Vi phạm T&C Lazada là gì

Nhiều vi phạm dễ mắc phải tại Chỉ thị 15 và Chỉ thị 16

Để phòng chống Covid-19 một cách tốt nhất, nhiều địa phương sẽ tăng cường xử phạt những trường hợp vi phạm quy định tại các Chỉ thị 15, 16. Một số lỗi người dân dễ mắc phải gồm:

- Không đeo khẩu trang nơi công cộng.

- Không giữ khoảng cách tối thiểu khi giao tiếp.

- Tụ tập quá số lượng quy định nơi công cộng, ngoài phạm vi công sở, trường học..

- Ra đường trong những trường hợp không thật sự cần thiết.

Cách tính số tiền phạt khi vi phạm Chỉ thị 15, Chỉ thị 16 [Ảnh minh họa]

Cách tính số tiền phạt khi vi phạm

Theo Khoản 4 Điều 23 Luật XLVPHC 2012 được sửa đổi bởi Khoản 9 Điều 1 Luật XLVPHC 2020 đã quy định cụ thể về cách tính số tiền phạt vi phạm hành chính như sau như sau:

- Mức tiền phạt cụ thể đối với một hành vi vi phạm hành chính là mức trung bình của khung tiền phạt được quy định đối với hành vi đó;

- Trường hợp có tình tiết giảm nhẹ thì mức tiền phạt có thể giảm xuống nhưng không được thấp hơn mức tối thiểu của khung tiền phạt;

- Trường hợp có tình tiết tăng nặng thì mức tiền phạt có thể tăng lên nhưng không được vượt quá mức tối đa của khung tiền phạt.

Ví dụ: TP HCM đang thực hiện giãn cách xã hội theo Chỉ thị 16, A ra đường nhưng không có lý do chính đáng sẽ bị xử phạt theo quy định tại Nghị định 177/2020/NĐ-CP.  Cụ thể:

Theo điểm a khoản 1 Điều 12 Nghị định 177, A ra đường trong thời gian giãn cách xã hội theo Chỉ thị 16 nhưng không có lý do chính đáng bị phạt tiền từ 01-3 triệu đồng. Trong quá trình làm việc, anh A phối hợp rất tốt cũng như không có tình tiết tăng nặng, giảm nhẹ nào.

Vì vậy: Số tiền phạt của A = [ 1.000.000 + 3.000.000]/2 = 2.000.000 đồng.

Theo Điều 9, 10 Luật xử lý vi phạm hành chính 2012, các tình tiết giảm nhẹ, tăng nặng được xác định như sau:

Tình tiết tăng nặng

Tình tiết giảm nhẹ

- Vi phạm hành chính có tổ chức;

- Vi phạm hành chính nhiều lần; tái phạm;

- Xúi giục, lôi kéo, sử dụng người chưa thành niên vi phạm; ép buộc người bị lệ thuộc vào mình về vật chất, tinh thần thực hiện hành vi vi phạm hành chính;

- Sử dụng người biết rõ là đang bị tâm thần hoặc bệnh khác làm mất khả năng nhận thức hoặc khả năng điều khiển hành vi để vi phạm hành chính;

- Lăng mạ, phỉ báng người đang thi hành công vụ; vi phạm hành chính có tính chất côn đồ;

- Lợi dụng chức vụ, quyền hạn để vi phạm hành chính;

- Lợi dụng hoàn cảnh chiến tranh, thiên tai, thảm họa, dịch bệnh hoặc những khó khăn đặc biệt khác của xã hội để vi phạm hành chính;

- Vi phạm trong thời gian đang chấp hành hình phạt của bản án hình sự hoặc đang chấp hành quyết định áp dụng biện pháp xử lý vi phạm hành chính;

- Tiếp tục thực hiện hành vi vi phạm hành chính mặc dù người có thẩm quyền đã yêu cầu chấm dứt hành vi đó;

- Sau khi vi phạm đã có hành vi trốn tránh, che giấu vi phạm hành chính;

- Người vi phạm hành chính đã có hành vi ngăn chặn, làm giảm bớt hậu quả của vi phạm hoặc tự nguyện khắc phục hậu quả, bồi thường thiệt hại;

- Người vi phạm hành chính đã tự nguyện khai báo, thành thật hối lỗi; tích cực giúp đỡ cơ quan chức năng phát hiện vi phạm hành chính, xử lý vi phạm hành chính;

- Vi phạm hành chính trong tình trạng bị kích động về tinh thần do hành vi trái pháp luật của người khác gây ra; vượt quá giới hạn phòng vệ chính đáng; vượt quá yêu cầu của tình thế cấp thiết;

- Vi phạm hành chính do bị ép buộc hoặc bị lệ thuộc về vật chất hoặc tinh thần;

- Người vi phạm hành chính là phụ nữ mang thai, người già yếu, người có bệnh hoặc khuyết tật làm hạn chế khả năng nhận thức hoặc khả năng điều khiển hành vi của mình;

- Vi phạm hành chính vì hoàn cảnh đặc biệt khó khăn mà không do mình gây ra;

- Vi phạm hành chính do trình độ lạc hậu;

Trung Tài


Rate Plans


** Mo. charges excl. taxes & Surcharges [incl. USF charge of up to 26.5% [varies quarterly], up to $2.99 Admin. & 50¢ Reg. /line/mo.] & fees by area [approx. 5 -20%]]. Surcharges are not taxes. See

In stores & on customer service calls, $30 assisted or upgrade support charge may be required. 

