zuned là gì - Nghĩa của từ zuned

zuned có nghĩa là

Microsoft's new MP3/Video player that actually is making Apple nervous. It can share files wirelessly via Wi-Fi, can play videos on a bigger screen than the iPod, charge faster and doesn't look too bad. It actually looks like it has a thumb wheel like the iPod so it can convert people to the Zune.


Slash: Look, I got the new Zune.
Torch: Oh, that. It's no match for the iPod. Nobody bought it yet and nobodys gonna.
Slash: Well, it can share files wirelessly and has a bigger screen to play videos.
Torch: And who will you share videos with?
Slash: Well...uh...stfu.

zuned có nghĩa là

MP3 player similar to ipod or Creative Zen players.
Microsoft's entry into MP3 Player market. Cost: similar to High end Ipod and Zen players.
Has unlimited music subscription available [Not Ipod], Individual tracks can be bought for a little less than Itunes. Subscription does not require credit card, and parental controls/limits are well thought out. Other Subscription services do not have this feature which is a plus for parents.

Controls: Look similar to Ipod, but what looks like a scroll wheel is really more of a directional pad. It's a matter of preference, but I found the controls to be logical and very intuitive. Slightly easier to use than Ipod, Much easier to use than creative Zen vision.

Video: Large screen, Excellent quality, Very fast transfers.

My history: Ipod, didn't like how fragile it was, gave it away. Creative zen, Screen small, scratches very easily [much like ipods], didn't like controls. Was happy with it [better than ipod] until I bought my son a Zune for Christmas. Gave my zen away, bought myself a Zune. No regrets.

Each device is a matter of personal preference, all are very similar in form and function.


IPOD owner: "I love my ipod, but it's out getting repaired for the 5th time due to another cracked and scratched screen."
Zen owner: "Look at that teeny video, isn't it crisp? Don't mind the scratches all over my screen."
Zune owner: "No problems with my player, can't wait until someone else buys one so I can use the wireless music share feature."

zuned có nghĩa là

Hebrew for fuck. Also the name for Microsofts new mp3 player.


Would you like to get "Zune"d and have a cigarette afterwards?

zuned có nghĩa là

A dick that is wider than long, unlike a chode, a Zune is normal length, however, i can range up to 8 inches in diameter.

Also known as a Zuner.


Example 1
- hey man, your dick looks like a birthday cake.
- yea, it's my prize winning zune.

Example 2
-that guy looks like he's packing lunch for 2.
- no man, he's just got a Zune.

Example 3
- have you noticed, Samantha hasn't been at school for weeks. i heard she was temporarily paralyzed.
- yea man, her boyfriend totally zuned her.

zuned có nghĩa là

Microsoft's portable media player. In my opinion, Zunes and iPods are about even, with a couple of differences, it depends what you like.
30gb of space
3" screen
2.4 × 4.4 × 0.58 inches

Also comes in these colours
Emo Black,Scatophilia Brown,Toilet White, Blood Red and Putrid Pink
i have Emo Black, and it has a cool blue hue to it...


Person 1:Hey, is that a zune?
Person 2:yes, do you like it
Person 1:Its quite nice, im going to stick with an ipod though
Person 2:wow, that ipod is certainly as pretty as my zune, but i prefer my zune however
Person 3:shall we go and buy tacoze?

zuned có nghĩa là

A synonym for pwned is "Zuned." You are Zuned when you receive a Zune for Christmas when you wanted an iPod. Zuned is understood as a slang term that implies missed expectations and/or humiliation.

Trader Eric Landstrom coined the term on the Yahoo Finance Forums.


Examples include "Zunage" when used in a collective sense or, "Dude, you just got Zuned," when used in an individual sense.

zuned có nghĩa là

An MP3 player primarily marketed toward Microsoft fanbois or for people who hate Apple. Although later models were decent enough, the launch product was crippled and ridiculed to the point where it poisoned the brand forever. 5 years later most people still haven't heard of it as it awaits cancellation by Microsoft.


Hey I read on ZDnet today that Microsoft will no longer be producing the Zune. What's that?

zuned có nghĩa là

Having ruined an otherwise great product with pointless restrictions and obvious concessions to third parties.


Microsoft really Zuned the Xbox One by region coding games and requiring an Internet connection in order for the console to check in every 24 hours.

zuned có nghĩa là

When all users of one networked product fail.

Reference: On December 31st, 2008 every single Zune user got a bsod due to a leap-year error in the audio-player's code.


Dude, we all go zuned by that squirrel in the substation last night.

zuned có nghĩa là

A list of food one has consumed throughout the day, which is provided at the end of an-email regardless of whether it is germane to the body of the e-mail. A zuning is frequently followed by asking, "Is this bad???"

For example, "I've eaten a peach, two Kashi bars, some spaghetti, a barbecue sandwich, and a Jolly Rancher today. Is this bad???"


"Dude, e-mail signatures are so 2006. I just zuning it now."

"I'll be ready in a minute. I just have to put a zuning at the end of this e-mail."

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