Sow ones wild oats là gì

Idiom[s]: sow one's wild oats


to do wild and foolish things in one's youth. [Often assumed to have some sort of sexual meaning.]• Dale was out sowing his wild oats last night, and he's in jail this morning.• Mrs. Smith told Mr. Smith that he was too old to be sowing his wild oats. v. phr. To do bad or foolish things, especially while you are young. Mr. Jones sowed his wild oats while he was in college, but now he is a wiser and better a wild life as a young person As a youth he lived a reckless life. He sowed a few wild oats.If a young man sows his wild oats, he has a period of his life when he does a lot of exciting things and has a lot of sexual relationships. for e.g. He'd spent his twenties sowing his wild oats but felt that it was time to settle down.wild oats
see sow one's wild oats.

The youthful rebelliousness or promiscuity that one partakes in before settling down. Most commonly used in the phrase "sow [one's] wild oats." Bill and I had to break up because I was looking to get married, and he just wanted to sow his wild oats! You can't sow your wild oats forever! Soon, you'll want a wife and a house, and you'll regret the things you're doing now.Learn more: oat, wild
To behave foolishly and indulge in excess while one is young. The term has been around since at least the late sixteenth century. It alludes to sowing inferior wild grain instead of superior cultivated grain, analogous here to sexual promiscuity, and suggests that one will eventually outgrow such foolishness. As Thomas Hughes wrote in Tom Brown at Oxford [1861], “A young fellow must sow his wild oats,” but he then adds, “You can make nothing but a devil’s maxim of it.”Learn more: sow, wild
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Idiom[s]: sow one's wild oats


to do wild and foolish things in one's youth. [Often assumed to have some sort of sexual meaning.]• Dale was out sowing his wild oats last night, and he's in jail this morning.• Mrs. Smith told Mr. Smith that he was too old to be sowing his wild oats. v. phr. To do bad or foolish things, especially while you are young. Mr. Jones sowed his wild oats while he was in college, but now he is a wiser and better man.

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