AutoPay: $5/mo. discount may not reflect on 1st bill.

Quality of Svc. [QoS]: Quality of Service [QoS]: During congestion, heavy data users [>50 GB/mo. for most plans] and customers choosing lower-prioritized plans [i.e. Essentials, 30 GB & 50 GB tablet/MBB] may notice lower speeds than other customers; see plan for details. Smartphone and tablet usage is prioritized over Mobile Hotspot Service [tethering] usage, which may result in higher speeds for data used on smartphones and tablets. Unlimited data on our Network. See for details.

Usage Limitations: To improve data experience for the majority of users, throughput may be limited, varied or reduced on the network. Sprint may terminate svc. if off-network roaming usage in a mo. exceeds: [1] 800 min. or a majority of min.; or [2] 100MB or a majority of KB. Prohibited network use rules apply—see


Sprint ONE/Sprint ONE 55+/Sprint ONE Military General Terms: Credit approval, deposit, and, in stores & on customer service calls, $30 assisted or upgrade support charge may be required. U.S. roaming and on-network data allotments differ: includes 200MB roaming. Unlimited talk & text features for direct communications between 2 people; others [e.g., conference & chat lines, etc.] may cost extra. Unlimited high-speed data US only. In Canada/Mexico, up to 5GB high-speed data then unlimited at up to 128kbps. Not available for hotspots and some other data-first devices. Video streams at up to 1.5Mbps. Optimization may affect speed of video downloads; does not apply to video uploads. For best performance, leave any video streaming applications at their default automatic resolution setting. Sprint with Hulu Offer Terms: Reqs. qualifying Sprint service plan and registration of Hulu account from Sprint phone while on the Sprint network at Incl. access to one subscription to Hulu [Hulu’s ad-supported plan] per each eligible Sprint account [excl. other Hulu plans and add-ons] while eligible Sprint plan is active and in good standing. Select Hulu content streams in HD on supported devices subject to connectivity. Tablets may stream Hulu content via included Sprint Hot Spot or may subscribe to separate unlimited data plan for tablets. For phones and tablets on a metered plan streaming will pull from monthly allotment. New or returning Hulu subscribers only. Valid also for certain existing Hulu-billed Hulu [Hulu’s ad-supported plan] subscribers [no third-party billed subscribers or premium add-on subscribers]; no prorated credit or refund for current Hulu billing month, and remaining credit balances will be forfeited. Excludes CL accounts. Not redeemable or refundable for cash or gift subscriptions. Hulu may place account on inactivity hold based on Hulu usage. Cancel Hulu anytime. Subject to Hulu terms—see Hulu offer made available by Sprint and may be modified or terminated at any time without notice.  Tethering: 5GB high-speed data then unlimited on our network at max 3G speeds. For the small fraction of customers using >50GB/mo., primary data usage must be on smartphone or tablet. Smartphone usage is prioritized over Mobile Hotspot [tethering] usage, which may result in higher speeds for data used on smartphone. AutoPay Pricing for lines 1-10. Without AutoPay, $5 more/line/mo. May not be reflected on 1st bill. Int’l Roaming: Calls from Simple Global countries, including over Wi-Fi, are $.25/min. [no charge for Wi-Fi calls to US, Mexico and Canada]. Standard speeds approx. 128Kbps. Not for extended international use; you must reside in the U.S. and primary usage must occur on our network. Device must register on our network before international use. Service may be terminated or restricted for excessive roaming. Coverage not available in some areas; we are not responsible for our partners’ networks.  Gogo: on U.S.-based airlines; Wi-Fi Calling functionality, valid e911 address, & 1 prior Wi-Fi call w/ current SIM card req’d for messaging. Scam Shield: Capable device req’d. Turning on Scam Block might block calls you want; disable any time. Gogo: on U.S.-based airlines; Wi-Fi Calling functionality, valid e911 address, & 1 prior Wi-Fi call w/ current SIM card req’d for messaging. Stateside Int’l Talk: Calls must originate on T-Mobile’s U.S. network or in Canada/Mexico. Rates and included countries vary and may change.

