Toshiba laptop light indicators



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JoinedFeb 13, 2005Messages415
Mar 31, 2016
  • #1
Power light is white, I have always seen white. Power is getting to the computer [runs normally]. Battery does charge. When I remove the battery the power light goes to white. When I put the battery back in the power light goes to orange. Power supply problem? Battery problem? Do I need to bleed the power from the computer[forgot how]?


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JoinedFeb 13, 2005Messages415
Mar 31, 2016
  • #3
Did as you suggested. First I did a windows shutdown and then followed your instructions. Second I just powered down from the button without doing a windows shutdown. Neither procedure had any effect. Power light is still orange. Battery reports "100% available [plugged in, charging]."


Simon Peter Clotworthy
JoinedMar 30, 2016Messages65
Mar 31, 2016
  • #6
When you leave the battery to charge. Does the computers main battery light ever turn white to signify it is fully charged?
Why are you removing the battery from the laptop?

Here are how the lights should respond to certain conditions:

Glows amber while the main battery is being charged [AC adaptor connected]

Glows white when the main battery is fully charged

Is unlit when the main battery has discharged, the battery is not charging, or the AC adaptor is not plugged into the computer or AC outlet

Flashes amber when the main battery charge is low and it is time to recharge the main battery or plug in the AC adaptor

If the AC power light flashes amber during charging, either the main battery is malfunctioning, or it is not receiving correct input from the AC power supply

the main battery light should be unlit when the main battery has discharged, the battery is not charging, or the AC adaptor is not plugged into the computer or AC outlet


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JoinedFeb 13, 2005Messages415
Mar 31, 2016
  • #7
Sorry for the confusion. I got my lights mixed up.
First light is either power supply or battery level. It will be white if battery is removed and power adapter is connected. It will be unlit if neither battery or power adapter is connected. It will glow solid orange if battery is being charged. It will blink orange if battery is at critical low level. Mine was solid orange.That's the condition I thought was a problem. Battery is now 100% and light has changed to a solid white.
Second light is power light. It is on [solid white when computer is awake and running, blinking white if computer is sleeping, unlit if computer is shut down].
3rd light is wireless indicator. It is orange if wireless is on. I was confusing this light with the battery light.

Thanks for trying to help nzkeyboard. Hopefully we both learned something. I know I did.

My wife and I toured your beautiful country a few years ago. Fantastic time.

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