Pet Merge in utopia

The new update has brought a new merged pet that adventurers can get excited about! Introducing "Neupe Emperor", a pet that mainly uses its bare hand to fight! We can refer to it as a figther or a boxer! Let's find out how to merge it smoothly and reach initial quality to enable Evolution up to 6th Grade Evolution!

Pet Merge in utopia

Before proceeding, I highly recommend preparing early and start taming the needed pets! We'll mainly need Horned Bulls and Giant T-Rexs to merge this new figther merge pet! Soon you'll be happy as your new pet does groundsmash!

Pet Merge in utopia

Merging Requirements

You'll only need five pets in total! However, it may take time as you'll need to meet the minimum quality of the pets before merging. Just make sure follow this guide and learn how to merge the newest merge pet in Beia "Neupe Emperor".

Qty.MonsterFeed RecipeLocation
2Horned BullWhite Lotus Feed + Wheat Feed + Rare Meat FeedPrarie
1King Horned BullWhite Lotus Feed + Wheat Feed + Uncommon Meat FeedPrarie
1T-RexTruffle + Potato Feed + Quality Meat FeedAll Around
1Dark T-RexGeoduck + Rare Meat Feed + Uncommon Meat FeedLalu Volcano

Here's a tip, always check trading house to get the most affordable deal, try to check the pet feed's price compared to those that was already tamed. Maybe get a great deal in the Trading House compared to taming it yourself with a risk of getting low stats pet.

Merging Pet Quality

It may not be recommended to get the highest possible stats of the monsters since we don't exactly know how the stats are calculated. Sometimes even we use high stats monsters, the merged pet stats can be lower than expected.

LevelMonsterHP FactorAttack FactorDefense Factor
35Horned Bull4.6+0.6+1.5+
40King Horned Bull4.8+0.6+1.6+
50Dark T-Rex3.1+1.8+0.0+

I know it may be hard to collect this specific stats, but atleast try to balance the stats you tame given above, for example if the recommeneded attack factor is 4.3 then you got 4.2 atleast balance it with hp factor, if the recommended hp factor is 3.8 then make sure it is 3.9 to balance things out.

Pet Merge in utopia

If you're new to the game and is less familiar with pet stats, you can check it on Beia Master app, it includes important details that a pet has so you can better know Beia and its creatures! Also helpful for merging pets!

Merging Mutations Rate

If you think the only hard thing about merging is the pet stats, well you've got it wrong! Mutations are the unfortunate possibility that your pets will be abnormal and cannot be further merged until repaired. But mutation can also higher the chance of the pet getting higher stats!

StageProcessMutation Odds
1Horned Bull + Horned Bull0%
2Bighorn Fighter + King Horned Bull32%
3Bighorn Champion + T-Rex32%
4Neupe King + Dark T-Rex32%

If your merged pet happened to be mutated, you will specific stones or often refered as extractor to repair the pet! Mutations may happen at proceeding stages so you might also need to invest in buying repair stones as 32% is a huge chance for your pet to be mutated.

Merge Stones

This new merged pet follows the same amount of merge stones needed by the common 4 stages merging, you'll need exactly 30 merge stones to fully merge all the pets you've tamed and turn it into a "Neuepe Emperor".

StageProcessMerge Stones Required
1Horned Bull + Horned Bull2
2Bighon Fighter + King Horned Bull4
3Bighorn Champion + T-Rex8
4Neupe King + Dark T-Rex16

You can easily get merge stones from various ways, but also check trading house! Its super cheap so you don't need worry about the huge cost of merging these pets!

Pet Locations

Since various pets will be involved it is important to knwo where to find these pets to tame, you can easily search pet locations in Island Exploroation page of Beia Master. But here are the sneak peek of what the app offers.

Pet Merge in utopia

Dark T-Rexs are exclusively found in Lalu Volcano, an extremely hot island caused by the flowing lava out of the crater, also take note that Dark T-Rex may have already been tamed or killed by someone and might not spot one.

Pet Merge in utopia

In general, you can spot Horned Bulls in so many areas in Beia, but for ease I recommend Iridescent Valley and Forest as it inhibits both Horned Bulls and King Horned Bulls! Best place to tame and find Horned Bulls, also might spot some blue lotus and crystal lotus.

Pet Merge in utopia

And lastly, T-Rex has so many spots in Beia! Even having so many spots, bare in mind that after this update more players are hunting for it to get higher stats and be used for merging.

Merging Process

Here's a visual look on the merging process stage 1 to 4! Maybe take a look what are the changes done each stage and how certain characteristics of each pet are combined in the merged pet? This is the 1st stage of the merging process:

Pet Merge in utopia

We can see that a four legged creature has evolved in a minotaur looking monster! So much muscles can be seen that suggests its instinct of being a fighter! Now take a look at the 2nd stage of the merging process:

Pet Merge in utopia

No major changes was done but that body marks are noticable enough as an upgrade! Let's now have a look at the 3rd stage process maybe some major changes especially with the T-Rex as a merged pet!

Pet Merge in utopia

Whoaaaa! An awesome changes, new colored body marks, a necklace? and especially the upgraded gaunlet! It now looks more thuggy and stronger! And lastly the last stage in the process:

Pet Merge in utopia

Ohhh look at those changes! New spiky shoulder guards, bigger necklace? and new color! This new merged pet looks so much as a minotaur fighter! Maybe ready for some action that include ground smashing attacks!

Evolution Process

If you're rich enough then you might be interested in evolving your pet up to 6th evolution! Take a look at this creative illustration on how the 6th evolution looks like! A mighty figther with electric effects and fiery look:

Pet Merge in utopia

Evolving merged pet can be quite expensive or can we say really expensive? But luckily you can still evolve 1-2 by buying in the Trading House or exchanging family coins to Neupe Emperor Advance Fragments in the Hearth Shop.

115 Neupe Emperor Advance FragmentsFree
245 Neupe Emperor Advance FragmentsFree
312 Neupe Emperor Evolution Stone1920 Credits
425 Neuepe Emperor Evolution Stone4000 Credits
530 Neupe Emperor Evolution Stone4800 Credits
635 Neupe Emperor Evolution Stone5600 Credits
Total60 Advance/120 Evolution Stone16,320 Credits

You can alternatively buy a shop exclusive pack for evolving the merged pet by 1-2 for 840 Credits that gives enough advance fragments for evolving quicker! May only be applicable for rich players in Beia.

Evolution Quality

Before you can evolve your merged pet make sure it meets the highes possible initial quality to allow it evolve till the max grade which is the 6th evolution. This why the given recommended stats of each pets to be merged is neccesarry to ensure you get high quality merge pet that will be evolved till evo6.

EvolveTotal Initial Quality Required

Please keep in mind that it is better not to invest in low stats pets if you plan to merge as low stats and low quality merged pets tends to be so cheap that won't cover the amount of investment you spend for merging it.

Merged Pet Skills

No details yet, will be updated as soon as possible. This post will be posted as BigBanner in Beia Master with the thumbnail 0.