Blacklist is Anne alive

We know that in the world ofThe Blacklist,almost anything is possible characters have been supposedly dead before!

With this in mind, we still cant help but wonder about Anne. For a span of a few episodes in season 8, it legitimately felt like Reddington had found true love. Even after she learned the truth about who he really was there was still an effort she made in order to help him; there was still a chance that the two couldve had a future together prior to her death.

Have you watched our latestThe Blacklistdiscussion about Reddington and Anne?If not, take a look at that below! Once you do that, remember toSUBSCRIBEto Matt & Jess for some other updates were discussing the show weekly during the offseason.

It is the nature of said death that still make us wonder if shes really,trulygone. Think about it. Through the remainder of season 8, James Spaders character seemingly held no ill will towards Liz despite her being responsible for Annes death. Meanwhile, it didnt seem like there was that much of a mourning process. We didnt even see Anne mentioned for most of the end of last season! [Sure, we understand there were a lot of other things happening, but still.]

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Then, theres the issue of Annes daughter. Why did she only find out about her mothers death due to Reddington? How did everyone else in the community learn of her death? There are a lot of things that dont add up either Reddington hid her death from most of the town or hes got her off in hiding somewhere. If that is the case, would she really be okay with her daughter thinking that she passed away? Could she be in a coma instead?

Maybe were a little bit naïve to think the character could still be out there, but theres something about her death that never sat right with us. Maybe its just that small tinge of hope that somehow, she could be tied into Reddingtons happiness a little more down the road.

Related Be sure to get some more news on The Blacklist right now, including more peeks towards the future

Do you want to see more of Anne moving into The Blacklist season 9?

How do you think that it could happen? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to stick around there are some other updates ahead that you dont want to miss. [Photo: NBC.]

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