On the grounds of là gì

Đồng nghĩa của on the grounds of


As a result of
through by after given granted with in consequence of as a consequence of as a result as a result of attributable to because of by dint of by reason by reason of by virtue of caused by down to due to following for the sake of in the wake of on account of on grounds of on the basis of on the strength of out of owing to thanks to by means of via based on by way of per with the help of with the aid of with the assistance of in view of for as per using by use of in virtue of on supported by by the agency of through the agency of through the medium of under the aegis of utilizing in employing utilising over by using at a time of through the utility of at the hand of in the name of

Nearby Words

on the grounds of this on the grounds that on the heels of on the hit list on the hook on the hop on the ground on the grapevine on the go on the game on the further side of on the fritz

Trái nghĩa của on the grounds of

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