addAll ArrayList Java

Java ArrayList addAll(int index, Collection c) Method example

By Chaitanya Singh | Filed Under: Java Collections

In the last tutorial we have shared the example ofaddAll(Collection c) method which is used for adding all the elements of Collection c at the end of list. Here we will see another variant add(int index, Collection c)which adds all the elements of c at the specified index of a list.

public boolean addAll(int index, Collection c)


In this example we have two ArrayList of String type and we are adding the element of second arraylist at the 3rd position(index =2) of first arraylist.

package; import java.util.ArrayList; public class ExampleOfaddAllMethod { public static void main(String[] args) { // ArrayList1 ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); al.add("Apple"); al.add("Orange"); al.add("Grapes"); al.add("Mango"); System.out.println("ArrayList1 before addAll:"+al); //ArrayList2 ArrayList al2 = new ArrayList(); al2.add("Fig"); al2.add("Pear"); al2.add("Banana"); al2.add("Guava"); System.out.println("ArrayList2 content:"+al2); //Adding ArrayList2 in ArrayList1 at 3rd position(index =2) al.addAll(2, al2); System.out.println("ArrayList1 after adding ArrayList2 at 3rd Pos:\n"+al); } }


ArrayList1 before addAll:[Apple, Orange, Grapes, Mango] ArrayList2 content:[Fig, Pear, Banana, Guava] ArrayList1 after adding ArrayList2 at 3rd Pos: [Apple, Orange, Fig, Pear, Banana, Guava, Grapes, Mango]

Reference:, java.util.Collection)