rage against the machine là gì - Nghĩa của từ rage against the machine

rage against the machine có nghĩa là

The only rap-rock band that ever had talent.


rage against the machine có nghĩa là

THE BEST FUCKING BAND TO EVER WALK THE FACE OF THE EARTH. A politically charged revolutionary band fueled by the searing riffs of Tom Morello, the bumping bass of Tim Commeford [aka. Tim Bob, Simmerin' T, Y Tim K, and variuos other aliases], the dramatic lyricks of Zach De La Rocha, and the awesome drums of Brad Wilk.


" GE is gonna' flex and annex the truth, NBC is gonna flex and impose their image on you, all while forcing out ears to go deaf to the screams in the South."

rage against the machine có nghĩa là

1. v. To rebel, revolt; To actively or passively fight society or the government.

2. v. One of the best and biggest bands of the 90s; in this respect, comparable to Red Hot Chilli Peppers. They are the other [see Korn] band that led to the nu-metal explosion of the late 90s. The band is known for its extremist militant left-wing liberal lyrics; in fact, RATM was formed to promote the message of a badly-needed rebellion. They are commonly hated by conservatives and feared by soccer moms. They have been accused of using their popularity to promote a liberal agenda among fans; to those people I merely say: THAT'S THE POINT OF THE BAND, YOU FUCKWIT.

The band was composed of driving force, frontman and rapper Zack de la Rocha, fantastic bass player Timmy C, guitarist extraordinaire Tom Morello and the incomparable drummer Brad Wilk. Timmy, Tom and Brad have since joined with the former lead singer of Soundgarden and become Audioslave.

Rage Against the Machine have a completely unique sound. Rapped lyrics accompany guitars with riffs and solos typical of metal, the bass has a heavy influence on the music, resembling funk, and the drums are reminiscent of hardcore punk, but best described as psycho. They also have a very raw sound when compared to most nu-metal. The first album, slef-titled, bears the disclaimer NO SAMPLES, KEYBOARDS OR SYNTHESIZERS USED IN THE MAKING OF THIS RECORDING.

Rage Against the Machine sold out, a severely disappointing fact. Since then, the band has divided, leading to Audioslave and the solo career of Zack de la Rocha. Zack, unlike Audioslave, keeps the intensity and spirit of rebellion in his music.


1. Don't listen to the lies the government tells you, man. Rage against the machine.

2. Don't listen to the lies the government tells you, man. Listen to Rage Against the Machine.

rage against the machine có nghĩa là

Rage Against The Machine is the best band to ever have sat foot in this world - their music ain't just some crap they made up like shitty pop music; their music means something and it is politically inspired. They were a great band and it was a dam shame they split-up. Their music makes you think and that shit is important!


"Tha gut eaters, blood drenched get offensive like Tet
Tha fifth sun sets get back reclaim
Tha spirit of Cuahtemoc alive an untamed
Now face tha funk now blastin' out ya speaker, on tha one Maya, Mexica
That vulture came ta try and steal ya name
But now you got a gun, yeah this is for the people of the sun" - for those who don't know 'Tet' [the Tet Offensive] was a big attack which took place in the Vietnam war and a lot of people died.

rage against the machine có nghĩa là

A Karl Marx-inspired band formed in the early 90's, broke apart sometime in the year 2000. One of the most succesful political modern rock bands, and progenitors of the 'rap-rock' movement. Some of their music videos were directed by controversial filmmaker Michael Moore. Credibility is sometimes challenged, however. Tom Morello, guitarist of the band, claims to be a Marxist advocate but owns a number of expensive Cadillac automobiles at his LA home.


Self-titled, Evil Empire, Battle of Los Angeles

rage against the machine có nghĩa là

A band formed in 1991 who helped create the rock/rap genre along with Faith No More and Red Hot Chili Peppers.



Hey Joe, you know what rocks?


rage against the machine có nghĩa là

Only good rock-rap hybrid. It does not matter if you support their politics or not, you can't deny that they make good music and in the end thats the most important thing.


me "ratm rock fukkin hard"
townie "set me 50p blud"
me "no" machine-guns him to death

rage against the machine có nghĩa là

Rage Against the Machine, arguably once the most powerful and culturally-relevant societal activist group, used the popular contemporary 'thrash rock' genre of music as a vehicle to attempt to create a broader consciousness of issues pertaining to the mass-media, the power of corporate coercion and the conditioning of Westernised society to create complacency; ultimately allowing for the centralisation of power amongst the fascist State and multi-conglomerate corporations such as the WTO and partisan mass-media organisations such as CBS; the collective Machine. RATM was genuinely unique to the Western media current through their strongly rhetoric lyrics and the formidability of their music.

Perhaps what could be seen as tragic; RATM disbanded at the beginning of the new Century, commonly cited as being due to political differences. Zach de la Rocha, who was evidently the bands most politically aware and zealous member, was often said to have despised the path the band was taking into commercialism; a Western symbol of control which they had always struggled to fight.

Regardless of RATM's downfall, it is generally agreed that the effectual footprint of the band has led to a general intellectual and conscious awakening for a generation born into Twenty-First Century; who are seemingly predestined to a bondage to the will of today's powerful media giant and the fascist State. Zach de la Rocha's political mind-set in the time of the band's apex, and indeed in general, is comparable to that of intellectual Noam Chomsky; who [although marginalised by mainstream media outlets and by the federal state and who is predominantly left unrecognised] is today's most important figure of political dissidence and intellectual disillusionment.


"So sick of complacence now." _Rage Against The Machine

rage against the machine có nghĩa là

Shitty overrated rap rock band. Use a catalog of about four guitar chords with some screechy Mc named Zack De La Rocca who panders to uninformed people [I.e. people who think child killer Che Guevara was a hero because he's on a t-shirt.] Utter shit.


I don't think I wiped all the Rage Against the Machine off my ass.

rage against the machine có nghĩa là

Reunited for Coachella '07 and goddamn it will be good.


My penis gets hard for Rage Against the Machine on April 29th.

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