Chuyển nhượng quyền sử dụng đất tiếng Anh la gì

Để chuyển quyền sử dụng đất cho một người khác thì chúng ta cần làm đúng thủ tục, giấy tờ. Vậy hợp đồng chuyển nhượng quyền sử dụng đất tiếng Anh sẽ được trình bày như thế nào? Mời các bạn hãy cùng theo dõi trong bài viết dưới đây nhé!

Dưới đây chúng tôi xin cung cấp mẫu hợp đồng chuyển nhượng quyền sử dụng đất tiếng Anh:

Independence – Freedom – Happiness


Pursuant to the Law on real estate trading dated November 25, 2014

Pursuant to the Law on land dated November 29, 2013 and its guiding documents

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. ……../2015/NĐ-CP dated……, 2015 on guidelines for the Law on real estate trading

Pursuant to other legal bases

We are:

Enterprise’s name: ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Certificate of enterprise registration/certification of business registration: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Enterprise identification number:…………………………………………………………………

Legal representative: …………………………………..Position: …………………….

Phone number: ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Account number [if any]: …………………………At [bank]: …………………………

TIN: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Date of birth: …………………………………………………………………..…

ID [passport] number: ……………………….Date of issue: …../ ……./………Place of issue: …………………………………………………………..

Nationality [for foreigners]: ………………………………………………………………………..

Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Phone number: ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Email: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

If the Transferee is a person, only his/her personal information shall be specified. If the Transferee is multiple persons, each person’s information shall be specified. If the Transferee is a spouse or land use rights is marital property as prescribed by law, both spouses’ information shall be specified. If the Transferee is an organization, its information shall be specified].

We hereby reach a consensus on the transfer of land use rights with the following terms and conditions

Article 1. Land plot to be transferred

  1. Land use rights of the Transferor to the land plot:………………………………………

[land use right certificate, ….]

Land plot No: …………………………………………………………………………………….

Map No: ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Area: ……………./………m2 [In words: ………………………………. ]

Method of use:

Private area: ………………. m2

Common area: ……………… m2

Purposes: ………………………………………………………………………………….

Land use term: ……………………………………………………………………..

Origin: ……………………………………………………………………………………

Restrictions on land use rights [if any]

  1. Construction-related criteria of land plot

Density: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Number of storeys of building work: …………………..

Maximum height of building work: ………………

Other criteria according to the approved planning

  1. Building on land:
  2. a] Land with infrastructure thereon [in case of land in the project in which infrastructure is built for transfer]
  3. b] Feature of the building on land: …………….[if any]

Article 2. Transfer price

Transfer price of right to use of land plot prescribed in Article 1 of this contract: …………..VND

In which:

Transfer price of land use rights: …………………………………………………………………

Transfer price of infrastructure: …………………………………………………………………..

Sale/transfer price of building or other property on land  

VAT: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Article 3. Payment method

  1. Payment method ……………………………………………………………………………………
  2. Other: …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Article 4. Payment deadline

Lump sum or installment payment shall be agreed upon by the parties

Article 5. Handover of land and registration of land use rights

  1. Handover of land use rights
  2. a] The handover of land use rights shall be made in a record
  3. b] The Transferor shall hand over legal documents on land use rights enclosed with land use rights to the Transferee

Original of land use right certificate

Copies of legal documents on land: ……………………

Other documents as agreed: ……………………………..

  1. c] Handover on site: ……………………………………….

[In case of land transfer in a project of new urban areas, a project of housing development, a project of industrial zones’ infrastructure and other projects of building infrastructure for transfer: The Transferor shall hand over connecting points of electricity supply, water supply and drainage , etc.]

  1. Registration of land use rights
  2. a] The Transferor shall follow procedures as prescribed by law to register the land use rights for the Transferee at competent authorities as prescribed [in case of land transfer in project]
  3. b] Within … days from the date on which this contract is signed, the Transferor shall register land use rights for the Transferee at competent authorities as prescribed
  4. c] The Transferee shall cooperate with the Transferor in registering land use rights for the Transferee at competent authorities as prescribed
  5. Deadline for land transfer on site …………………
  6. Other: ……………………………………………………………………………….

[The parties may agree that the Transferee shall register land use rights by itself, in this case, the Transferor shall hand over necessary documents to the Transferee for procedures for registration of land use rights]

Article 6. Responsibility for paying taxes, fees

  1. Taxes…… shall be at ….’s expenses
  2. Charges…… shall be at ….’s expenses
  3. Other

Article 7. Rights and obligations of parties

  1. Rights and obligations of the Transferor
  2. Rights of the Transferor [in accordance with Article 38 of the Law on real estate trading]
  3. a] Request the Transferee to pay off the total amount on schedule with the method under the contract
  4. b] Request the Transferee to receive the land on schedule specified in the contract
  5. c] Request the Transferee to pay compensation for damage at the Transferee’s fault
  6. d] Do not hand over the land if the payment in full has not been given, unless otherwise agreed

đ] Other rights: ………………………………………………………………………….

