Biomedical Engineering controversial topics

The profession

Samantha Jacques PhD, FACHE, Barbara Christe PhD, in Introduction to Clinical Engineering, 2020

Biomedical Engineering Society code of ethics

The BMES Code of Ethics, established in 2004, may also offer some insights into professional conduct.

BME is a learned profession that combines expertise and responsibilities in engineering, science, technology, and medicine. Since public health and welfare are paramount considerations in each of these areas, biomedical engineers must uphold those principles of ethical conduct embodied in this code in professional practice, research, patient care, and training. This code of ethics reflects voluntary standards of professional and personal practice recommended for biomedical engineers.

Biomedical Engineering Professional Obligations:

Biomedical engineers in the fulfillment of their PE duties will:


Use their knowledge, skills, and abilities to enhance the safety, health, and welfare of the public.


Strive by action, example, and influence to increase the competence, prestige, and honor of the BME profession.

Biomedical Engineering Healthcare Obligations:

Biomedical engineers involved in healthcare activities will:


Regard responsibility toward and rights of patients, including those of confidentiality and privacy, as their primary concern.


Consider the larger consequences of their work in regard to cost, availability, and delivery of healthcare.

The BMES Code of Conduct suggests that patient privacy is the primary focus, although one could argue that the clinical engineering profession demands that both safe and effective healthcare is the primary concern. The safest place for a patient to be is not in a hospital; there is no risk of malpractice, ineffective treatments, or privacy breeches. However, the safest and most private person who is not in a hospital may also die because a lack of medical care can cause death. Clinical engineers must serve as part of the healthcare team that balances the safety of treatment with the efficacy of medical care.

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Spotlight on: biomedical engineering

Elliot J. Gindis, Robert C. Kaebisch, in Up and Running with AutoCAD® 2021, 2021

Biomedical engineers often work in research, and depending on their field of interest, they may specialize in bionics, genetic engineering, tissue engineering [artificial organs], or pharmaceutical engineering. Probably, the one product most often associated with biomedical engineering is artificial body parts, such as the artificial heart or hip and knee replacements. Although old TV shows such as the Six Million Dollar Man create an image of an exotic half man, half machine with superhuman strength and speed, the vast majority of such applications are quite down to earth and commonplace. You may even know a grandparent or other relative with an artificial implant. Biomedical engineers help design and manufacture these parts.


Image Source: Associated Press.
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Liisa T. Kuhn PhD, in Introduction to Biomedical Engineering [Second Edition], 2005

6.3.1 An Overview of Natural Tissue Construction

Biomedical engineers are asked to design medical devices or systems that repair, monitor, or assist the functions of the human body. Approaches that mimic or replicate nature's techniques, known as biomimetics, are often at the heart of a successful medical device or therapy. There is an incredible complexity to the genesis of natural tissues and organs which is still far beyond the capacity of scientists to replicate. Furthermore, the precise function of every aspect of the tissues or organs is not known. For these reasons, it is very difficult to theoretically design medical devices, and the field has progressed through a fair amount of trial and error. Nonetheless, there are several general concepts that have emerged from the study of structural biology that provide design strategies and guidance for a biomaterials scientist involved in tissue/organ regeneration.

Cells are programmed by their genetic code to build the tissues and organs of our bodies.

Cells produce proteins, polysaccharides, glycoproteins, and lipids that self-assemble into composite extracellular matrices that have multiple diverse forms and serve to support tissue growth.

Cells communicate via growth factors and their recruitment, and even cellular fate is determined by protein signals.

Blood vessels play a crucial role in tissue growth by providing nutrients, a means for waste removal, and a supply of additional cells to support further growth.

The nervous system is responsible for the integration and control of all the body's functions.

Skeletal tissues are made hard and stiff by the protein-controlled nucleation and growth of small, discrete, nanometer-sized mineral crystals within a collagen matrix microenvironment.

Overall, natural tissue design is hierarchical: that is, a structure within a structure, like a nested set of eggs or the branches of a tree. The same structural motif is repeated at multiple length scales to endow the tissue with strength and efficiency of function. Biomimetic paradigms that have been derived from these basic structural and developmental biology concepts provide a rational starting point for the design and fabrication of biomaterials, especially for regenerative tissue-engineered medical devices.

