Why is party unity harder to achieve for the party out of power than it is for the party in power quizlet?

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Why is party unity harder to achieve for the party out of power than it is for the party in power quizlet?

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Why is party unity harder to achieve for the party out of power than it is for the party in power quizlet?

Politics in States and Communities

15th EditionSusan A. MacManus, Thomas R. Dye

177 solutions

Why is party unity harder to achieve for the party out of power than it is for the party in power quizlet?

American Government

1st EditionGlen Krutz

412 solutions

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Terms in this set (18)

political party

a group of persons who seek to control government through the winning of elections and the holding of public office

political spectrum

range of political views


Government action based on firm allegiance to a political party

single-member district

electoral district in which only one candidate is elected to each office


supported by two parties


general agreement

single-issue parties

Parties that concentrate on only one public policy matter

economic protest parties

Parties rooted in poor economic times, lacking a clear ideological base, dissatisfied with current conditions and demanding better times

splinter parties

parties that have split away from one of the major parties


a unit into which cities are often divided for the election of city council members


A voting district

Why would voters cast their votes sole based on a candidate's political affiliation?

you should have an idea about what they stand for and believe in

Describe 5 things political parties do in American politics.

1- informs and activates supporters

2- prompts is successful candidates to perform well in office-bonding agent function

3- they help the government run smoothly

4- the watchdog function (???)

5- political parties help make democracy work

Why does America have a two-party system?

-Constitution made no provisions about political parties

-tradition: Americans accept the idea of a two-party system simply because there has always been one

-electoral system promotes it

Describe how single-member districts discourage minor parties.

only one party can win and minor parties don't have the support or the history that major parties do

What are the types of minor parties?

1. ideological
2. single issue
3. economic protest
4. splinter parties

Explain the differences between party organization at the national level compared to the State and local level.


Why is party unity harder to achieve for the party out of power than it is for the party in power?

the party out of power does not have the President

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