operators to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division respectively.

In addition, a symbol that represents a mathematical operation between two values is called an arithmetic operator. There are many arithmetic operators in Excel, and knowing how to use them will help you perform complex mathematical calculations with relative ease.

When you need to perform an arithmetic operation in Excel, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication or division, the process is relatively simple: simply enter the appropriate operator between the two values. The order of the values does not matter when performing these operations; for example, 4 + 5 is the same as 5 + 4. However, when performing more advanced operations such as exponentiation [raising one number to the power of another], the order of your numbers matters. For example, 2^3 [also written as 23] means “2 raised to the power of 3,” or 2 multiplied by itself 3 times; it’s not the same thing as 3^2 [32].

The final step is “insert symbols”

Math Functions and Operators in Excel Formulas

When writing Excel formulas, there may be times when you need to use some basic math. For example, you might have a column containing the cost for each item in a sale and another column containing the number of items sold. You can multiply those two columns together to find the total price for each sale. The result would be a new column that contains how much money you made on each sale.

There are also times when you want to know the average of a group of values or even if a certain value exists in a list. These tasks are also very common in Excel formulas and require their own function to perform the task required.

Excel functions can be thought of as automated pieces of code [sometimes referred to as “macros”]. Instead of having to program the code yourself, Microsoft has already created all of these functions for you so that you only have to call them in your formula to perform the task at hand.

Excel has a long list of functions and operators that can be used in formulas, some are rarely used and others are very useful. To help you understand how they work and build your formulas, we’ll start off with the basics.

Equals Sign [=] Operators in Excel Formulas

All formulas use an equals sign [=]. The symbol means “calculate”. All formulas must begin with the equals sign. When you type the equals sign into a cell, do not press Enter or Tab just yet. Type your formula, then press Enter or Tab to complete it.

Here’s an example of a simple formula:


When you click on the cell that contains this formula and press Enter, Excel will calculate the sum 5 + 5, displaying the result 10 in that cell. If you change any of the values in that formula to other numbers, it will recalculate when you press Enter again. The same goes for any other formulas you create. If you want to change the formula, just click on the cell containing it and make your changes.

Logical Operators in Excel Formulas

There are three logical operators – AND, OR and NOT. As you will see from the table below, each operator has a different function.

  • The operator’s result is TRUE if all logical values are TRUE, otherwise, it is FALSE.

For example, in the picture below there are five text strings. If we evaluate them using the AND operator the result will be FALSE because it is not true that “I” and “love” and “you” and “very” and “much” are equal to each other [i.e., they’re not].

  • The operator’s result is TRUE if at least one logical value is TRUE, otherwise, it is FALSE.

For example, in the picture below there are five text strings. If we evaluate them using the OR operator the result will be TRUE because at least one of the strings does equal itself [“I”].

The NOT operator simply reverses a logical value or expression. If it was FALSE before it becomes TRUE after; if it was TRUE before it becomes FALSE after.

Comparisons Operators in Excel Formulas

With all of the functions available in Excel, knowing which one to use and when isn’t always easy. There are formulas for everything from summing up a series of numbers to rounding off decimals to calculating the minimum and maximum values in a range of cells. In this lesson, we’ll take a look at the comparison operators available in Excel and how they can be used to help you find the right formula for your data.

Comparison operators are used to comparing two values and return a true or false value depending on whether those values meet certain criteria. For example, if you want to know whether one number is greater than another, you would use the greater than operator [>] in an expression like this: 1 > 2. If we were to enter that expression into a cell in Excel, it would return FALSE because 1 is not greater than 2.

Excel has six comparison operators: equal to [=], less than [=], and not equal to []. These six operators can be used with the IF function to display information based on whether certain criteria are met.

Comparison operators, which are used in Excel formulas, allow you to compare two values. Comparison operators are more commonly used with IF statements and IS functions. Conditional formatting can also use comparison operators.

For example, you may want to apply conditional formatting to a cell that contains a value less than 5 or greater than 90.

Comparison operators are symbols used to compare values. The following is a table of comparison operators supported by Excel:

Operator Description Example

  1. = Equal To A1=B1
  2. > Greater Than A1>B1
  3. < Less Than A1= Greater Than Or Equal To A1>=B1

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