What is Boot Image in WDS?

Next step in deploying Windows OS is to add the WIM files that you created with MDT into the WDS Server.

First you need to have the WDS feature installed on a server: go to Server Manager -> Add Roles and Feature -> Role-based or feature-based installation -> Select server -> Check or make sure the box is checked for Windows Deployment Services -> Next and then Install.

What is Boot Image in WDS?

After is installed go to: Tools -> Windows Deployment Services and open it. Right click on Servers -> Add Server

What is Boot Image in WDS?

You will get a new window with options about the server. If you run it on local server just choose that option or choose Another computer / Following servers.

What is Boot Image in WDS?

After we add a new server, we will connect using Remote Desktop.

What is Boot Image in WDS?

After you connected just open the WDS. We will add a new image to the server. Right click on “Boot images” and Add Boot Image.

What is Boot Image in WDS?

Assuming you already copied the WIM files after you build it with MDT, just click on Browse to select the correct file.

What is Boot Image in WDS?

Find the WIM file that you want to add with the Boot Image.

What is Boot Image in WDS?

After you selected the image, you need to add a name / description for the new image. Click Next after the name / description was added.

What is Boot Image in WDS?

Summary shows the image selected, if looks OK click on Next.

What is Boot Image in WDS?

Wait for the task to finish and if no errors show up click on Finish.

What is Boot Image in WDS?

Check that your new WinPE image is presented in Windows deployment Service.

What is Boot Image in WDS?

Next step, right click on the image and choose Properties.

What is Boot Image in WDS?

By default the Priority number for the new image is set to: 500,000. To make it at the top of the list (PXE boot menu) just change the number to the lowest number possible.

What is Boot Image in WDS?

After the image was added and we modified the Priority, we need to test the image to make sure it’s working. Boot a system connected to the wired network and use F12 (boot to network option) to load Windows images, and select new image you just added. 

What is Boot Image in WDS?

Now you are ready to deploy Windows to any computer that will choose to boot on the network and choose the right image. After a while you will have many images, because of updates (drivers or applications). If you run out of space you can delete an image, right click on image and select Delete.

What is Boot Image in WDS?

If an image became obsolete and you have no need to use, select Disable. When you disable an image, the image will still be on the server but it’s not showing on the PXE boot menu, so you cannot use that image. If you need to use a disabled image, right click on image and Enable the image.

Summary: Import Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) boot image to use with Windows Deployment Services (WDS). Import Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) boot image to use with Windows Deployment Services (WDS).

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Follow the steps below to import Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) boot images into Windows Deployment Services (WDS).

NOTE: A working knowledge of both Microsoft Deployment Toolkit and Windows Deployment Services is recommended to use this article.

Windows Deployment Services (WDS) update.

When a boot image (with updated drivers for example) is updated in MDT, it does not update WDS automatically.

This tutorial walks you through the steps to set up Windows images for deployment to the WDS VM on UCP systems. When the platform manager is SCVMM, the required Windows version is Windows Server 2012 R2 SP1. Since UCP does not redistribute Windows, you must provide your own copy.

Older versions of Windows may also be used for non-hypervisor deployments.Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 and Windows Server 2012 may also be used for non-hypervisor deployments regardless of platform manager type. Remember that only one boot.wim should be used in WDS, and it should be from the most recent version of Windows that UCP will be deploying.

For more information about Windows images, see .

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Step 1: Share your Windows images with the WDS VM

You are here: Tutorials > How to add Windows images to WDS > Step 1: Share your Windows images with the WDS VM

1.Place the Windows image so it can be accessed from the WDS VM, such as a network share

What is Boot Image in WDS?

Note: In the 4.1 release, UCP will not apply any image that has the prefix (Updated) in the image name. This is a case-sensitive value. UCP checks for this value after loading the server image. If (Updated) is found in the prefix of the image name, an error will occur when attempting to apply the service template which calls that image.

2.On the WDS VM, mount your Windows ISO by right-clicking the ISO and clicking Mount

3.Browse to view the contents of the mounted ISO

4.Copy the entire contents of the ISO onto a disk location such as D:\temp on the WDS VM.