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Joseph Bronzino PhD, PE, in Introduction to Biomedical Engineering [Second Edition], 2005


Many of the problems confronting health professionals today are of extreme importance to the engineer because they involve the fundamental aspects of device and systems analysis, design, and practical applicationall of which lie at the heart of processes that are fundamental to engineering practice. These medically relevant design problems can range from very complex large‐scale constructs, such as the design and implementation of automated clinical laboratories, multiphasic screening facilities [i.e., centers that permit many tests to be conducted], and hospital information systems, to the creation of relatively small and simple devices, such as recording electrodes and transducers that may be used to monitor the activity of specific physiological processes in either a research or clinical setting. They encompass the many complexities of remote monitoring and telemetry and include the requirements of emergency vehicles, operating rooms, and intensive care units.

The American health care system, therefore, encompasses many problems that represent challenges to certain members of the engineering profession called biomedical engineers. Since biomedical engineering involves applying the concepts, knowledge, and approaches of virtually all engineering disciplines [e.g., electrical, mechanical, and chemical engineering] to solve specific health care related problems, the opportunities for interaction between engineers and health care professionals are many and varied.

Biomedical engineers may become involved, for example, in the design of a new medical imaging modality or development of new medical prosthetic devices to aid people with disabilities. Although what is included in the field of biomedical engineering is considered by many to be quite clear, many conflicting opinions concerning the field can be traced to disagreements about its definition. For example, consider the terms biomedical engineering, bioengineering, biological engineering, and clinical [or medical] engineer, which are defined in the Bioengineering Education Directory. Although Pacela defined bioengineering as the broad umbrella term used to describe this entire field, bioengineering is usually defined as a basic‐research‐oriented activity closely related to biotechnology and genetic engineering, that is, the modification of animal or plant cells or parts of cells to improve plants or animals or to develop new microorganisms for beneficial ends. In the food industry, for example, this has meant the improvement of strains of yeast for fermentation. In agriculture, bioengineers may be concerned with the improvement of crop yields by treating plants with organisms to reduce frost damage. It is clear that bioengineers for the future will have tremendous impact on the quality of human life. The full potential of this specialty is difficult to imagine. Typical pursuits include the following:

Development of improved species of plants and animals for food production

Invention of new medical diagnostic tests for diseases

Production of synthetic vaccines from clone cells

Bioenvironmental engineering to protect human, animal, and plant life from toxicants and pollutants

Study of protein‐surface interactions

Modeling of the growth kinetics of yeast and hybridoma cells

Research in immobilized enzyme technology

Development of therapeutic proteins and monoclonal antibodies

The term biomedical engineering appears to have the most comprehensive meaning. Biomedical engineers apply electrical, chemical, optical, mechanical, and other engineering principles to understand, modify, or control biological [i.e., human and animal] systems. Biomedical engineers working within a hospital or clinic are more properly called clinical engineers, but this theoretical distinction is not always observed in practice, and many professionals working within U.S. hospitals today continue to be called biomedical engineers.

The breadth of activity of biomedical engineers is significant. The field has moved from being concerned primarily with the development of medical devices in the 1950s and 1960s to include a more wide‐ranging set of activities. As illustrated in Figure 1.9, the field of biomedical engineering now includes many new career areas.

Figure 1.9. The world of biomedical engineering.

These areas include

Application of engineering system analysis [physiologic modeling, simulation, and control to biological problems

Detection, measurement, and monitoring of physiologic signals [i.e., biosensors and biomedical instrumentation]

Diagnostic interpretation via signal‐processing techniques of bioelectric data

Therapeutic and rehabilitation procedures and devices [rehabilitation engineering]

Devices for replacement or augmentation of bodily functions [artificial organs]

Computer analysis of patient‐related data and clinical decision making [i.e., medical informatics and artificial intelligence]

Medical imaging; that is, the graphical display of anatomic detail or physiologic function

The creation of new biologic products [i.e., biotechnology and tissue engineering]