  1. Obligations of the Transferor [in accordance with Article 39 of the Law on real estate trading]
  2. a] Provide sufficient and truthful information about the land and take responsibility for supplied information
  3. b] Transfer the proper area, location and condition of land as specified in the contract to the Transferee
  4. c] Register the land as prescribed in law on land and give the Certificate to the Transferee, except that the Transferee requests in writing that it shall conduct the procedures for the Certificate by itself
  5. d] Pay compensation for damage at its faults

đ] Fulfill financial obligations to the State as prescribed in regulations of law

  1. e] Other obligations
  2. Rights and obligations of the Transferee
  3. Rights of the Transferee [in accordance with Article 40 of the Law on real estate trading]
  4. a] Request the Transferor to provide sufficient and truthful information about the land
  5. b] Request the Transferor to complete the procedures and give them the Certificate
  6. c] Request the Transferor to transfer the proper area, location and condition of land as specified in the agreement to the Transferee
  7. d] Request the Transferor to pay compensation for damage at the Transferor’s fault

đ] Acquire land ownership from the date on which the land is transferred by the Transferor

  1. e] Other rights: …………………………………………………………………………….
  2. Obligations of the Transferee [in accordance with Article 41 of the Law on real estate trading]
  3. a] Pay off the total amount by the deadline to the Transferor with the method under the contract
  4. b] Ensure the rights of a third person towards the land which is transferred
  5. c] Pay compensation for damage at its faults
  6. d] Construct building in accordance with regulations of law and the approved planning

đ] Fulfill financial obligations to the State as prescribed in regulations of law

Article 8. Liabilities for breaches of contract

  1. The Transferor shall take liability for breaching the following terms
  2. The Transferee shall take liability for breaching the following terms

Article 9. Penalties for breaches of contract

  1. The Transferor shall incur penalties for any breach of contract prescribed in Clause 1 Article 8 of this contract as follows       
  2. The Transferee shall incur penalties for any breach of contract prescribed in Clause 2 Article 8 of this contract as follows

Article 10. Cases of contract termination

  1. This contract will terminate in one of the following cases

– ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

– ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

  1. Case of contract cancellation

– ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

– ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

  1. Measures for contract termination and cancellation

Article 11. Dispute settlement

During the execution of this contract, in case of dispute, the parties shall negotiate for settlement in consideration of respect for each other’s interests; in case of failure to settlement, the parties shall chose either court or arbitration proceedings as prescribed

Article 12.  Effective date of contract

  1. This contract comes into force from …….. [or from date on which it is notarized by notary or authenticated by the People’s Committee if required by law]
  2. This contract shall be made in … copies with equal value, each party shall keep … copy/copies, … copy/copies shall be kept in tax authority, … and … copy shall be kept in the agency competent to issue certificate of land use right and ownership right of building.

Một số giấy tờ liên quan đến chuyển nhượng đất đai 

Căn cứ theo khoản 1 và khoản 3 điều 188 trong Luật Đất Đai 2013 thì khi chuyển nhượng đất cần đủ các điều kiện sau:

  • Có giấy chứng nhận quyền sử dụng đất.
  • Đất chuyển nhượng không có tranh chấp
  • Vẫn còn trong thời hạn sử dụng đất.
  • Quyền sử dụng đất không bị kê biên để đảm bảo thi hành án
  • Việc chuyển nhượng quyền sử dụng đất phải được đăng ký chính thức tại các cơ quan có thẩm quyền và có hiệu lực từ khi đăng ký vào sổ địa chính.

Các thủ tục chuyển nhượng quyền sử dụng đất

Quy trình các bước chuyển nhượng quyền sử dụng đất như sau:

Bước 1: Công chứng hợp đồng và cá giấy tờ chuyển nhượng quyền sử dụng đất.

Bước 2: Nộp hồ sơ đến cơ quan nhà nước.

Bước 3: Thực hiện nghĩa vụ tài chính ngay khi có thông báo từ cơ quan thuế.

Bước 4: Nhận giấy chứng nhận quyền sử dụng đất trong vòng 30 ngày kể từ lúc nhận đủ hồ sơ hợp lệ. 

Hình 2: Ảnh minh họa quy trình chuyển nhượng đất đai. 

Và trong bài viết trên chúng tôi đã cung cấp mẫu hợp đồng chuyển nhượng tiếng Anh cũng như các thông tin liên quan. Hy vọng sẽ giúp ích được cho bạn đọc trong việc thực hiện các thủ tục chuyển nhượng đất đai!

quyền sử dụng đất

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