Pale in là gì

Photo byDietmar Becker

"Pale by comparison" -> nghĩa là kém quan trọng, bị lu mờ [khi bị so sánh].

Ví dụ
This President has done when compared to the hacks and products of party machinery whose lack of accomplishments pale by comparison.

COVID-19's tentacles [tua cảm] were so deep into everything that all other stories pale by comparison. The seriousness of COVID-19 really hit home for me on the day they announced March Madness was canceled.

Hess, who seems at this point to have figured out that these two troopers are perhaps not who they appear to be, decides to amplify his callousness [sự tàn nhẫn] by promising to use the Rhydonium to create havoc [sự tàn phá] thats gonna make Burnin Konn just pale by comparison. Mayfeld, who served during Operation: Cinder at Burnin Konn which saw tens of thousands of his comrades perish [diệt vong], is unable to keep his cool and shoots Hess at point-blank range. Before the other troopers [lính thiết giáp] in the canteen can react, Mando and Mayfeld rain blaster [ngòi nổ] shots upon them before escaping.

Ka Tina

Bài trước:Miss by a mile nghĩa là gì?

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