Acer laptop keeps turning off

I bought a Acer Aspire E15 about 3 months ago, and for some reason it keeps randomly shutting down when it's not plugged in. Doesn't matter whether or not the battery is fully charged. Is this something past Acer users have experienced or do I need to take my laptop to a repair shop?

Okay, i just created an account just for this and this tip really worked for me. When you will open up the RAM cover, you will see a tiny switch on the board. Little black switch. Sometimes the problem is that this switch is not being pressed correctly. This was the problem for me as well.I just taped a little piece of paper on the rubber part on the cover which covers the RAM. This worked for me and my laptop is working like before. No shutdowns so far!

That's called the power kill switch and yes if not properly pressed the battery will not work making it shut down or black screens this is already solved in many threads around its no news 😊


UserBenchmarks: Game 43%, Desk 61%, Work 40%CPU: Intel Core i5-7300HQ - 63.5%GPU: Nvidia GTX 1050-Ti [Mobile] - 41.9%SSD: WDC WDS200T2B0B-00YS70 2TB - 71.4%HDD: WD WD10SPZX-00HKTT0 1TB - 93.7%RAM: Kingston HyperX DDR4 2666 C15 2x16GB - 76.8%MBD: Acer Predator G3-572

I'm not an Acer employee. [just here to help in the best way i can]
If my answer fixed you issue please accept it for any other users who search for it would find it quickly thanks

If you want to learn more about undervolting/optimizing windows join the Predator fb group and youtube channel:Owner/Admin [HOTEL HERO/Red-Sand/Opoka Opoka]//

Acer support:

My ACER laptop [Aspire ES14] is 10 months old and when i started experiencing random shutdowns 3 months after i purchased the unit. Until it stopped and I thought it was just some sort of update or virus scanning failure.But lately it has been unusual that everytime I use my acer laptop, it keeps shutting down. I brought it to where I purchased the unit, and the technician said that some drivers or boosters need to get updated. With this, I was so frustrated that he was not able to provide the solution. It has nothing to do with all of it. Now, what to do??? i appreciate if you could provide us with a quick solution. and not a false hope. It is so frustrating knowing that they cant even answer our querries. I use my laptop everyday and to make sure it won't shut-off during my classes, I always have to plug its powercord. please advise. thank you

​//Edited the content to add model name.   ​

In reply to Jay_bran's post on November 28, 2019

Had trouble with my acer shutting off before windows would load ran the restore and nothing would fix it then went into bios menu and moving the boot from network up to the top of the list has fixed my loading windows problem but i dont know much about why it helped and why the problem started all of a sudden ,but has been working since good luc

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Most Helpful Answer

When plugged in, does the indicator light on the laptop showing it's plugged in stay on the entire time, or does it go off if you move the connector tip inside the DC jack?

If it goes off, then you either need a new power adapter [easy to test with another similar adapter with correct voltage input] or your DC jack/jack cable/DC board needs replacing, whichever your laptop has.

If it stays on then it's possible that you have a clogged heatsink causing your laptop processor to overheat. Laptops are supposed to shut themselves off if the processor gets too hot to prevent permanent damage. What brand and model is your laptop?

I still remember when I purchased a brand new laptop to work on since an upgrade was much needed. I got an Acer Aspire that had some pretty solid specifications and it does work great. The only problem it has is that is shuts down randomly without an apparent reason. Fortunately, I found the fix and I will share with you in today’s article.

Yes, you might be tempted to consider the laptop broken [that’s what I thought, especially since it was a new purchase], but you can also try my recommended fixes for the Acer laptop shutting down randomly before sending it back or for a fix.

Apparently – and unfortunately – this is a pretty common thing with newer Acer laptop models. There are many people complaining about the same thing: their laptop shuts down without a warning at completely random intervals, with no apparent reason.

There doesn’t seem to be anything causing these shut downs, but they always occur when the charger is not plugged in – but even if the battery is full.

I started to get these random shut downs of my Acer Aspire and at first I didn’t even think it was a problem. You know, since the laptop was brand new and everything seemed to be working flawlessly, I thought that it might be a Windows update causing it or something similar.

But after a while it was pretty obvious: there’s a problem with my laptop as it shouldn’t shut down randomly and without any sort of prior warning. Therefore, I decided to find a fix for this before sending it back.

And fortunately an extremely simple trick has done wonders for me. After doing this, I used the laptop without a problem for two years now. And it only took a couple of minutes! So I am sharing what to do below, together with two other potential fixes in case my recommended one doesn’t work.

NOTE: Before attempting any of these fixes yourself, remember that a laptop should not shut down randomly – no matter what the cause is. Therefore, if it’s still in warranty, it’s probably best to send it to be replaced or repaired.

The only reason why I didn’t follow this route was that I personally installed Windows 10 on my new laptop and spent over a day downloading programs, saving passwords and copying files from my old laptop to this one.

Just going through this again sounded like a nightmare. But in most cases, it’s best to just send it back and get a new product that works flawlessly from the beginning. However, the fix recommended below should NOT void your warranty.

However, if you want to try and fix the Acer laptop shutting down randomly problems by yourself, you have a few options.

Here’s the fix that did the job for me:

Shut down your laptop, unplug the charger and turn it around. Use a screwdriver to tighten all the screws that you can see on the back board. You will be surprised [at least I was!] to see that some are VERY loose.

Don’t tighten them too much – so don’t use all your force to do it – but gently tighten them all a bit so they’re holding better. For some unknown reason [maybe some contacts not connecting as they should], this fixed the problem for me – and many others who have tried it. No more random shut downs from my Acer laptop!

But if this doesn’t fix it for you, you can try two other potential fixes to prevent your laptop from randomly shutting down without a warning:

1. Reset your laptop’s battery

First, shut down your laptop and turn it around. Get a needle or a paper clip and find the small hole near your battery.

Insert the needle/paper clip and press for about 4-5 seconds. Keep the laptop shut down for about 10 minutes, then plug in the charger and restart it.

If you want to make sure that you’re doing everything right – or if you can’t find the small hole to reset your battery – your best bet is to head over to YouTube and search for a video showing you how to do it based on your laptop model.

Even if you have an Acer laptop, the small hole will be positioned in various places depending on the model and it’s difficult to tell you here where it will be. But it’s not difficult to find it with a bit of extra research!

2. Update your BIOS

This takes quite a bit of time and dedication and should only be attempted if the other two methods fail and your laptop is no longer under warranty. If you still have it under warranty, it might be best to just send it back.

Updating your BIOS is not really recommended in most cases – but in some, like having your laptop shutting down randomly, it might help.

The process is a bit complicated, but you can find instructions on how to do it here.

Just make sure, before you attempt to update your BIOS, that there is indeed an update available for your model. And only do it if everything else failed to fix your problem.

In my case and most cases out there, simply tightening the screws a bit solves the problem like magic – as silly and unbelievable as it might sound. So definitely try it first and you might be surprised to find out that such a simple fix works!

Finally, if none of the fixes above work, the problem might be somewhere else. Your laptop might be overheating and restart or reset because of this – so you can check out the temperature installing a free program for this, but it’s very unlikely that overheating is the cause unless you’re using it to play games.

If you have this strange problem of your Acer laptop randomly shutting down without an apparent reason, feel free to comment below especially if you managed to find a fix that was not listed in this article.

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