Why are gaming laptops so weak?

I am saving money for a new gaming laptop, I need the portability of a laptop, but I see in the last years gaming laptops have evolved to be more powerful than ever and some of them have a great performance. However, I don't understand why CPUs are still weak compared to desktop computers. I see that most gaming laptops priced between 1500 Euro and 2000 Euro have decent hard drives, good RAM memory and also very good GPUs [for such price I would be more than happy with a Nvidia GTX 1060 or GTX 1070], but I am not strongly convinced about most CPU performance. The best CPU I could find in common brands such as MSI, Asus, Lenovo, Alienware is Intel i7-8750H that while may be acceptable, seems to be the bottleneck compared with the other hardware components.

I have been researching for laptops with better CPUs than i7-8750H finding that is really difficult to find laptops with i7-8700K, usually in very specialized laptop/workstation computer builder such as Titan Computers, and the price for just this kind of CPUs rise from 4000 USD which is truly expensive for just having a better CPU. So what is the reason that laptop CPUs are weaker compared to other hardware components such as GPU?

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