Sprint MAX/Sprint MAX 55+/Sprint MAX Military General Terms: Credit approval, deposit, and, in stores & on customer service calls, $30 assisted or upgrade support charge may be required. U.S. roaming and on-network data allotments differ: includes 200MB roaming. Unlimited talk & text features for direct communications between 2 people; others [e.g., conference & chat lines, etc.] may cost extra. Unlimited high-speed data US only. In Canada/Mexico, up to 5GB high-speed data then unlimited at up to 128kbps. Not available for hotspots and some other data-first devices. Capable device required for some features. Activation required to deliver video streams at speeds that provide up to Ultra HD video capability [max 4K]; some content providers may not stream their services in UHD.  May affect speed of video downloads; does not apply to video uploads. Sprint with Hulu Offer Terms:  Reqs qualifying Sprint service plan and registration of Hulu account from Sprint phone while on the Sprint network at Incl. access to one subscription to Hulu [Hulu’s ad-supported plan] per each eligible Sprint account [excl. other Hulu plans and add-ons] while eligible Sprint plan is active and in good standing. Select Hulu content streams in HD on supported devices subject to connectivity. Tablets may stream Hulu content via included Sprint Hot Spot or may subscribe to separate unlimited data plan for tablets. For phones and tablets on a metered plan streaming will pull from monthly allotment. New or returning Hulu subscribers only. Valid also for certain existing Hulu-billed Hulu [Hulu’s ad-supported plan] subscribers [no third-party billed subscribers or premium add-on subscribers]; no prorated credit or refund for current Hulu billing month, and remaining credit balances will be forfeited. Excludes CL accounts. Not redeemable or refundable for cash or gift subscriptions. Hulu may place account on inactivity hold based on Hulu usage. Cancel Hulu anytime. Subject to Hulu terms—see Hulu offer made available by Sprint and may be modified or terminated at any time without notice. Tethering: 40 GB high-speed data then unlimited on our network at max 3G speeds. Service may be terminated or restricted for excessive roaming. For the small fraction of customers using >50GB/mo., primary data usage must be on smartphone or tablet. Smartphone and tablet usage is prioritized over Mobile Hotspot Service [tethering] usage, which may result in higher speeds for data used on smartphones and tablets. AutoPay Pricing for lines 1-10. Without AutoPay, $5 more/line/mo. May not be reflected on 1st bill. Int’l Roaming: Calls from Simple Global countries, including over Wi-Fi, are $.25/min. [no charge for Wi-Fi calls to US, Mexico and Canada]. Standard speeds approx. 128 Kbps. Not for extended international use; you must reside in the U.S. and primary usage must occur on our network. Device must register on our network before international use. Service may be terminated or restricted for excessive roaming. Coverage not available in some areas; we are not responsible for our partners’ networks. Scam Shield: Capable device req’d. Turning on Scam Block might block calls you want; disable any time. Gogo: on U.S.-based airlines; Wi-Fi Calling functionality, valid e911 address, & 1 prior Wi-Fi call w/ current SIM card req’d for messaging. Stateside Int’l Talk: Calls must originate on T-Mobile’s U.S. network or in Canada/Mexico. Rates and included countries vary and may change.

Sprint Unlimited Premium Plan: Includes unlimited domestic calling, texting, 100GB LTE MHS, VPN & P2P & data. MHS reduced to 3G speeds after 100GB/mo. Third-party content/downloads are add’l charge. Plan not avail. for tablets or MBB devices. Select Int’l svcs are included for phone lines. See Subsidized devices incur an add’l. $25/mo. charge. Must remain on Premium plan for a minimum of 30 days.

Sprint Unlimited Plus Plan: Includes unlimited domestic calling, texting, 50GB LTE MHS, VPN & P2P & data. MHS reduced to 3G speeds after 50GB/mo. Third-party content/downloads are add’l charge. Plan not avail. for tablets or MBB devices. Select Int’l svcs are included for phone lines. See Subsidized devices incur an add'l. $25/mo. charge.

Sprint Unlimited Basic Plan: Includes unlimited domestic calling, texting, 500MB LTE MHS, VPN & P2P & data. MHS reduced to 3G speeds after 500MB/mo. Third-party content/downloads are add’l. charge. Plan not avail. for tablets or MBB devices. Select Int’l svcs are included for phone lines. See Subsidized devices incur an add'l. $25/mo. charge.

Sprint Unlimited 55+ Plan: Reqs. new account activation. Acct holder must be 55 or older. 2 line max. Includes unlimited domestic calling, texting & data with 3G Mobile Hotspot VPN & P2P data. Discounted phones subject to add'l $25/mo./line. Third-party content/downloads are add’l charge. Plan not avail. for tablets/MBB devices. Select Int’l svcs are included see

Sprint Unlimited Military Plan: Includes unlimited domestic calling, texting, 500MB LTE MHS, VPN & P2P & data. MHS reduced to 3G speeds after 500MB/mo. Third-party content/downloads are add’l. charge. Plan not avail. for tablets or MBB devices. Select Int’l svcs are included for phone lines. See Subsidized devices incur an add'l. $25/mo. charge.