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Step 3: Add Windows image to WDS

You are here: Tutorials > How to add Windows images to WDS > Step 2: Add Windows image to WDS

1.Open Windows Deployment Service console. To do so, click the Windows start menu icon and type WDS in the search box. Double click Windows Deployment Services

2.Under Servers, WDS.domain.name, click Install Images

3.From the Action menu, select Add Install Image

4.If applicable, type a custom group name in the first page of the wizard. Otherwise, keep the existing group. Click Next

5.Click Browse and navigate to the location where the contents of the Windows ISO was copied

6.Inside the "sources" directory, click the install.wim file and click the Open button. Click Next.

7.In the list of Available Images, remove the check-marks from any image that you do not want to be added at this time.

8.If you want to type a custom name for the image, un-check the box for "Use the default name and description for each of the selected images." Click Next

9.If typing a custom name and description, do so in the "Image Metadata" window and click Next

10.In the Summary, click Next

11.When the task is complete, click Finish

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Step 5: Add the boot.wim

You are here: Tutorials > How to add Windows images to WDS > Step 3: Add the boot.wim

Be sure to use the boot.wim from the highest version of Windows that will be installed in the UCP environment. In the case of SCVMM platform managers, this must be Windows Server 2012 R2 SP1.

1.Right click Boot Images, and then click Add Boot Image…

2.Click Browse and navigate to the boot.wim file in D:\temp\sources

3.Select the boot.wim file, click Open, and then click Next

4.Type a descriptive image name and click Next.

5.In the Summary screen, click Next.

6.When the image is added, click Finish. The image is now added under Boot Images

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Step 7: Add the drivers to the boot image with WDS

You are here: Tutorials > How to add Windows images to WDS > Step 4: Add the drivers to the boot image with WDS

Since this boot.wim may be used for older versions of Windows, these steps advise adding all the drivers that UCP has provided in the WDS Drivers group.

1.In Windows Deployment Services, locate Boot Images. Right click the previously added boot image and choose Add Driver Packages to Image…

2.Click Next.

3.Click Package Class and click Remove.

4.Click Search for Packages and the HBA and CNA drivers from all Drivers groups should show up and be checked. Click Next.

5. Click Next.

6.Click Finish.

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Step 9: Create boot unattend and image unattend files

You are here: Tutorials > How to add Windows images to WDS > Create boot unattend and image unattend files

On the WDS server there are template copies of the boot unattend and image unattend files. In this section, you will make copies of these templates and customize them for your image. When making UCP service templates, you will choose the image unattend and boot unattend files that were edited for your particular Windows image.


If the passwords in the unattend files have to be encrypted, use the SIM tool (System Image Manager) which comes in the ADK from Microsoft. (Windows® Assessment and Deployment Kit – a free download).

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Boot unattend files

You are here: Tutorials > How to add Windows images to WDS > > Boot unattend files

Boot unattend files are located in the following folder on the WDS server:



For Windows 2012/2012 R2 boot unattend


1.Make a copy of WindowsDatacenterBootUnattend.xml and place it in the folder specified above. Make the filename unique, such as Active-Windows2012R2DatacenterBootUnattend.xml.

2.Right click your copy and choose Edit.

3.Find the section

4.Edit your domain and the password for the built-in user named ucp_wdsdeploy.





5.Find the section .

6.Edit the ImageGroup and ImageNamevalues to match the names exactly as you created them in WDS.




7.Find the section.

8.Enter the product key value for your Windows image.



For Windows 2008 R2 boot unattend


1.Make a copy of Windows2008R2DatacenterBootUnattend.xml and place it in the folder specified above. Make the filename unique, like Windows2008R2DatacenterBootUnattend_ActiveCopy.xml.

2.Find the section .

3.Edit the ImageGroup and ImageName values to match the names exactly as you created them in WDS.




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Image unattend files

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Templates of image unattend files are located in the following folder on the WDS server:



For Windows 2012/2012 R2 image unattend


1.Make a copy of TemplateWindowsDatacenterImageUnattend.xml, and place it in the folder specified above. Make the filename unique.

2.Right click your copy and click Edit.

