Why is my remote desktop screen black when I log in?

Black Screen while RDP on Windows-10

We are using Windows-10 for Desktop application. Since we hare accessing all the PCs from remote, when we try to connect the PC, Black screen is getting and after sometime Message is popping " Failed to reconnect to your remote session. Please try to reconnect again". Once this message appeared, It wont be connected until PC restarted. Once PC restarted, 2-3 time RDP will be connected, after that again same will appear. We tried basic which seen in google like Disable persistent bitmap cache etc. but issue is still persisting.



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ElevenYu-MSFT · Jul 28, 2021 at 05:36 AM


Do you have any further question? Please feel free to update.

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Spruijt-IT-Consultancy answered Oct 6, '21 | Spruijt-IT-Consultancy edited Oct 7, '21

I can confirm that "Prevent installation of devices not described by other policy setting", which I changed to "Not Configured" works !!!

But ! there was an issue with de device setup class settings in the GPO System/Device Installation/Device Installation Restrictions: "Allow non-administrators to install drivers for these device setup classes" or "Allow installation of devices using drivers that match these device setup classes"

I hade some default classes defined in there and the Mouse setup class {4d36e96f-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} was entered with a trailing space :-]

in the Windows\INF\setupapi.dev.log i noticed the following:

dvi: Class GUID of device changed to: {4d36e96f-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}. ndv: {Core Device Install} 14:23:30.993 dvi: {Install Device - TERMINPUT_BUS\UMB\2&2C22BCC9&0&SESSION13MOUSE1} 14:23:31.009 dvi: Device Status: 0x01802400 [0x01 - 0xc0000361] dvi: Parent Device: UMB\UMB\1&841921d&0&TERMINPUT_BUS !!! pol: The device is explicitly restricted by the following policy settings: !!! pol: [-] Restricted installation of devices not described by policy !!! pol: {Device installation policy check [TERMINPUT_BUS\UMB\2&2C22BCC9&0&SESSION13MOUSE1] exit[0xe0000248]} !!! dvi: Installation of device is blocked by policy! dvi: Device Status: 0x01802400 [0x01] dvi: {Install Device - exit[0xe0000248]} 14:23:31.040 dvi: {Core Device Install - exit[0xe0000248]} 14:23:31.056

Once i remove the trailing space in de GPO the logs shows: [after gpupdate]

: Previously blocked device is now allowed by policy [TERMINPUT_BUS\UMB\2&2C22BCC9&0&SESSION13MOUSE1] pol: {Device Removal Initiated by Policy Change [TERMINPUT_BUS\UMB\2&2C22BCC9&0&SESSION13MOUSE1]}

So if you hav eany weird issues with RDP, not connecting, black screen or even disconnects after logon check the device log for device installation issues :-]


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ElevenYu-MSFT answered Jul 26, '21 | ElevenYu-MSFT commented Jul 30, '21


Thank you for posting your issue to Q&A forum.

Please kindly try below solution to see if they can help to resolve your problem.

  1. When black screen displays, Press Alt+Ctrl+End to see if task manager will show.

  2. Then click cancel and see if desktop will show

  3. If only Task Manager but no Desktop appears try running Explorer from Task Manager: File > New Task > Explorer.exe

Also, please try to configure below group policies to see if the issue could resolved.

On the client machine:
Computer Configuration>Administrative Templates>Windows Components>Remote Desktop Services>Remote Desktop Connection Client
Turn Off UDP On Client - Enabled

On the remote machine:
Computer Configuration>Administrative Templates>Windows Components>Remote Desktop Services>Remote Desktop Session Host>Remote Session Environment
WDDM graphics display driver for Remote Desktop Connections - Disabled


If the Answer is helpful, please click "Accept Answer" and upvote it. Thanks.


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SajathPS-8248 · Jul 29, 2021 at 02:09 PM

Please find my response: When black screen displays, Press Alt+Ctrl+End to see if task manager will show ...> No Its not showing

Client Computer: Done the setting as per above

Host Computer: There is no such setting in Windows -10

However, I found one setting was enabled in GPO "Prevent installation of devices not described by other policy setting", which I changed to "Not Configured" and problem seems resolved. So I kept under observation.

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ElevenYu-MSFT SajathPS-8248 · Jul 30, 2021 at 01:25 AM

Thanks for your update.

Hope the issue could be totally resolved.

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HarshaJK-6782 answered Nov 10, '21

  1. Set the RDC display options to "Full Screen" [usually the default].

  2. Press "Ctrl + Shift + Esc" to bring up the task manager.

  3. In the task manager app, click File -> Run new task

  4. Type "explorer" and press enter.

After following the above steps you should be able to see the Desktop load completely.


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Fix 1 – Change the resolution

Changing the resolution has fixed the issue for many users.

1. At first, type “Remote Desktop Connection” in the search box.

2. Then, tap on the “Remote Desktop Connection” to access it.

3. Now, click on “Show Options” to view all the available options.

3. When the Remote Desktop Connection opens up, go to the “Display” tab.

4. After that, slide the ‘Resolution’ slider to a lower value than the full resolution.

5. Finally, click on “Connect“.

6. If the screen is still appearing to be black, slide down the resolution further to use a lower resolution.

7. Then, tap on “Connect” to connect to the remote system.

This time the remote desktop should appear just normal.

Fix Remote Desktop Black Screen

Note: This article was originally written on reich-consulting.net. Reich Web Consulting has narrowed its focus to the web and no longer offers tech support services, so we’ve moved all of our tech support content off-site. We hope you find this article useful. It is provided as-is, and we will no longer provide support on this topic.

Every once in a while I’ll try to log into a server and get what I call the Remote Desktop Black Screen of Death. No matter how many times I log out, log in, try to switch resolutions, etc. I could never defeat it. Fortunately I just discovered a simple solution: hit the Remote Desktop equivalent of Control+Alt+Delete, which is Control+Alt+End.

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