Lucrative income là gì

lu·​cra·​tive | \ ˈlü-krə-tiv

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Paying, gainful, remunerative, and lucrative share the meaning of bringing in a return of money, but each term casts a different light on how much green you take in. Paying is the word for jobs that yield the smallest potatoesyour first paying job probably provided satisfactory compensation, but you weren't going to get rich by it. Gainful employment might offer a bit more cash, and gainful certainly suggests that an individual is motivated by a desire for gain. Remunerative implies that a job provides more than the usual rewards, but a lucrative position is the one you wantthose are the kind that go beyond your initial hopes or expectations.

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First Known Use of lucrative

15th century, in the meaning defined above

History and Etymology for lucrative

Middle English lucratif, from Middle French, from Latin lucrativus, from lucratus, past participle of lucrari to gain, from lucrum

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Lucrative. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, // Accessed 4 Feb. 2022.

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lu·​cra·​tive | \ ˈlü-krə-tiv \

1 : producing wealth or profit

2 : acquired, received, or had without burdensome conditions or giving of consideration

Other Words from lucrative

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