Unlimited Line on Us Plan: Includes unlimited domestic calling, texting, & data. Third-party content/downloads are add’l. charge. Plan not avail. for tablets or MBB devices. Select Int'l svcs. are included for phone lines with a credit check. See If any lines are deactivated during first 12 months, discount will end. Hold line: line will be charged taxes and fees while being held for future use. Call and cancel hold at any time. Offer not transferrable. Only available to intended recipient.

2GB Plan: No discounts apply [except AutoPay discounts]. Includes unlimited domestic Long Distance calling and texting. Third-party content/downloads are add’l charge. Includes selected allotment of on-network data usage for phone and mobile hotspot use and 100MB off-network data usage. Add’l on-network high-speed data allowance may be purchased at $15/GB. Mobile Hotspot Usage pulls from your data and off-network allowances. High-speed data is access to 3G/4G. Add’l $25 line/mo. applies with subsidized phone until the customer enters into a new device transaction that does not have an annual term service agreement.

Unlimited Tablet Plan: Video streams at up to 480p+ resolution, music at up to 500 Kbps, streaming cloud gaming at up to 2 Mbps. 10 GB of highspeed MHS VPN and P2P data and unlimited 4G LTE for everything else. Accts. without an active handset will incur $50/mo. charge. Includes unlimited texting on capable tablets and data. Add Unlimited premium resolution streaming for additional $20/ mo./line and get video streams at up to 1080p+, music at up to 1.5 Mbps, gaming at up to 8 Mbps. After the 10 GB, Mobile Hotspot, VPN and P2P usage will be limited to 2G speeds. Third-party content/downloads are add’l charge. Int’l svcs. are not included.

Watch Unlimited Plan: Music at up to 500 Kbps. While on the Sprint network. Reqs. 1 active handset per watch. Accts. without active handset will receive $10/mo. charge. Includes unlimited calls and texting on capable devices. Third-party content/downloads are add’l charge. Int’l svcs. are not included. Excludes roaming.

Apple Watch Standalone: Unlimited on US network only. Video streams at up to 1.5 Mbps [480p]; may affect speed of video downloads. 3G-speed MHS. No Int'l svcs. Compatible phone required for initial activation.

Tablet/Mobile Broadband Plans: Credit approval req. Third-party content/downloads are add’l charge. Int’l svcs. are not included. After high-speed data allotment is used, speeds will be reduced to 2G until the end of your bill cycle. Add’l on-network high-speed data allowance may be purchased at $10/2 GB up to 20 GB.

Data Carryover: Only avail. for on-network domestic data. Unused mo. data allowance from prior mo. rounds up to nearest KB & carries over from mo.-to-mo. Total mo. data allowance, incl. carryover data, is capped at twice the original mo. data allowance. Unused carryover data is not redeemable for cash or credit, is not transferable & expires with plan change. Applies from first full mo. bill cycle.

Sprint Essentials: Includes unlimited domestic calling, texting, and data, & 3G-speed MHS, VPN & P2P. Third-party content/downloads are add’l. charge. Plan not avail. for tablets or MBB devices. Select Int’l svcs. are included for phone lines with a credit check.

Sprint Essentials 55+: Reqs. eBill & new account activation. Acct holder must be 55 or older. 2 line max. Includes unlimited domestic calling, texting & data with 3G Mobile Hotspot VPN & P2P data. Discounted phones subject to add'l $25/mo./line. Third-party content/downloads are add’l charge. Plan not avail. for tablets or MBB devices. Select Int’l svcs. are included for phone lines with a credit check.


All device offers are for a limited time unless otherwise specified and while supplies last. Credit approval required. Monthly credits for promotional device pricing, where applicable, end at end of term, early termination, early payoff, or upgrade—whichever occurs first.

5G: Capable device required; coverage not available in some areas. While 5G access won't require a certain plan or feature, some uses/services might. See Coverage details, Terms and Conditions, and Open Internet information for network management details [like video optimization] at

Watch Offers: Accounts without an active phone line will incur a $10/mo. charge.

Overnight shipping: $14.95: Order by 1 p.m. EST Mon-Fri, get it the next business day. Some models are backordered. See for details. If the device you're ordering is backordered, we'll ship your device overnight as soon as it’s available.

Protection®: Our protection plans must be added within 30 days of activating your device. For more information, visit //

Other Terms: Offer/coverage not available everywhere or for all phones/networks. May not be combinable with other offers. Accounts that cancel lines within 30 days of activating on promo pricing may void savings. Restrictions apply. See store or for details. © 2022 - All Rights Reserved.

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