Is the process of affecting the thoughts behavior and feelings of another person

Thoughts and feelings have a tremendous influence on our daily lives and are what help us make sense of our surroundings and connect us with the world. Recognizing the differences between thoughts and feelings helps us process them, and it can sometimes take a bit of time and effort to understand what’s a feeling, and what’s a thought. Additionally, we need to remember that we have both thoughts and feelings. While it might be tempting to ignore our thoughts or push away feelings because they can be difficult to deal with, we risk making decisions that lead to unhealthy or undesirable results, and these choices can lead to more painful thoughts and/or feelings. 

For example, if a person we love does something to make us angry, we may not want to feel that anger because that’s painful, and not in line with the love we have for the person. We may feel conflicted about being angry and, instead, choose to ignore the feelings rather than cope with them. Pushing down these feelings may cause even more negative feelings, leaving us feeling worse. Now we’re carrying around a ball of anger about the person from the original experience, combined with more negative feelings from trying to avoid the original feelings. We end up interacting with the world with these feelings just below the surface and risk that they may come out toward the wrong person at the wrong time.

Ultimately, if we try to shove our thoughts or feelings down and ignore them, we will wind up dealing with them in some other way—like feeling anger or contempt or in a way that blocks self-awareness and understanding. Learning to understand their differences and how they work together allows us to see what happens when we put them into action. 


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In this article, we take a more detailed look at Cognitive Behaviour Therapy or CBT which is used to help with depression.

We’re often not aware of the impact our feelings and behaviours have on each other, and because of this relationship, changing our behaviours can have a very big effect on our emotions. We can often tackle depression by changing key behaviours, and for many young people this is the most direct way to help them improve their mood.

So where do thoughts fit in? When we talk about thoughts we’re referring to a lot of different mental activities, including wishes, hopes, plans, predictions, judgments and memories. Thoughts often include words but sometimes they can include pictures, speech, or even smells.

Most of the time we don’t notice our thoughts – they go on in the background, helping us make decisions and carry out many tasks automatically. Sometimes, we become aware of our thoughts – for example when we try to work out a puzzle, or remember a specific event, or do a specific task, like write a letter to a friend or learn a new language.


Daniel Kahnmann, described automatic [fast] thinking as ‘System 1’ and deliberate [slow] thinking as ‘System 2’. He has also written a very successful book ‘Thinking fast and slow’ showing how fast or automatic thinking can lead us to make many mistakes in everyday life. Automatic thinking [‘thinking fast’] means that we can get on with life for most of the time without too much effort. Automatic thinking helps us make decisions quickly, recognise patterns, fill in gaps in information, and carry out well-rehearsed behaviours.

Psychologists have also noticed that automatic thoughts can have a direct and really immediate impact on our feelings or emotions, and on our behaviours. If you find this hard to imagine try this exercise:

Imagine yourself walking home, or to your car, one dark evening. You’re alone, wondering about what to have for dinner. Your thoughts are disturbed by a quiet, rustling noise off to your left. What is it?

Thought 1 – “It’s a cat”

What is the effect on your emotions? What do you do differently?

“Ok, it’s a cat. You can relax and carry on walking to your car. What is it you’re having for tea?”

Thought 2 – “It’s a mugger”

What is the effect on your emotions? What do you do differently?

Ok, so this is probably making you feel something quite different. You may feel tense, anxious, or fearful. You might feel sensations in your body – your hands sweat, your heart beats faster, your stomach churns.

And what do you do? Perhaps you walk a bit faster, or look for somewhere to run or somewhere to hide.

Then a cat walks out from behind a wall and you relax.

This simple example shows us just a thought [not a fact], changes how we feel, and what we do.

The link between our thoughts, our emotions or feelings, and our behaviours was highlighted by an American psychiatrist Dr Aaron T. Beck. In his clinical practice, Beck worked with individuals with depression and noticed that negative thinking was a core aspect of depression. He proposed that negative thinking both made people feel depressed and made it hard to recover from depression.

Just as we’ve seen above, Beck proposed that the relationship between thoughts, feelings and behaviours was inter-linked – changing one of the parts would have an effect on any of the others.

As a result, Beck developed a new form of psychotherapy for depression. Rather than focusing on the past, he aimed to use psychotherapy to help tackle depression by changing people’s cognitions [or thoughts] and their behaviours. By changing one, or both, of their cognitions or behaviours, Beck proposed that this would also change their emotions, and improve depression. The new therapy was therefore called Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, or CBT.

CBT has since become one of the most widely researched and used types of psychotherapy. It’s been developed to treat a wide range of physical and mental health problems, and adapted for use with people of different ages. You can find out more about CBT for anxiety and depression in our other FutureLearn course Understanding Anxiety, Depression and CBT. There are also many books based on CBT that have been developed to help adults and teenagers help themselves. You can find a list of these at the end of the course.

What is the process of affecting the thoughts behavior and feelings of another person?

Abstract. Social influence involves intentional and unintentional efforts to change another person's beliefs, attitudes, or behavior.

What type of psychology is thoughts and feelings connected to?

Personality psychology is the branch of psychology that focuses on the study of thought patterns, feelings, and behaviors that make each individual unique.

Which of the following is the ability to affect the behavior of others?

The capacity to control people's behavior, resisting unfavorable influence can be described as power.

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