Citrix desktop icons rearrange

Citrix published desktop and desktop icons

9 posts

Xenapp 5 on Server 2003 x64. We use a published desktop, full screen on dual monitors.

When a user accesses citrix from two different computers [i.e. their office pc and their home pc] the screen resolutions are likely different. When the user switches between pc's, their citrix desktop icons are rearranged. I understand this icon rearranging behavior is a function of windows - not citrix. However, is there a way to "lock" icon layout on the citrix desktop?

There are apps that can save/restore icon positions on the desktop. Don't know why they wouldn't work in your situation.


DoubleTap wrote:
There are apps that can save/restore icon positions on the desktop. Don't know why they wouldn't work in your situation.

I've seen several apps that work on the user's local desktop, but not citrix.


how many icons do your users have?
will toolbar pointing to Desktop help?

forky wrote:
how many icons do your users have?

Dozens. They're baffled by the start menu.

forky wrote:
Will toolbar pointing to Desktop help?

No. They refuse to change how they interact with the desktop.

Yeah, we have this problem as well with Citrix. There's not much we've found to solve it, the users just have to learn to look for stuff.

In some instances we will group icons into folders though. We have one app with multiple installations [To go with multiple facilities in the company]. Those icons are all grouped under one folder...

ZPrime wrote:
In some instances we will group icons into folders though.

I wish I could. If, for instance, I moved the MS Office icons into a folder counterintuitively labeled Microsoft Office icons it would trigger a round of "Citrix eated my email outlook!" and "Word isn't download in the citrix" phone calls. Yes, I work with primates.

You make me feel better about my users, which honestly, is tragic.
Thankfully, someone long ago decided nobody gets desktop icons locally or in Citrix, so they know to look for things in the start menu.

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