Typical pursuits of biomedical engineers include

Research in new materials for implanted artificial organs

Development of new diagnostic instruments for blood analysis

Writing software for analysis of medical research data

Analysis of medical device hazards for safety and efficacy

Development of new diagnostic imaging systems

Design of telemetry systems for patient monitoring

Design of biomedical sensors

Development of expert systems for diagnosis and treatment of diseases

Design of closed‐loop control systems for drug administration

Modeling of the physiologic systems of the human body

Design of instrumentation for sports medicine

Development of new dental materials

Design of communication aids for individuals with disabilities

Study of pulmonary fluid dynamics

Study of biomechanics of the human body

Development of material to be used as replacement for human skin

The preceding list is not intended to be all‐inclusive. Many other applications use the talents and skills of the biomedical engineer. In fact, the list of biomedical engineers' activities depends on the medical environment in which they work. This is especially true for clinical engineers, biomedical engineers employed in hospitals or clinical settings. Clinical engineers are essentially responsible for all the high‐technology instruments and systems used in hospitals today; for the training of medical personnel in equipment safety; and for the design, selection, and use of technology to deliver safe and effective health care.

Engineers were first encouraged to enter the clinical scene during the late 1960s in response to concerns about the electrical safety of hospital patients. This safety scare reached its peak when consumer activists, most notably Ralph Nader, claimed that at the very least, 1,200 Americans are electrocuted annually during routine diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in hospitals. This concern was based primarily on the supposition that catheterized patients with a low‐resistance conducting pathway from outside the body into blood vessels near the heart could be electrocuted by voltage differences well below the normal level of sensation. Despite the lack of statistical evidence to substantiate these claims, this outcry served to raise the level of consciousness of health care professionals with respect to the safe use of medical devices.

In response to this concern, a new industryhospital electrical safetyarose almost overnight. Organizations such as the National Fire Protection Association [NFPA] wrote standards addressing electrical safety in hospitals. Electrical safety analyzer manufacturers and equipment safety consultants became eager to serve the needs of various hospitals that wanted to provide a safety fix, and some companies developed new products to ensure patient safety, particularly those specializing in power distribution systems [most notably isolation transformers]. To alleviate these fears, the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations [then known as the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals] turned to NFPA codes as the standard for electrical safety and further specified that hospitals must inspect all equipment used on or near a patient for electrical safety at least every six months. To meet this new requirement hospital administrators considered a number of options, including: [1] paying medical device manufacturers to perform these electrical safety inspections, [2] contracting for the services of shared‐services organizations, or [3] providing these services with in‐house staff. When faced with this decision, most large hospitals opted for in‐house service and created whole departments to provide the technological support necessary to address these electrical safety concerns.

As a result, a new engineering disciplineclinical engineeringwas born. Many hospitals established centralized clinical engineering departments. Once these departments were in place, however, it soon became obvious that electrical safety failures represented only a small part of the overall problem posed by the presence of medical equipment in the clinical environment. At the time, this equipment was neither totally understood nor properly maintained. Simple visual inspections often revealed broken knobs, frayed wires, and even evidence of liquid spills. Many devices did not perform in accordance with manufacturers' specifications and were not maintained in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations. In short, electrical safety problems were only the tip of the iceberg. By the mid‐1970s, complete performance inspections before and after equipment use became the norm and sensible inspection procedures were developed. In the process, these clinical engineering pioneers began to play a more substantial role within the hospital. As new members of the hospital team, they

Became actively involved in developing cost‐effective approaches for using medical technology

Provided advice to hospital administrators regarding the purchase of medical equipment based on its ability to meet specific technical specifications

Started utilizing modern scientific methods and working with standards‐writing organizations

Became involved in the training of health care personnel regarding the safe and efficient use of medical equipment

Then, during the 1970s and 1980s, a major expansion of clinical engineering occurred, primarily due to the following events:

The Veterans' Administration [VA], convinced that clinical engineers were vital to the overall operation of the VA hospital system, divided the country into biomedical engineering districts, with a chief biomedical engineer overseeing all engineering activities in the hospitals in that district.

Throughout the United States, clinical engineering departments were established in most large medical centers and hospitals and in some smaller clinical facilities with at least 300 beds.

Health care professionals [i.e., physicians and nurses] needed assistance in utilizing existing technology and incorporating new innovations.

Certification of clinical engineers became a reality to ensure the continued competence of practicing clinical engineers.

