Lỗi no jpl in java.libary.path giữa neatbeb và prolog năm 2024

there should be a "jpl.jar" in /usr/lib/swipl-5.10.1/lib and libswipl.so in /usr/lib/swipl-5.10.1/lib/i686-linux.

Yes, I can find it.

First, I add external JAR [jpl.jar]in Eclipse

Second, I set native library location of jpl.jar in Eclipse


Third, I set VM arguments in Eclipse



I got this error Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jpl in java.library.path

So, I found another site and I use this setting.

First, I add external JAR [jpl.jar] in Eclipse

Second, I set variable under environment in Eclipse

LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib/swipl-5.10.1/lib/x86_64-linux

SWI_HOME_DIR /usr/lib/swipl-5.10.1

Then I run it without setting VM arguments and got the same error.

Even if I run it again after setting VM arguments in Eclipse, I can't fix the error.

Please. give me advice to fix it. If you know how to fix it, please explain how to fix the error.

Thank you.

Carlo Capelli


May 23, 2016, 1:39:52 AM5/23/16

to Kyonmo Yang, SWI-Prolog

not sure it will help for your use case, but I recently started a server from scratch, and to get SWI-Prolog built from source with JPL, I used





HTH Carlo

Kyonmo Yang


May 23, 2016, 2:23:45 AM5/23/16

to SWI-Prolog, kmya...@gmail.com

Thanks for your answer. I have done according to your suggestions but it doesn't work. :[


2016년 5월 23일 월요일 오후 2시 39분 52초 UTC+9, cc.carlo.cap 님의 말:

Paul Singleton


May 23, 2016, 8:02:44 AM5/23/16

to SWI-Prolog

You tell us your jpl.jar is in


but that you have configured Eclipse to fail to find it in




Determine where it actually is [e.g. by looking] then nominate this path to Eclipse.

Paul Singleton

Kyonmo Yang


May 23, 2016, 9:05:04 PM5/23/16

to SWI-Prolog

Thank you!!!!!!!!!

I use incorrect path in VM argument in Eclipse.

I can use JPL through this configuration below

Location of swipl-5.10.1: usr/lib/swipl-5.10.1

1. copy libswipl.so file[/usr/lib/swipl-5.10.1/lib/x86_64-linux] to usr/lib

if you need root permission, you can use this command: gksu nautilus

2. add jpl.jar[/usr/lib/swipl-5.10.1/lib] library in Eclipse

Properties->Java Build Path->Libraries->Add External JARs

3. set Naive library location of jpl.jar [/usr/lib/swipl-5.10.1/lib/x86_64-linux]

4. set VM arguments [-Djava.library.path=.:/usr/lib/swipl-5.10.1/lib/x86_64-linux]

Run->Run configuration->Arguments

I don't need to set this path under /etc/environment or ~/.bashrc



Thank you!

2016년 5월 23일 월요일 오후 9시 2분 44초 UTC+9, Paul Singleton 님의 말:

Jan Wielemaker


May 24, 2016, 3:05:12 AM5/24/16

to Kyonmo Yang, SWI-Prolog

On 05/24/2016 03:05 AM, Kyonmo Yang wrote: \> Thank you!!!!!!!!! \> \> I use incorrect path in VM argument in Eclipse. \> \> I can use JPL through this configuration below \> \> Location of swipl-5.10.1: usr/lib/swipl-5.10.1 \>

\> 1. copy *libswipl.so* file[/usr/lib/swipl-5.10.1/lib/x86_64-linux] to \> usr/lib \> if you need root permission, you can use this command: *gksu nautilus *

It is quite unlikely that is a good idea. It most likely creates to version issues when you upgrade SWI-Prolog.

\> 2. add *jpl.jar*[/usr/lib/swipl-5.10.1/lib] library in Eclipse

\> Properties->Java Build Path->Libraries->Add External JARs

I guess that is fine.

\> 3. set *Naive library* location of jpl.jar \> [/usr/lib/swipl-5.10.1/lib/x86_64-linux]

That might be fine too. Note there are two libraries involved in this case: jpl.so, which contains the Java to Prolog interface and libswipl.so, which contains the [embeddable Prolog kernel.

\> 4. set *VM arguments*

\> [-Djava.library.path=.:/usr/lib/swipl-5.10.1/lib/x86_64-linux] \> Run->Run configuration->Arguments

That tells Java where to look for .so files. Not sure how this compares to [3].

\> I don't need to set this path under /etc/environment or ~/.bashrc \> LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/lib/swipl-5.10.1/lib/x86_64-linux" \> SWI_HOME_DIR="/usr/lib/swipl-5.10.1"

Setting $LD_LIBRARY_PATH is probably the alternative to copying libswipl.so. What [I think] happens is this:

Java is supposed to dynamically load jpl.so. Jpl.so has a dependency on libswipl.so and thus loading jpl.so should load libswipl.so as well. Now, on Linux the search path for shared objects cannot be changed at runtime [AFAIK, please correct me if this has changed]. So, one of the options you gave made it find jpl.so using its own file search. It tries to dlopen[] /usr/lib/swipl-5.10.1/lib/x86_64-linux/jpl.so, which cause it to use the OS search for the dependency libswipl.so. This fails. You're action to copy libswipl.so fixes this. Setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH should have fixed that too. Note that after editing ~/.bashrc you should either logout and back in or you should run `source ~/.bashrc` to make the changes visible.

If you compiled the binary from source, it uses the shared object runpath feature to compile the search path into jpl.so, so all works fine. Using runpath is however against the policy of Debian packages. Not sure what the clean way out is that does not violate the Debian package policies.

Cheers --- Jan

\> \> \> Thank you! \> \> \> \> \> \> 2016년 5월 23일 월요일 오후 9시 2분 44초 UTC+9, Paul Singleton 님의 말: \> \> You tell us your jpl.jar is in \> \> | \> /usr/lib/swipl-5.10.1/lib \> | \> \> but that you have configured Eclipse to fail to find it in \> \> | \> /usr/lib/swipl-5.10.1/lib/x86_64-linux \> | \> \> \> or \> \> | \> /usr/lib/swipl-5.10.1/lib/i686-linux \> | \> \> \> Determine where it actually is [e.g. by looking] then nominate this \> path to Eclipse. \> \> Paul Singleton \>

\> -- \> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google \> Groups "SWI-Prolog" group. \> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send \> an email to swi-prolog+...@googlegroups.com

\> .

neha sood


Aug 9, 2016, 6:44:55 AM8/9/16

to SWI-Prolog

Hi All,

I am also stuck with this exception

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jpl in java.library.path

My working environment is

IDE- EClipse mars 4.5 ,Java 8, Swipl -7.2.3, OS: Windows 10

I was successfully running prolog queries from eclipse IDE till yesterday but suddenly it has stopped working and started throwing this exception.

i have jpl.jar added at below paths

Image eclipse shows external library refered in source code

Image env show environment variable set in code

Path below source code also shows environment var path refering to Swipl

Also classpath refers to jpl.jar as

Classpath=C:\Program Files\swipl\lib\jpl.jar

Source code is

public class Jpc {

public static void main[String args[]]

{ String t1="consult['C:/Users/researcher/Desktop/prolog basics/stat.pl']";

Query q1=new Query[t1];

System.out.println[t1+" "+ [q1.hasSolution[] ? "success" : "not connected" ]];



and output of code is

path C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_65\bin;C:\Windows\Sun\Java\bin;C:\Windows\system32; C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_65/bin/../jre/bin;C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_65/bin/../jre/lib/amd64;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_65\bin; c:\php; c:\Apache24; c:\Apache24\bin;

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