greco là gì - Nghĩa của từ greco

greco có nghĩa là

Any male of striking appearance who is particularly charming, confident, well groomed, and looks unusually dashing smoking a cigarette. The term is usually associated with a man of Mediterranean decent. Never to be confused with the Metrosexual, a Greco exudes a distinct air of masculinity.

Ví dụ

Vera: Look how the smoke just rolls cool from his lips as he delights the young lady with his clever tounge. He's so very Greco, isn't he?

Beth: Yes, he seems particularly at ease in his modern yet classic attire.

greco có nghĩa là

a smooth dude that keeps his clothes crispy, his diction slick, his females in line, and always knows what it is

Ví dụ

Vera: Look how the smoke just rolls cool from his lips as he delights the young lady with his clever tounge. He's so very Greco, isn't he?

greco có nghĩa là

A Greek Person or style

Ví dụ

Vera: Look how the smoke just rolls cool from his lips as he delights the young lady with his clever tounge. He's so very Greco, isn't he?

greco có nghĩa là

Beth: Yes, he seems particularly at ease in his modern yet classic attire. a smooth dude that keeps his clothes crispy, his diction slick, his females in line, and always knows what it is that boy niko is one greco kid A Greek Person or style

Ví dụ

Vera: Look how the smoke just rolls cool from his lips as he delights the young lady with his clever tounge. He's so very Greco, isn't he?

greco có nghĩa là

Beth: Yes, he seems particularly at ease in his modern yet classic attire. a smooth dude that keeps his clothes crispy, his diction slick, his females in line, and always knows what it is

Ví dụ

that boy niko is one greco kid A Greek Person or style The architecture was typical Greco-Industrial. The host of the television show Cheaters in which indivuals confront their unfaithful significant other. An instigator who loves to start sh*t between people under the guise that he really "cares" about them. He has been stabbed, punched, and slapped by several individuals on the show.

greco có nghĩa là

A synonym for anyone who starts trouble in relationships in which they have no business being in. The kind of person who tells your girlfriend your cheating on her because he's jealous that your gettin some pussy and he has never got to 2nd base với một người phụ nữ.

Ví dụ really explains the best canidate in the election!

greco có nghĩa là

Also known as someone who has a terrible haircut in which they spike their hair and paint the middle spikes white.

Ví dụ

Tha douchebag Larry ran up on me while I was in the car gettin some dome from my secretary out behind McDonalds. I always knew he was a Joey Greco. 1. Some painter from Spain that nobody remembers. El Greco means 'the greek', but it beats the shit out of me why any Greek painter would go to Spain.

greco có nghĩa là

2. Not 'the gecko'.

Ví dụ

1. Art lover- Hey, that painting's by El Greco!
Art hater- Who gives a shit?

2. Jimmy- Oo, I'm so smart, el greco means 'the gecko'!
Jimmy, you're a moron. Go kill yourself or something. The 2004 comunist canidate for president.

greco có nghĩa là really explains the best canidate in the election!

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A Averaged hieght man with an afro who is quite large in build, They tend to like small children and listen to shit music, they also tend to own cameras.

greco có nghĩa là

"Is he taking photos of children?"

Ví dụ

Don't get surgery from a Greco. Those Greco's stole my gold.

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