During the 1990s, the evaluation of clinical engineering as a profession continued with the establishment of the American College of Clinical Engineering [ACCE] and the Clinical Engineering Division within the International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering [IFMBE].

Clinical engineers today provide extensive engineering services for the clinical staff and serve as a significant resource for the entire hospital [Fig. 1.10]. Possessing in‐depth knowledge regarding available in‐house technological capabilities as well as the technical resources available from outside firms, the modern clinical engineer enables the hospital to make effective and efficient use of most if not all of its technological resources.

Figure 1.10. The range of interactions with clinical engineers in a hospital setting.

Biomedical engineering is thus an interdisciplinary branch of engineering heavilybased both in engineering and in the life sciences. It ranges from theoretical, nonexperimental undertakings to state‐of‐the‐art applications. It can encompass research, development, implementation, and operation. Accordingly, like medical practice itself, it is unlikely that any single person can acquire expertise that encompasses the entire field. As a result, there has been an explosion of biomedical engineering specialists to cover this broad spectrum of activity. Yet, because of the interdisciplinary nature of this activity, there is considerable interplay and overlapping of interest and effort between them. For example, biomedical engineers engaged in the development of biosensors may interact with those interested in prosthetic devices to develop a means to detect and use the same bioelectric signal to power a prosthetic device. Those engaged in automating the clinical chemistry laboratory may collaborate with those developing expert systems to assist clinicians in making clinical decisions based on specific laboratory data. The possibilities are endless.

Perhaps a greater potential benefit occurring from the utilization of biomedical engineers is the identification of problems and needs of our present health care delivery system that can be solved using existing engineering technology and systems methodology. Consequently, the field of biomedical engineering offers hope in the continuing battle to provide high‐quality health care at a reasonable cost. If properly directed towards solving problems related to preventive medical approaches, ambulatory care services, and the like, biomedical engineers can provide the tools and techniques to make our health care system more effective and efficient.

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Moral and Ethical Issues

Joseph D. Bronzino PhD, PE, in Introduction to Biomedical Engineering [Third Edition], 2012

2.14 The Role of the Biomedical Engineer in the FDA Process

On November 28, 1991, the Safe Medical Devices Act of 1990 [Public Law 101-629] went into effect. This regulation requires a wide range of health care institutions, including hospitals, ambulatory-surgical facilities, nursing homes, and outpatient treatment facilities, to report information that reasonably suggests the likelihood that the death, serious injury, or serious illness of a patient at that facility was caused or contributed to by a medical device. When a death is device-related, a report must be made directly to the FDA and to the manufacturer of the device. When a serious illness or injury is device-related, a report must be made to the manufacturer or to the FDA in cases where the manufacturer is not known. In addition, summaries of previously submitted reports must be submitted to the FDA on a semiannual basis. Prior to this regulation, such reporting was wholly voluntary. This new regulation was designed to enhance the FDA's ability to learn quickly about problems related to medical devices and supplements the medical device reporting [MDR] regulations promulgated in 1984. MDR regulations require that manufacturers and importers submit reports of device-related deaths and serious injuries to the FDA. The new law extends this requirement to users of medical devices along with manufacturers and importers. This act gives the FDA authority over device-user facilities.

The FDA regulations are ethically significant because by attempting to increase the FDA's awareness of medical device-related problems, it attempts to increase that agency's ability to protect the welfare of patients. The main controversy over the FDA's regulation policies is essentially utilitarian in nature. Skeptics of the law are dubious about its ability to provide the FDA with much useful information. They worry that much of the information generated by this new law will simply duplicate information already provided under MDR regulations. If this were the case, little or no benefit to patients would accrue from compliance with the regulation. Furthermore, these regulations, according to the skeptics, are likely to increase lawsuits filed against hospitals and manufacturers and will require device-user facilities to implement formal systems for reporting device-related problems and to provide personnel to operate those systems. This would, of course, add to the costs of health care and thereby exacerbate the problem of access to care, a situation that many believe to be of crisis proportions already. In short, the controversy over FDA policy centers upon the worry that its benefits to patients will be marginal and significantly outweighed by its costs.

Biomedical engineers need to be aware of FDA regulations and the process for FDA approval of the use of medical devices and systems. These regulatory policies are, in effect, society's mechanism for controlling the improper use of these devices.