3.Find the section

4.Add the product key for your Windows image. It should match the key you entered in the boot unattend file earlier. _Your_key_here_

5.In the same section, also modify:


true</PlainText></p><p></UserAccounts></p><p><TimeZone>_Your.Time.Zone_</TimeZone></p><p><RegisteredOrganization>_Your.Org_</RegisteredOrganization></p><p><RegisteredOwner>_Your.Name_</RegisteredOwner></p><p> </p><p>To save the password with encryption, use Microsoft System Image Manager (included in the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit, or ADK). For more information, see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc766409%28v=ws.10%29.aspx.</p><p><span><span>6.</span></span>Save and close the file.</p><p>For Windows 2008 R2 image unattend</p><p> </p><p><span><span>1.</span></span>Make a copy of TemplateWindows2008R2DatacenterImageUnattend.xml and place it in the folder specified above. Make the filename unique.</p><p><span><span>2.</span></span>Edit the same values as listed in the previous section for Windows Server 2012/2012 R2.</p><p><span><span>3.</span></span>Save and close the file.</p><p>Trademarks and Legal Disclaimer</p><p><span>© <span>2014 - 2017</span> <span>(Undefined variable: GlobalVariables.CopyrightOwner)</span>. All rights reserved.</span></p><p><p><h2 id="step-11-refresh-ucp-image-inventory">Step 11: Refresh UCP image inventory</h2></p><p><p><span>You are here: </span>Tutorials<span> > </span>How to add Windows images to WDS<span> > </span><span>Step 7: Refresh UCP image inventory</span></p><hr><p><p>After finishing the preceding steps, refresh the image inventory in UCP Director so that the image can be added to a service template and deployed to blades. For specific steps to perform a refresh, see .</p><div class='paramage'></div> <div class="contenBreak"></div> <h3 id="what-is-windows-boot-image">What is Windows boot image?</h3> <div class="blockAnswer_acceptedAnswer">A boot image in Configuration Manager is <span class="FCUp0c rQMQod">a Windows PE (WinPE) image that's used during an OS deployment</span>. Boot images are used to start a computer in WinPE. This minimal OS contains limited components and services. Configuration Manager uses WinPE to prepare the destination computer for Windows installation.</div> <h3 id="how-to-create-a-boot-image-in-wds">How to create a boot image in WDS?</h3> <div class="blockAnswer_acceptedAnswer"><div class='ListData'><span class="FCUp0c rQMQod">How to add Windows images to WDS</span>.</div> <div class='ListData'>Step 1: Share your Windows images with the WDS VM..</div> <div class='ListData'>Step 3: Add Windows image to WDS..</div> <div class='ListData'>Step 5: Add the boot.wim..</div> <div class='ListData'>Step 7: Add the drivers to the boot image with WDS..</div> <div class='ListData'>Step 9: Create boot unattend and image unattend files. Boot unattend files. ... .</div> <div class='ListData'>Step 11: Refresh UCP image inventory..</div> </div> <h3 id="what-is-the-difference-between-install-image-and-boot-image">What is the difference between install image and boot image?</h3> <div class="blockAnswer_acceptedAnswer">Answers. "Install images are the operating system images that you deploy to the client computer. Boot images are the images that you boot a client computer into to perform an operating system installation.</div> <h3 id="what-is-a-wds-image">What is a WDS image?</h3> <div class="blockAnswer_acceptedAnswer"><span class="FCUp0c rQMQod">A special image type that enables a prepared computer to be booted so that its operating system state can be captured as an install image</span>. You add capture images as boot images in WDS.</div> </p></div> <div class="readmore_content_exists"><button id="readmore_content"><span class="arrow"><span></span></span>Đọc tiếp</button></div> </td></tr></table> <script async src="/dist/js/lazyhtml.min.js" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <div class="lazyhtml" data-lazyhtml> <script type="text/lazyhtml"> <div class="youtubeVideo"><h3>Video liên quan</h3> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/WG-lCZEWOa0?controls=0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> </script> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <div class="tags"> <a href="https://hoivdap.com/tags/Create capture image" class="tag-link">Create capture image</a> </div> </div> <div class="post-tools"> <button data-postid="what-is-boot-image-in-wds" class="btn btn-answerModalBox"><img class="mr-1" alt="What is Boot Image in WDS?" 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