What does creating a new desktop do?

Id missed this powerful feature for way too long.

What does creating a new desktop do?
My Three Desktops. Click for larger image. (Screenshot: askleo.com)
Using multiple desktops can be a great way to organize your work, and keep you focused on the task at hand.
Applies to Windows: 10

I am an idiot.

With that admission out of the way, let me explain what triggered it today: Ive been ignoring a feature in Windows that will have dramatic impact on my focus and productivity.

I should get around to that someday.

Today was the day. Four and a half years after Windows 10 was released, I finally get around to Multiple Desktops. Not only is it simple, but it will alter how I use my computer.

What does creating a new desktop do?

The multiple desktop feature of Windows 10 allows you to have several full-screen desktops with different running programs and allows you to switch quickly between them. Its like having multiple computers at your fingertips.

Multiple desktops in a nutshell

Your desktop is everything you see when you look at your computer screen. The taskbar, the applications on your screen, your mouse pointer everything.

Multiple desktops, as its name implies, means having multiple sets of all those things.

As I type this, I have one desktop that displays my web browser, with tabs opened to several email accounts, Facebook, a WhatsApp session1, and a streaming music player.

Nothing work-related.

On another desktop, I have a web browser opened to askleo.com, where Im typing this article. I also have a text editor open on a scripting file Im tweaking, Evernote sitting off to the side with reference information I use from time to time, and a virtual machine running Windows 10 Home, ready for me to take screenshots of what Im talking about here.

Everything work-related.

I can switch back and forth between those two desktops with a keystroke.

Its like having two machines.

Setting up multiple desktops

The magic begins with the Task View button on your taskbar.

What does creating a new desktop do?
Task View button. (Click for larger image.)

(If its not visible, right-click on the taskbar and ensure that Show Task View button is checked.)

Click on it to bring up a view of running tasks.

What does creating a new desktop do?
Task View. (Click for larger image.)

Task View has several additional features, including things like a timeline of apps or webpages youve visited recently, but I want to focus on the upper left, which includes a + New desktop link.

What does creating a new desktop do?
New desktop link.

Click on that, and the top part of the Task View display will be replaced with two desktop thumbnails and a New desktop link.

What does creating a new desktop do?
Two desktops. (Click for larger image.)

Desktop 1 represents the previously-existing desktop. You can see that it shows both Edge and Mail, which I have running.

Desktop 2 represents the new desktop. Its empty.

Of course, you can add even more desktops, but well stick with two for now.

Click on Desktop 2, and youll be taken to your new, empty desktop.

Using two desktops

With Desktop 2 active, Ive clicked on the Microsoft Store icon, just to have an example of something different running. My machine now has two desktops.

The first is running Mail and Edge:

What does creating a new desktop do?
Desktop 1 Running Edge and Mail. (Click for larger image.)

The second is running the Microsoft Store app:

What does creating a new desktop do?
Desktop 2 Running the Microsoft Store. (Click for larger image.)

Everything in each continues to run while I work in the other.

Switching between desktops

One way to switch between multiple desktops is by clicking on Task View in the taskbar and then clicking on the desktop you want to view.

I find the keyboard much faster. Specifically:

  • CTRL+Windows Key (
    What does creating a new desktop do?
    ) + Right Arrow
    : moves through desktops in increasing order (i.e. from Desktop 1 to Desktop 2)
  • CTRL+Windows Key (
    What does creating a new desktop do?
    ) + Left Arrow
    : moves through desktops in decreasing order (i.e. from Desktop 2 to Desktop 1)

In each case, your entire desktop everything you see2 will be replaced with the contents of the desktop to which youre moving.

Why use multiple desktops?

As the title of this article implies, for me, its all about focus. I can place distractions like email, Facebook, and messaging programs in a desktop of their own, and then switch away from it.

Out of sight, out of mind.

The second desktop has everything related to my work. I can focus on what I need to focus on, distraction-free.

And yet, should I need it, everything else is just a quick keystroke away.

You may find other ways to leverage multiple desktops to organize what youre doing.

Multiple desktop drawbacks

One drawback to using multiple desktops is resource usage. Youll end up using more RAM and CPU but not for the reason you might think.

Sure, the implementation of multiple desktops itself uses some resources, but what Im finding is that I simply have more programs running while Im using it. Most commonly, I have more browser windows open, each using whatever resources it uses.

And even though you might not be looking at a specific desktop and the programs running on it, theyre still running, using the resources they use.

Multiple desktops can be a very useful feature to organize what youre doing, assuming your machine is up to it.

I should have started using it years ago.

What does creating a new desktop do?

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What does creating a new desktop do?

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What does creating a new desktop do?
What does creating a new desktop do?

Footnotes & References

1: We think of WhatsApp as an app for your smartphone and it is but you can also access your phones WhatsApp using their web interface at web.whatsapp.com. This is invaluable for folks like me, who much prefer a real keyboard.

2: Including the contents of multiple monitors, if you use them.