Explain the distinction between the terms ethics and morality. Provide examples that illustrate this distinction in the medical arena.


Explain the distinction between the terms beneficence and nonmaleficence, and provide a real-world example of each. Which has been favored by medicine in the ethical sense?


Provide three examples of medical moral judgments.


What do advocates of the utilitarian school of thought believe?


What does Kantianism expect in terms of the patient's rights and wishes?


Discuss how the code of ethics for clinical engineers provides guidance to practitioners in the field.


Discuss what is meant by brainstem death. How is this distinguished from neocortical death?


In response to the Schiavo and Houben case studies, what steps, if any, can be taken to guarantee brain death? Should there be set procedures for determination?


Distinguish between active and passive euthanasia, as well as voluntary and involuntary euthanasia. In your view, which, if any, are permissible? Provide your reasoning and any conditions that must be satisfied to meet your approval.


Should the federal government be able to require an individual to sign a living will in case of an accident?


If the family of a patient in the intensive care unit submits the individual's living will, should it be honored immediately, or should there be a discussion between physicians and the family? Who should make the decision? Why?


What constitutes a human experiment? Under what conditions are they permitted? What safeguards should hospitals have in place?


Should animal experimentation be required prior to human experimentation? How does animal research play into the philosophies of nonconsequentialism and utilitarianism?


Discuss the relationship between cost [or risk] and benefit in the decision for a patient to participate in a human experiment.


In the event of unfavorable and potentially painful results in consented human experimentation, who should be held liable? Why?


A biomedical engineer has designed a new sleep apnea monitor. Discuss the steps that should be taken before it is used in a clinical setting.


Discuss the distinctions among practice, research, and nonvalidated practice. Provide examples of each in the medical arena.


What are the two major conditions for ethically sound research?


Informed consent is one of the essential factors in permitting humans to participate in medical experiments. What ethical principles are satisfied by informed consent? What should be done to ensure it is truly voluntary? What information should be given to human subjects?


What are the distinctions between feasibility studies and emergency use?


In the practice of medicine, health care professionals use medical devices to diagnose and treat patients. Therefore, the clinical staff must not only become knowledgeable and skilled in their understanding of human physiology, but they must also be competent in using the medical tools at their disposal. This requirement often results in litigation when a device fails. The obvious question is, Who is to blame?

Consider the case of a woman undergoing a surgical procedure that requires the use of a ground platean 8 × 11-inch pad that serves as a return path for any electrical current that comes from electrosurgical devices used during the procedure. As a result of the procedure, this woman received a major burn that seriously destroyed tissue at the site of the ground plate.


Discuss the possible individuals and/or organizations that may have been responsible for this injury.


Outside of seeking the appropriate responsible party, are there specific ethical issues here?

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Biomedical Engineering

Joseph D. Bronzino PhD, PE, in Introduction to Biomedical Engineering [Third Edition], 2012

1.6 Professional Status of Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical engineers are professionals, which are defined as an aggregate of people finding identity in sharing values and skills absorbed during a common course of intensive training. Whether individuals are professionals is determined by examining whether they have internalized certain given professional values. Furthermore, a professional is someone who has internalized professional values and is licensed on the basis of his or her technical competence. Professionals generally accept scientific standards in their work, restrict their work activities to areas in which they are technically competent, avoid emotional involvement, cultivate objectivity in their work, and put their clients' interests before their own.

The concept of a profession that is involved in the design, development, and management of medical technology encompasses three primary occupational models: science, business, and profession. Consider initially the contrast between science and profession. Science is seen as the pursuit of knowledge, its value hinging on providing evidence and communicating with colleagues. Profession, on the other hand, is viewed as providing a service to clients who have problems they cannot handle themselves. Scientists and professionals have in common the exercise of some knowledge, skill, or expertise. However, while scientists practice their skills and report their results to knowledgeable colleagues, professionals, such as lawyers, physicians, and engineers, serve lay clients. To protect both the professional and the client from the consequences of the layperson's lack of knowledge, the practice of the profession is often regulated through such formal institutions as state licensing. Both professionals and scientists must persuade their clients to accept their findings. Professionals endorse and follow a specific code of ethics to serve society. On the other hand, scientists move their colleagues to accept their findings through persuasion.

