Which cybersecurity regulation strengthens data protection for European Union EU residents and addresses the export of personal data outside the EU quizlet?

  • The General Data Protection Regulation [GDPR] is a regulation that harmonizes national data privacy laws throughout the EU and enhances the protection of all EU residents with respect to their personal data.
  • This harmonization creates new rights for individuals and a set of stronger and clearer rules for businesses.
  • The GDPR applies to all companies handling the personal data of EU residents, including companies established outside the EU if they offer goods or services to EU residents or monitor their behaviour.
  • The GDPR entered into force on May 25, 2018.

What’s new with the GDPR?

  • Updated definition of personal data: Location data and online identifiers are now expressly included in the definition of personal data.
  • Comprehensive record-keeping obligation: Records are used to demonstrate compliance.
  • Stricter definition of consent: Specific, informed and unambiguous consent must be freely given by a statement or by clear affirmative action. Individuals can withdraw their consent at any time.
  • New rights for individuals: Individuals have the right to access, transfer, correct and restrict their personal data and to ask that it be destroyed.
  • New requirement to appoint a data protection officer: Companies processing personal data on a large scale must appoint a data protection officer.
  • New data breach notification requirement: Competent supervisory authorities within the EU must generally be informed within 72 hours of a personal data breach.
  • Diversified toolkit of mechanisms: The toolkit is provided to lawfully transfer data outside the EU; the transfer is subject to specific conditions and safeguards.
  • Penalties for non-compliance: Companies would be subject to fines of up to 4% of global annual turnover or €20 million, whichever is higher.

The level of obligations varies depending on the size and activities of the company, on the sensitivity of personal data and on its use. Certain exemptions may also apply.

What can organizations do?

  • Seek further information on the GDPR.
  • Evaluate your business activities and use of personal data to determine whether the GDPR applies to you.
  • Discuss with your data protection officer or seek legal advice on whether the GDPR applies to you and what you need to do.
  • If the GDPR applies to you, take the necessary measures to be compliant.

What about Canada’s adequacy decision by the EU?

  • In 2001, the EU recognized Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act [PIPEDA] as providing adequate protection.
  • Canada’s adequacy status ensures that data processed in accordance with the GDPR can be subsequently transferred from the EU to Canada without requiring additional data protection safeguards [for example, standard contractual rules] or authorization to transfer the data.
  • The GDPR provides for the continuity of existing EU adequacy decisions, including Canada’s.

Useful Resources


  • European Commission’s 2018 reform of EU data protection rules
  • Article 29 Working Party's GDPR guidelines
  • Contact information for 28 national data protection agencies
  • Canada2EU Trade Chats podcast: Navigating the EU Data Protection Regulation

Other documents produced by the Trade Commissioner Service [TCS]

  • Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement: A progressive trade agreement for a strong middle class
  • Exporting to the EU: A guide for Canadian business

Date Modified: 2021-04-01

European Union - Data Privacy and Protection 

The EU General Data Protection Regulation [GDPR], which governs how personal data of individuals in the EU may be processed and transferred, went into effect on May 25, 2018. GDPR is a comprehensive privacy legislation that applies across sectors and to companies of all sizes. It replaces the Data Protection Directive 1995/46. The overall objectives of the measures are the same – laying down the rules for the protection of personal data and for the movement of data.

Note, see Commerce’s July 16, 2020 press release on the Schrems II Ruling and Importance of EU-U.S. data Flows. According to the release, ”The Department of Commerce will continue to administer the Privacy Shield program, including processing submissions for self-certification and re-certification to the Privacy Shield Frameworks and maintaining the Privacy Shield List.”

Key Provisions:

  • GDPR is broad in scope and uses broad definitions. “Personal data” is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable living individual [data subject] such as a name, email address, tax ID number, online identifier, etc. “Processing” data includes actions such as collecting, recording, storing and transferring data.
  • A company that is not established in the Union may have to comply with the Regulation when processing personal data of EU and EEA residents [EEA countries are Norway, Lichtenstein and Switzerland]:

           a] If the company offers goods or services to data subjects in the EU; or,
           b] If the company is monitoring data subjects’ behavior taking place within the EU. 

  • The mere accessibility of a company’s website in the EU is insufficient to subject a company to GDPR, but other evidence of the intent to offer goods or services in the EU would be relevant. 
  • As a general rule, companies that are not established in the EU but that are subject to GDPR must designate in writing an EU representative for purposes of GDPR compliance. There is an exception to this requirement for small scale, occasional processing of non-sensitive data. 
  • Fines in case of non-compliance can reach up to 4% of the annual worldwide revenue or 20 million euros – whichever is higher. Companies of all sizes and sectors should consider GDPR as part of their overall compliance effort with assistance of legal counsel.
  • The European Commission and Data Protection Authorities are releasing official guidelines to help companies with their compliance process. These documents relate, for instance, to the role of the data protection officer, personal data breach notification, data protection impact assessment.
Note: the EU is currently updating its e-privacy legislation governing confidentiality of communications. This legislative instrument once enacted will add several requirements in addition to the GDPR. We encourage U.S. exporters to monitor this situation as it evolves through the EU legislative process.

For More Information: 

Full GDP Text

Official Press Release

European Commission guidance:





Transferring Customer Data to Countries Outside the EU

The General Data Protection Regulation [GDPR] provides for the free flow of personal data within the EU but also for its protection when it leaves the region’s borders. 

  • GDPR sets out obligations on data controllers [those in charge of deciding what personal data is collected and how/why it is processed], on data processors [those who act on behalf of the controller] and gives rights to data subjects [the individuals to whom the data relates]. 
  • These [above] rules were designed to provide a high level of privacy protection for personal data and were complemented by measures to ensure the protection is maintained when data leaves the region, whether it is transferred to controllers, processors or to third parties [e.g. subcontractors]. 
  • EU legislators put restrictions on transfers of personal data outside of the EU, specifying that such data could only be exported if “adequate protection” is provided.

The European Commission [EC] is responsible for assessing whether a country outside the EU has a legal framework that provides enough protection for it to issue an “adequacy finding” to that country. The U.S. has never sought to be found adequate by the EC. This means that U.S. companies can only receive personal data from the EU if they:

  • Join the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield program, or
  • Provide appropriate safeguards [e.g. standard contractual clauses, binding corporate rules], or,
  • Refer to one of the GDPR’s derogations.

For more information, consult the European Commission’s webpage on data transfers outside the EU. 

Important note: The legal environment for data transfers to the United States continues to evolve. Companies that transfer EU citizen data to the United States as part of a commercial transaction should consult with an attorney, who specializes in EU data privacy law, to determine what options may be available for a transaction.

About the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield

The EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework was designed by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the European Commission to provide companies on both sides of the Atlantic with a mechanism to comply with EU data protection requirements when transferring personal data from the European Union to the United States in support of transatlantic commerce.

   EU-U.S. Privacy Shield
   For more information about other mechanisms of transfer, please refer to:


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