Sách Mềm tiếng Anh lớp 6 Tập 1 - Unit 2


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1 Mi tells Nick about her grandparents’ country house. Look at the pictures of her grandparents’ house and complete the sentences.

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2 Student A looks at the pictures of Nick’s house. Student B looks at the pictures of Mi’s house. Find the differences between the two houses.

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1 Nick’s parents are describing their room at the hotel. Listen and draw the furniture in the correct place.

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2 Read Nick’s e-mail again. Identify the subject, greeting, introduction, body and conclusion of the e-mail.

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3 Read the e-mail below and correct it. Write the correct version in the space provided.

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4 Write an e-mail to Nick. Tell him about your idea for the new room of the Crazy House Hotel.

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1 Put the words into the correct groups. Do you want to add any words to each group?

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2 Make sentences. Use appropriate prepositions of place.

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3 Look at the picture and complete the sentences. Use There is/There are/ There isn’t/There aren’t.

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4 Turn the sentences in 3 into questions.

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5 Write six sentences to describe your bedroom.

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6 Work in groups. Take turns to draw a cat in the house below. Other students ask questions to find the cat.

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