Consider, for example, the medical profession. Its members are trained in caring for the sick, with the primary goal of healing them. These professionals not only have a responsibility for the creation, development, and implementation of that tradition, but they are also expected to provide a service to the public, within limits, without regard to self-interest. To ensure proper service, the profession closely monitors the licensing and certification process. Thus, medical professionals themselves may be regarded as a mechanism of social control. However, this does not mean that other facets of society are not involved in exercising oversight and control of physicians in their practice of medicine.

A final attribute of professionals is that of integrity. Physicians tend to be both permissive and supportive in relationships with patients and yet are often confronted with moral dilemmas involving the desires of their patients and social interest. For example, how to honor the wishes of terminally ill patients while not facilitating the patients' deaths is a moral question that health professionals are forced to confront. A detailed discussion of the moral issues posed by medical technology is presented in Chapter 2.

One can determine the status of professionalization by noting the occurrence of six crucial events: the first training school, the first university school, the first local professional association, the first national professional association, the first state license law, and the first formal code of ethics. The early appearances of the training school and the university affiliation underscore the importance of the cultivation of a knowledge base. The strategic innovative role of the universities and early teachers lies in linking knowledge to practice and creating a rationale for exclusive jurisdiction. Those practitioners pushing for prescribed training then form a professional association. The association defines the tasks of the profession: raising the quality of recruits; redefining their function to permit the use of less technically skilled people to perform the more routine, less involved tasks; and managing internal and external conflicts. In the process, internal conflict may arise between those committed to previously established procedures and newcomers committed to change and innovation. At this stage, some form of professional regulation, such as licensing or certification, surfaces because of a belief that it will ensure minimum standards for the profession, enhance status, and protect the layperson in the process.

The last area of professional development is the establishment of a formal code of ethics, which usually includes rules to exclude the unqualified and unscrupulous practitioners, rules to reduce internal competition, and rules to protect clients and emphasize the ideal service to society. A code of ethics usually comes at the end of the professionalization process.

In biomedical engineering, all six critical steps have been clearly taken. The field of biomedical engineering, which originated as a professional group interested primarily in medical electronics in the late 1950s, has grown from a few scattered individuals to a very well-established organization. There are approximately 48 international societies throughout the world serving an increasingly expanding community of biomedical engineers. Today, the scope of biomedical engineering is enormously diverse. Over the years, many new disciplines such as tissue engineering, artificial intelligence, and so on, which were once considered alien to the field, are now an integral part of the profession.

Professional societies play a major role in bringing together members of this diverse community to share their knowledge and experience in pursuit of new technological applications that will improve the health and quality of life. Intersocietal cooperation and collaborations, at both the national and international levels, are more actively fostered today through professional organizations such as the Biomedical Engineering Society [BMES], the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering [AIMBE], Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society [EMBS], and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers [IEEE].

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Electromagnetic Interference with Medical Devices: In Vitro Laboratory Studies and Electromagnetic Compatibility Standards

Kok-Swang Tan, Irwin Hinberg, in Clinical Engineering Handbook, 2004

Strategies to Reduce EMI Risk

Managing EM Fields Within and Outside Hospitals

Hospital administrators and biomedical engineers or clinical engineers should understand radiofrequency and its sources. Hospital administrators should consider developing hospital policies for controlled use of radiofrequency sources and the frequency spectrum. Administrators should also consider integrating radiofrequency sources and systems with their existing communication systems to eliminate any uncontrolled communication sources in hospitals.

Managing Medical Device Immunity

Hospital administrators and clinical and technical staff should be educated about EMI-related risk. It is important for biomedical engineers, clinicians, and nurses to be aware of EMI-related incidents and report those incidents to the correct authority. If any staff member finds any sensitive medical devices susceptible to EMI, they should relocate them or separate them. Biomedical or clinical engineers should determine the immunities of their life-support and critical care medical devices. Due to financial constraints, many hospitals continue to use older medical devices that were not designed or tested for electromagnetic compatibility. Biomedical and clinical engineers should advise hospital administration that all medical devices considered for purchase must at least comply with existing EMC standards.

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