Foul mood là gì

Bad mood là gì

Bad mood là gì

28 Tháng Sáu, 2021

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Tóm Tắt

  • mood
  • mood
    • Từ điển Collocation
    • Từ điển WordNet
    • File Extension Dictionary
    • English Synonym and Antonym Dictionary


mood /mu:d/ danh từ [ngôn ngữ học] lối, thứcimperatives mood: lối mệnh lệnhsubjunctive mood: lối cầu khẩn [âm nhạc] điệu danh từ tâm trạng; tính khí, tâm tính, tính tìnhto be in a merry mood: ở tâm trạng vui vẻa man of moods: người tính khí bất thường

Word families [Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs]: mood, moodiness, moody, moodily

Xem thêm: điện Tử Là Gì Ngành Công Nghệ Kỹ Thuật điện


Từ điển Collocation

mood noun

ADJ. amiable, cheerful, good, happy, jolly, jovial She was not in the best of moods. | exultant, jubilant | bullish, buoyant, confident, optimistic She was in a bullish mood about the future of the company. | bad, black, filthy, foul, rotten, terrible | pessimistic | gloomy, melancholy, sombre | contemplative, introspective, pensive, reflective, serious, sober, thoughtful | expansive, talkative | mellow, relaxed | restless | changeable, changing I cant keep up with his constantly changing moods. | defiant The sacked workers were in defiant mood as they entered the tribunal. | generous | funny, strange Hes in a funny mood today?who knows how hell react? | playful | festive It was Christmas and everyone was in festive mood. | national, popular, public a prime minister who can gauge the popular mood

VERB + MOOD be in Dont talk to Miranda today?shes in a terrible mood! | get sb in, put sb in The music helped to put them in a more relaxed mood. | create, evoke | affect | match, reflect, suit Choose colours to match your mood. The weather seemed to reflect his sombre mood. | capture a film that has captured the mood of the moment | gauge

MOOD + VERB change | darken | improve, lift, lighten His mood lifted as he concentrated on his driving.

MOOD + NOUN swing After the accident he suffered violent mood swings.

PHRASES be in no mood for sth I tried to make him laugh, but he was in no mood for jokes. | a change of mood Instantly he felt her change of mood.

Từ điển WordNet


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File Extension Dictionary

Amarok Data File

English Synonym and Antonym Dictionary

moodssyn.: disposition feeling frame of mind humor nature phase temperament

Chuyên mục: Hỏi Đáp

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